Student news
Oxford SU launches its first 'BAME Leadership in Oxford' event
Run by Oxford SU, it will include talks delivered by experienced professionals and Oxford students, each sharing insights and practical tips for navigating white-dominated environments. Based on issues raised by current BAME students, the event will cover topics such as being confident as the only BAME person in the room, managing conflict and using your position to create change. There will be the opportunity to build your network with other BAME student leaders, to express your views on being a leader at Oxford and to discover leadership opportunities across the University.
Free flu jab for students with serious long-term conditions
Did you know that the flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the NHS to anyone with a serious long-term health condition? Long term conditions include chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma; chronic liver, heart or kidney disease; diabetes; sickle cell disease, and more. Flu on top of any long-term health condition can easily develop into something very serious, and you could end up in hospital.
Map the System competition
Tackling global challenges starts with understanding a problem and its wider context, rather than jumping straight into a business plan or an idea for a quick fix. This competition asks you to select a social or environmental issue and to explore, probe, and research all the connecting elements and factors around it. We want you to present this issue back to us in a way that people can understand, share, and learn from.
Make a digital edition of an unpublished Bodleian manuscript
The Bodleian Libraries is looking for enthusiastic undergraduates and postgraduates from any discipline to participate in workshops in textual editing. These workshops are entering their third year and the first sessions will take place this term on Tuesday 6 November and Wednesday 28 November from 10am-4.30pm in the Centre for Digital Scholarship, Weston Library.
Six tips for studying effectively
Create a study plan
A study plan is a great way to help motivate you to study. How you choose to create one is up to you. You might want to add calendar reminders to your phone or even use a wall planner. More information on how to create a study plan can be found on the Oxford Students website. There is also a short video on the website about how to manage your time.
The Oxford Hackathon
Each year OxfordHACK brings together hundreds of talented students from all around Europe for a weekend of hacking, technical presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities. Whether you want to build an app, game, website, or simply tinker with hardware, they will provide you with the space and the support of mentors to make your idea come true.
Registration is now up and running, so find your future team members and apply today.
Oxford's Carbon Management Programme wins a BIFM Award
The British Institute of Facilities Management held its annual awards ceremony this week, and the University won one of five Impact Awards for our 'Impact on the Environment'.
The award was issued in recognition of our Carbon Management Programme, which delivers the University’s Carbon Management Strategy.
Free Bodleian iSkills workshops
The iSkills series includes sessions on finding relevant material for your research, getting relevant information to come to you, research data management, reference management tools, Open Access publishing and measuring research impact. To view the full programme and book online visit the LibGuides website.
Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) is now live in Student Self Service
Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR) is now live in Student Self Service, and has replaced the Graduate Supervision System (GSS).
Society Spotlight: African and Caribbean Society
Before coming to Oxford last year, I was aware that the University has a very small number of ethnic minority students. My parents asked me if I was concerned about this and I said no. The reality is, this is no more keenly felt than in the African and Caribbean demographic of the University and the statistics to show this are countless. Starting life at Oxford, or any university, will present challenges to any fresher.