Student news

  • Know Your Oxford Icon

    Charlotte Laycock knows her Oxford. Do you?

    Why did you agree to narrate Know Your Oxford?

    “I decided to take part in the tour to help produce a great resource for new students to the University of Oxford to use. This resource would have been really helpful in my first year to orientate where things are in the town and I think will be a great addition to the Freshers' Week timetable.”

    What was your experience like when you thought about applying to Oxford, and then starting here?

  • Image credit: Fisher Studios

    Oxford Foundry launch three new and exciting initiatives

    Whether you’re a fresher, existing student or recent alumni, the Oxford Foundry has a range of new initiatives that may be perfect for you. Find out more about the latest Foundry offerings below:

  • Student in a meeting with support staff

    Disability Advisory Service (DAS) Welcome Event

    The Disability Advisory Service (DAS) is holding a Welcome Event for Disabled Students on Friday 7 September 2018.  The day is an informal opportunity for students who have disclosed a disability to find out about the support and services available at the University. You will also have an opportunity to ask questions about disability-related study support arrangements. It is important to ensure these are organised in advance of the start of term where possible, to enable you to focus on studies and get the most from your time once you’re here.

  • International students

    Recording Oxford

    The Graduate Recruitment team have been interviewing a range of current students to document their experiences studying at Oxford, for the benefit of prospective students who are trying to decide if Oxford is the right place for their next step. Their recent Medium article gives a behind the scenes look at this project.

  • Man holding a Canon camera

    Digital Education Photo Competition

    The Digital Education team is looking for exciting and authentic photos capturing the innovative ways in which technologies are used all over the University of Oxford. Submit your best photo(s) of teaching and learning with technology for a chance to win a £25 voucher for the Ashmolean Rooftop Restaurant every week. The final winner will be awarded a £100 Amazon voucher. You can also vote for the best photo by giving your favourite a thumbs up on the Oxford Ideas platform

  • Christmas bulbs on a tree

    GSS: Supervisor reporting open

    The Graduate Supervision System (GSS) is used to review, monitor and comment on student academic progress and assess skills and training needs. Following the student reporting window, which has now closed for Trinity term, supervisor reporting is now open. You will be notified by email when your report is available to view and/or print from your GSS homepage.

  • Student, Ernest Kwofie

    Spotlight on graduate scholarships: Ernest Plange Kwofie

    What has been the impact of receiving the Scholarship?

    Without a fully funded scholarship there's no way I would have made it here. From my background it would have been difficult to finance postgraduate studies even in Ghana. Without this scholarship, even if I had to pay one tenth of the cost then it would have still been a very difficult thing. But with a fully funded scholarship, I’m just thinking about books and not my pockets.

  • Student Maah-Noor Ali

    Ramadan at Oxford

    During Ramadan, Muslims all over the globe observe a month of daily fasting. The observance of Ramadan allows Muslims to increase their faith and become closer to God.

  • Training in the University pool

    Get active during Mental Health Awareness Week

    Mental Health Awareness Week will see Oxford University Sport spreading the word about the impact that leading an active lifestyle can have on mental well-being.

    It will be providing students with advice and information on how to cope with these issues during the stressful exam period, as well as hosting inclusive fitness classes between 14 - 20 May, where you can come along to enjoy a free trial session, and try something new.
