Student news

  • rad camera

    Planning for Michaelmas Term 2020

    The University and colleges intend to be open and operational in the 2020/21 academic year, with the optimum combination of face-to-face teaching and online learning, and a fully operational research programme. A high-level working group, known as the Michaelmas Coordination Group (MCG), has been established, bringing together the colleges and University, to create an operational framework for Michaelmas term and beyond.

  • student at desk with laptop and coffee mug

    Coffee, chat & connect with Coffee Ambassadors

    OU Coffee Ambassadors is an initiative by students, for students and junior researchers. The service offers free coffee chats with fellow students via Microsoft Teams (previously held in local Oxford café's) - so you can get a break by grabbing company, coffee (or tea, or hot chocolate) and confidential conversation.

  • statues in the horizon separated on a beach shoreline

    Coronavirus welfare advice: Locked down, not locked in

    Dreaming of another place, hoping for a glance of what might be over the horizon, is all we can do in lockdown. Tethered to one place, one room, one chair even, for much of the day, we work, study and try to rest. Our own company or that of the same ‘others’ day after day – with no end in sight –, can tempt our mind to lock in to static ways of thinking.

  • Man sat on bed on laptop. Photo by Parker Gibbons on Unsplash

    Your Digital Life During Lockdown

    There are good reasons to spend more time looking at screens.  In lockdown,  they are our portals to the world, enabling us to access news, to maintain human connections, to have 'virtual' experiences,  and of course to study and work.  But they can also cause problems.

  • Student thinking by window

    Hardship funding available to support students impacted by the coronavirus

    If you have been impacted by coronavirus then Faculties, Departments, Colleges, and central services have limited hardship funding that may be able to help you. 

    Find out more about hardship funding on the dedicated webpage or other funding options on the Fees & Funding website

  • Clapping hands

    Coronavirus welfare advice: Importance of compassion and gratitude in times of crisis and beyond

    During the current coronavirus pandemic there have been a number of positive things to emerge from the crisis. Time to slow down and reflect on the important things in life. Cleaner air and quieter towns.

  • LGBT Pride Flag

    Coronavirus welfare advice: LGBT+ at Home

    It may be that for the period of pandemic lockdown, you have had no alternative but to return home to family who do not yet know about, or who do not accept your sexuality or gender identity. If so, this could be a very challenging time for you.   

  • Stressed student who need welfare support

    Coronavirus welfare advice hub now available

    There are articles about facing loss, positive mindsets, a podcast series for finalists as well as a range of articles including writing a journal and normalising emotions. The page is being updated regularly and you can expect more articles and podcasts soon.

  • woman with laptop

    Tips for secure remote learning

    As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many students have been studying remotely since the start of Trinity term. It is important not to let your guard down, so we've created some tips to ensure you continue to keep safety and security in mind when studying remotely.

    Follow these tips to make sure you're keeping your studies secure and safe. 

  • Martin Williams

    Update from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

    As we approach the midpoint of Trinity term, I would like to share my appreciation for the way that so many of you have adapted to the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in. 

    It is a testament to the adaptability and ingenuity of Oxford students how readily you have taken to different aspects of remote University life. From online socials and club meet-ups, to digital debates and elections, to the rapid move to online teaching and assessment; you have collectively ensured that student life at Oxford continues in its usual spirit despite the distance between us. 
