Student news

  • Exam wellbeing: new resources for all students

    Navigating exams can be difficult, but the University is committed to supporting you through the process. A new Exam Wellbeing hub has been created to help when you have exams ahead. It offers a range of practical advice – giving you a chance to take charge of your revision; prepare and practice for exams; manage anxiety; and think about your physical care. The resources are now live on the Exam Wellbeing page.

  • Make a difference at Oxford with the Student Advisory Group

    Share your views about University with the Student Advisory Group. As a member you'll have the opportunity to hear the opinions of other students and share your own thoughts on student campaigns, new initiatives, events, changes to University processes and more.

    The meetings take place once a term – with pizzas provided. In addition to attending termly meetings, you may also be asked to respond to three online polls per term.

  • Micro-Internship Programme Hilary Term 2019/20 opening soon

    Applications for this term’s micro-internship opportunities open Wednesday 15 January, with placements taking place in Week 9 and 10 of Hilary term.

    Micro-internships are short-term work experience placements (two to five days), which take place at the end of each term and are full-time and voluntary.

  • Seven amazing collections to discover for free

    Did you know that students enjoy free admission to the University’s Gardens, Libraries and Museums - including exhibitions?

    Discover the origin of animals at the Museum of Natural History, learn about the myriad stories behind maps at the Weston Library, and explore a range of famous artists at the Ashmolean Museum.

    Just show your University Card to enjoy free admission. Visit to learn more about the University’s collections and find out what events are taking place this month.

  • Vegan dish

    Veganuary student blog

    Were you aware of the fact that the University of Oxford has some of the most research on plant-based vegan diets? One of the main impacts that a vegan diet has is on your environmental footprint. By going vegan for a month, you are saving 273kg of CO2. This is as much as a flight from London to Munich! You wonder why? For every litre of milk and every gram of meat, a living animal has to be fed.

  • students

    Academic English Hilary Term Enrolment now open

    Enrolment is now open for Hilary term Academic English courses at the Language Centre.

    The Academic English courses help international students improve their academic written and spoken communication – building skills and increasing confidence.

    They are taught by specialists in Academic English and designed to meet the needs of students at the University. There are also courses for partners of University students who are not members of Oxford.

    Find out more on the Language Centre website

  • Three students revising and taking notes

    Booking now open for exam study skills seminars

    Exam study skills seminars, mock exams and exam orientation seminars are held throughout Hilary term and Trinity term with events starting from 20 January 2020.

    These events are designed to help you prepare for exams by providing advice on revision, preparation, time management and regulations, whilst enabling you to familiarise yourself with the exam venues and ask staff any questions you have in relation to your exams.

    Further information and booking details are available on the exams website.

  • students

    Are you interested in school outreach opportunities?

    The University’s central outreach team run a wide variety of outreach activity and there are often teaching and other opportunities.

    Below are examples of some of the work that has been undertaken in the past by postgraduate students and early career academics:

  • Students sat in a lecture

    Academic English Hilary Term Enrolment now open

    Enrolment is now open for Hilary term Academic English courses at the Language Centre.

    The Academic English courses help international students improve their academic written and spoken communication – building skills and increasing confidence.

    They are taught by specialists in Academic English and designed to meet the needs of students at the University.

    There are also courses for partners of University students who are not members of Oxford.

    Find out more on the Language Centre website.

  • Examinations school Christmas closures

    The Submissions Desk and Student Information Desk at the Examinations School will be closed on the following dates and times in December 2019 and January 2020:
    •             Thursday 19 December from 5pm until 8.30am on Thursday 2 January

    If you plan to submit work during this holiday period, the building will be closed for submissions delivered in person, by post or by courier. Submissions made via the Examination Schools post box will not obtain proof of submission.
