Student news

  • Social distancing at home

    Coronavirus welfare advice: Being an adult at home

    You may have noticed that when you go home you have a tendency to regress - to become a younger, less mature version of yourself. If so, you aren’t alone.

  • girl working on laptop

    Support for remote teaching in Trinity term

    Academics and professional staff have been busy during the Easter vacation making plans for Trinity Term teaching so that we can offer you an educational experience that is as close as possible to that delivered normally. Staff have been putting the right tools in place to allow a rapid transition to online teaching and assessment, where tutorials, classes and exams will be available online.

  • exam schools graphic image

    Further guidance on open-book exams

    The guidance for students taking open-book exams has now been updated, providing more information about exam start times if you are outside the UK and extra guidance on using the Lens app for scanning content as part of your exam response. Read the updated candidate guide online. A short video is also available online highlighting key points to remember when preparing for and taking the exams.

  • Working from home

    Get expert careers guidance and support

    In this time of change, you may find yourself with opportunities to think about your career, or feel prompted to give it more attention.

  • Stressed student biting pencil.

    Coronavirus welfare advice: Can’t work?

    Many students are describing how hard it is to concentrate on academic work right now. Below we outline some strategies and ways of thinking about work that may help you on your way to productivity. 

  • Sad woman

    Coronavirus welfare advice: Normalising your emotions during this time

    During this current pandemic it’s likely that you are experiencing a raft of emotions, from shock, anger, loss, grief, relief or numbness. There are no right or wrong feelings to have.

  • Young adult using laptop

    Welcome message from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education – Trinity term 2020

    Welcome back for Trinity term – wherever in the world you might be.  This is a remarkable time for everyone in

  • woman remote working

    What technology should I use when studying from home?

    Working environment  

    Before considering the technical aspects of what 

  • BWW

    Free online support through Big White Wall

    We understand that the pandemic is a worrying time for many of you. Student Welfare and Support Services remain available through online and telephone appointments, and Oxford students can now also access free online support 24/7 through Big White Wall

  • Student remote working from bedroom

    Top tips for adapting to remote learning

    1. Find the best space that you can to work in. If you live with others, is there a quieter room that you can use? Can you use headphones or suitable music to cut out any distractions. Ideally you will need a desk or table to work at with good lighting and away for household noise
