Student news

  • Oxford skyline with view of Radcliffe Camera and the University Church

    Oxford University awarded University of Sanctuary status

    The status recognises Oxford’s continued determination and initiatives to aid sanctuary seekers, whether they be students, staff or members of the local community. 

    Universities of Sanctuary make up a national network which collectively strives to make higher education institutions places of safety, solidarity and empowerment for people seeking sanctuary.

  • A hand squeezing a planet Earth stress ball.

    Student Stories: The impact of eco-stress

    Understanding student mental health 

    Global extinction. Climate Change. Habitat Destruction. Climate Migration. Ecosystem Degradation. These are topics covered by many students studying in the field of conservation and the environment. Whether these students are undertaking courses in geography, economics, or biology, such issues carry a heavy weight, which has been shown to impact student mental health particularly.

  • Oxford Sanctuary Fair - Thursday 11 May 2023

    Oxford Sanctuary Fair 2023

    If you are concerned with the ongoing refugee crisis brought on by war, environmental disaster and beyond, would like to do more to support people seeking sanctuary, either as a student volunteer, campaigner, or in your future career, then come along to Oxford’s first town-and-gown Sanctuary Fair. 

    Thursday 11 May, 10:30am - 6:30pm at Oxford Town Hall

  • Exams: Celebrate Sustainably

    Exams: Celebrate Sustainably and avoid a fine

    Students are encouraged to celebrate their achievements responsibly, just as many did last year, by avoiding 'trashing'.

    It's not an Oxford tradition, it's anti-social behaviour, and whatever you use (even if it's biodegradable) still needs clearing up. 

    If you litter by throwing, pouring or spraying substances after your exams, you will be liable to a £150 fine, which will be strictly enforced as a breach of the University's Code of Discipline

  • Oxford skyline at sunset.

    Trinity term message to Oxford students from the Vice-Chancellor

  • Oxford student Ashwin Jainarayanan

    Student stories: My TB journey

    At age 26, Ashwin first noticed something was wrong while playing badminton. His reactions were slower, and he was tiring more easily when he played. However, it would be a year before he began treatment for TB.

    Symptoms causing concern 

  • Oxford University skyline through the trees

    Student Welfare and Support Services reports reflect increased demand for support in 2021/22

    In 2021/22, 3,595 students (13.8% of the student body) sought counselling, up from 3,440 students (13.5%) seen in the previous academic year. In-person provision returned to the Student Welfare offices in September 2021. Anxiety remained the largest presenting issue for Oxford students, increasing from 30.9% in 2020/21 to 33.7% in 21/22. This figure has doubled since 2018 and reflects reports of increased anxiety in the general population, and particularly in young adults, during the pandemic.

  • Oxford skyline view from South Park

    Ensuring Oxford’s education is digitally fit for the future

    This month sees the publication of a new Digital Education Strategy for Oxford, outlining our ambitions for the next four years.

    The strategy was significantly shaped by student experiences in recent years and by your visions for the future. It aims to make a significant improvement in the quality of Oxford’s digital systems, and to use digital tools to foster both innovation in how we teach and learn, and inclusivity for all students.
