Student news

  • Venture Spotlight banner

    Venture Spotlight: Grace Baghdadi co-founder of Females for Finance

    Grace Baghdadi is a Global Affairs and Economics major at Yale currently undertaking a year of PPE at Oxford, she is also the co-founder of Females for Finance, a non-profit organisation that looks to bridge the gender gap in the finance industry. Grace spoke to us about the work she has been doing and how you can get involved.

  • Woman on a yoga mat, looking at a laptop. Purple dumbbells and plants in the background

    Oxford's virtual workout: New social group classes

    New ways to connect and work out virtually with Oxford University Sport

    With limited social interaction and more remote study, it can be challenging to maintain levels of motivation and can leave you feeling less connected. Oxford University Sport together with Wellbeats has introduced new social group classes as part of Active Anywhere, so you can now connect and workout with others wherever you are virtually. You can schedule classes in advance and invite others to tag along with you.

  • Student spotlight: Charlotte Morgan banner

    Student blog: Volunteering during the pandemic

    What does volunteering on the Together Neighbours programme involve?

    “Being an Oxford Hub member on the Together Neighbours programme can involve anything from picking up and delivering shopping or prescriptions, to dog walking and topping up electricity metres for vulnerable people. Around halfway through term, I started volunteering, which involved me collecting and delivering shopping to a vulnerable person in Oxford each week.

  • student remote working. Credits: John Cairns

    What can you learn as a student in a pandemic

    Reflective learning 

    Studying for a degree in the current climate requires flexibility, resourcefulness, discipline and resilience – all characteristics that will help you on your journey for the rest of your degree and life after Oxford. Take some time to consider how you have responded to the many challenges you have experienced by being a student at this time and the new skills you have developed.

  • Student spotlight: Joe Wilson banner

    Student blog: The importance of COVID-19 testing

    Why you should get tested when you return

    As we begin the new term we are faced with a fresh challenge: the infection rate is much higher than it has been in previous months, and it continues to climb. We also face yet more uncertainty about returning to university. 

  • A young individual sitting on their bed, staring at their laptop. Credit: Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

    New expense claims system

    Please see more details on the Finance Division website and if you have any questions email the project mailbox.

  • Support with assessment

    Language Centre courses in Hilary term

    Enrolment is once again open for all Modern Languages and Academic English courses in Hilary term. A number of new Academic English courses in will be running, including ‘Writing a Thesis or Dissertation’, and a continuation of the course ‘Introduction to Spoken Communication and Pronunciation’.

  • Top of the Radcliffe Camera through the trees

    How your college doctor can support you at Oxford

    What is the role of a college doctor for students’ mental health and wellbeing?

    “If you are struggling to cope with your mental health, your college doctor is one of the options available to you who can help. Being part of your college network means that we understand the wider collegiate University system and can fully support you when the need may arise. Even if you are not directly affiliated with a college, all students have the option to register with a college doctor, safe in the knowledge that any information you share with us is confidential.

  • Three students socially distancing outside. Credits: John Cairns

    Returning to Oxford: Hilary term arrangements

    Term dates, and in-person teaching

    Hilary term dates will remain as they are at present. For some taught courses, in-person teaching will begin from your existing start date. This particularly applies to those courses with practical elements or early assessments; those with students on placements; and non-residential part time courses. For most other taught courses, formal in-person teaching will start from Monday 25 January (2nd week).
