Colleges provide accommodation for all undergraduate students during their first year of study and for at least one other year of their course. Many colleges are also able to provide accommodation to graduate students.
Undergraduate students
All first year undergraduate students are offered college accommodation either on the main site of their college or in a nearby college annexe.
All colleges offer at least one further year of accommodation and some offer this for the entire duration of your degree. You may choose to take up the option to live in your college for the whole of your time at Oxford, or you might decide to arrange your own accommodation after your first year - perhaps because you want to live with a spouse, or with friends from other colleges.
If you choose to ‘live out’, Oxford has a large selection of privately-rented houses and flats available. Living out does tend to be more expensive as houses are normally rented for the whole year rather than just for term time. However, this does mean that you would have somewhere to stay if you wanted to study out of term or take a holiday job in Oxford. Students who live out still have use of all their college’s facilities including meals and washing machines.
Graduate students
Colleges provide a variety of accommodation options. Some colleges will have various different options, others may have a dedicated block (or blocks) of accommodation of a similar type/cost. Some colleges are able to guarantee accommodation for their incoming graduates, other colleges may only be able to accommodate a proportion of their graduates.
If your college isn't able to house you, the University has a range of accommodation options for full-time graduate students, including accommodation for couples and families managed by the University. Find out more through on the Graduate Accommodation Office website.
If you decide to look for accommodation outside your college or the University, Oxford has a large selection of privately-rented houses and flats available.
Oxford SU provide guidance on living out to all students and can help you if you have questions or concerns about accommodation.
If you are considering private accommodation, please be aware that the University's residency requirements apply to all full-time students.