Student news

  • Image of women with rainbow flag on their hand

    Celebrating LGBT+ History Month

    Follow the month

    Follow our @OxUniStudents Facebook and Twitter to follow our updates throughout the month and read our reflections on LGBT+ History Month 2021 at Oxford.

  • Society Spotlight banner - Oxford walking society

    Society Spotlight: Oxford Walking Club

    “The walking club has been there for its members in some way or another throughout the pandemic. While there have been different stages, from the entirely remote Trinity term of 2020 to almost everyone being in Oxford for much of Michaelmas 2020 we’ve all been united by our love of walking.

  • open-book exams banner

    Introducing Inspera - Oxford's new online exams platform

    Oxford is partnering with Inspera Assessment, a leading e-assessment provider, to introduce our new platform for online exams. 

    Inspera offers an improved exam experience for the diverse needs of Oxford students and will be used for all online open-book exams from Trinity term.

    Inspera has been used by Oxford students in the Medical Sciences Division for a few years. It offers an intuitive digital interface and features and tools that work well at the University.

    Online open-book exams taken during Hilary term will continue to make use of Weblearn. 

  • In Oxford - The Radcliffe Camera

    A letter to students from the Minister for Universities

    Dear colleagues,

    I want to thank you again for your continued hard work and the dedication of your staff in response to the disruption caused by the pandemic. I know that concerns about the new coronavirus variants and another national lockdown will have affected many people’s sense of wellbeing, including that of university staff and students - your work in this area is crucial and will continue to be vital in the months ahead.

  • Female sat at a desk on a laptop in a black top. Image by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.

    Hilary term student feedback channel

    We are asking for your feedback once again this term, to find out how your learning and wider university experience is going in light of the pandemic.

  • text reads "the highest uptake of teachers signing up has been students and graduates from Oxford which I think shows how many of us are instilled with a sense of paying it forward" - Mustafaen Kamal, Oxford Alumnus and Close the Lockdown Gap founder

    Oxford Alumnus Mustafaen Kamal on helping the most disadvantaged students during the pandemic

    “Close the Lockdown Gap is the formalisation of something we (my brother and I) were already doing during the first lockdown. Tutoring students missing out on schooling. We started by offering sessions to friends, family and people in our local area of North West London before it expanded further and we created Close the Lockdown Gap.

    The lockdown adversely affects those students who don’t have as many opportunities as others. Whether that’s because their school isn’t able to provide a ‘lockdown’ laptop or because their household shares one electronic device between four.

  • Chris Conlon banner with Oxford birds-eye view

    Testing the University: A blog by Professor Chris Conlon

    Reflecting on last term

    This year has not started in the way that many hoped – COVID cases are on the rise, hospitals are under huge pressure and a national lockdown is in force for the foreseeable future.  It is worth reviewing what happened last term as a possible guide to how we should approach this term, even allowing for the fact that many students will be unable to return for some time and many members of staff will have to continue to work from home.

  • Wellbeing at Oxford

    Welfare and wellbeing: Upcoming workshops

    Managing Panic

    Friday 29 January 2021, 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, with Dr. Ruth Williams

    A panic attack is an extreme episode of anxiety that can make you feel out of control and very frightened. This 75-psycho-educational workshop will help you to understand what causes panic attacks and teach you practical strategies to manage them using a CBT approach.

    Relaxation in Covid Times

    Wednesday 10 February 2021, 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm, with Dr. Anne-Marie Daly

  • Venture Spotlight banner

    Venture Spotlight: Grace Baghdadi co-founder of Females for Finance

    Grace Baghdadi is a Global Affairs and Economics major at Yale currently undertaking a year of PPE at Oxford, she is also the co-founder of Females for Finance, a non-profit organisation that looks to bridge the gender gap in the finance industry. Grace spoke to us about the work she has been doing and how you can get involved.

  • Woman on a yoga mat, looking at a laptop. Purple dumbbells and plants in the background

    Oxford's virtual workout: New social group classes

    New ways to connect and work out virtually with Oxford University Sport

    With limited social interaction and more remote study, it can be challenging to maintain levels of motivation and can leave you feeling less connected. Oxford University Sport together with Wellbeats has introduced new social group classes as part of Active Anywhere, so you can now connect and workout with others wherever you are virtually. You can schedule classes in advance and invite others to tag along with you.
