Student news

  • Celebrate Sustainably and avoid a fine

    There are lots of ways you can choose to celebrate after your exams, without impacting our environment or local community.

    Celebrate your achievements sustainably, just as many students have chosen to do in recent years. 

  • Consideration and Respect for Exams

    Consideration and Respect for Exams

    We’re asking everyone to be considerate and respectful this term, to give students the best chance in their assessments.

    We ask you to keep noise to an absolute minimum on weekdays from 9am to 6pm until Friday 21 June, as even if you have finished, other students will still be sitting their exams. 

    Exam venues

  • A person in bed looking at their phone.

    Supportive sleep resources

    • Workshop: Join the Trinity term Managing Sleep and Insomnia Workshop - Monday 6 May, 2.30–3.30pm, in person at Student Welfare and Support Services, 3 Worcester Street.
  • Botley Road walkway closure 9 and 10 March

    This weekend (Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 March) between 10pm and 8am, access through the current temporary walkway on Botley Road will be intermittently closed.

    The closure is to allow Network Rail to safely remove the footbridge from across the road, as part of the ongoing redevelopment of Oxford Station. Alternative routes and travel will be signposted by marshals in the area.

  • National Student Survey

    Complete the NSS before the end of term

    Time is running out for final-year undergraduates to have your say in this year's National Student Survey. Please take the time to complete it before you head off for the Easter vacation.

    We’re really keen that your feedback about your total Oxford experience is captured, so the University and colleges can make changes for future students.

    How do I take part?

  • Oxford skyline

    Student Welfare and Support Services reports show demand remained high in 2022-23

    The University of Oxford has today published its annual reports for the Student Welfare and Support Services (SWSS), detailing the use of these services in the academic year 2022/23. SWSS provides specialist and professional welfare services to all students across the collegiate University working closely with college welfare teams. These include the University’s Counselling, Disability Advisory, Sexual Harassment and Violence Support and Peer Support Services, which provide information, confidential advice and support, and training.

  • NSS banner

    10 reasons to complete the National Student Survey

    1. It’s your chance to give your views
    The NSS is a national listening exercise – and all final year undergraduate students across the UK are strongly encouraged to take part. It’s important for you, for future students, for universities, and for the broader higher education landscape of the UK. Give your views, and be part of something big.

  • Saqlain Choudhary stands smiling at the camera, wearing academic dress

    Student blog: Islamic Society reflections on Success

    I have pondered upon the notion of success incessantly, consciously or otherwise, from a young age. Like most of the people who will read this, academic success formed my early notion of success. I remember my father telling me from a young age that ‘nothing worth having in life came easy’ as he simultaneously congratulated my 90% mark on a year 5 test and reminded me that there was 10% still to be found somewhere. That notion of success as the degree of achievement is perhaps an intuitive thing. It’s quite a nice belief to have as well.

  • DJ Cuppy sits on a high stool with one arm across her lap, her chin resting on her other hand. She looks directly at the camera, against a light blue backdrop.

    DJ Cuppy on her Cuppy Africa Scholars Fund

    It’s February – where are you and what’s going on for you?

    The new year is still in its early stages, which makes me super excited about all that is to come. I have a lot of fresh ideas and plans for philanthropy, so I'm currently concentrating on all the ways I'll be contributing to creating impact in those spaces throughout 2024. My mantra this year is to strengthen my strengths.
