Student news

  • Houses of Parliament

    Register to vote in the general election by 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June

    If you are eligible to vote in the next general election on Thursday 4 July, ensure you are registered to do so (whether in Oxford or at your UK home address).

    On this page you can also check the ways you can vote (in person, postal, or by proxy) and whether you have the correct photo identification ahead of time.

  • Oxford skyline in black and white.

    Changes to University statutes – information for students

    Page last updated 18 June 2024

    What are University statutes?

    The University statutes outline how the University of Oxford is governed - including key governance groups such as Congregation and Council, colleges and departments, libraries and museums, staff, students, property and discipline.

  • Students on a college lawn

    Keep Oxford Tidy

    Littering in Oxford is an increasing issue in the city's green spaces, especially as the weather warms up. This not only spoils these natural spaces for others in our community, but can also cause harm to wildlife. Please play your part as you enjoy the outdoors by binning your rubbish (or taking it home if a bin is full, or there isn't one nearby), especially if you're celebrating after exams.

    Impact on wildlife

  • Lauren speaking with the Colloquium's Brasenose student team

    Student blog: The Oxford Students' Green Plate

    What interested you to sign up to the Colloquium?

    As a biologist, climate permeates every aspect of my course – in almost every lecture we learn about another way that our changing climate is affecting the biosphere, and how we as humans will be able to live as part of it. So, when I saw that the Vice Chancellor’s Colloquium would focus on climate change, I knew I needed to apply and take the opportunity to be involved in the discussion.

  • Pink background with 'Oxford SU transformation' and directional arrows

    Start of Trinity update on Oxford SU

    Oxford SU has published a dedicated page outlining its transformation plan

  • Exeter College Porter's Lodge

    Support and safety from a Safe Lodge

    If something has happened, or you simply feel unsafe or uncomfortable, the host lodge will provide you with a friendly welcome. Your home college lodge will then be contacted to arrange safe return, with further support services made available if needed.

    Visit the Safe Lodge page to view a map and list of participating colleges.

  • Student in sub fusc holding up their phone to take a photo

    Social media guidance

    Social media can bring enormous benefits and opportunities. However, it can also bring significant risks.

    The University has existing guidance for students on social media, available for you to familiarise yourself with.

    Please contact your college (or your department if you don't have a college) in the first instance if you have any queries.

  • Student blog: Reflections on the power of the learning on Stephen Lawrence Day

    “As a Scholar, one of the ways I take advantage of the power of learning is that I am encouraged to develop a commercially aware outlook that follows current socioeconomic, political, legal, and technological issues. In analysing how these issues affect businesses, we develop a more entrepreneurial mindset.  

  • Oxford student Tom Barrett in front of an image of the historic Sir Roger Bannister running his 4-minute mile

    Student blog: Celebrating Sir Roger Bannister's four-minute mile

    “On Monday 6 May, everyone is encouraged to enter this mass participation mile taking place along Oxford’s High Street. Think of it like a London Marathon style event, but through the beautiful streets of Oxford, finishing on Iffley Road at the site where Roger Bannister made history 70 years ago.”

    Tom studied for his undergraduate degree at Oxford and has remained here ever since, playing an active part in the University’s Cross Country and Athletics Clubs.

  • Two students looking at a phone

    MyOxford student app pilot

    Students from a selection of col
