Use equipment & resources
Oxford spends the largest amount on research of any UK university. Our research covers the entire disciplinary spectrum, from business, medicine, engineering and social sciences to humanities. Much our infrastructure is available to external organisations.
Medical Sciences resources
For an informal discussion about access to these resources please contact Business Partnerships Office Medical Sciences
Advanced Proteomics Facility – supports comprehensive analysis and training in mass spectrometry-based proteomics, from sample preparation to bioinformatics data analysis.
Bio Bank – a collection of 30-50 year old healthy men and women living in Oxfordshire. All participants have undergone a detailed examination at a screening visit, donated DNA and given informed consent to be re-approached.
Clinical BioManufacturing – produces biological investigational medicinal products (IMPs) according to GMP for early phase clinical trials.
Clinical Trials support – co-development of study designs, work with established protocols, and access to world-class research and biobanking expertise.
Oxford Biomedical Research Centre – services, resources, scientific knowledge, patient cohorts, partners and networks, joint funding.
Oxford Clinical Insights – connecting life sciences companies to clinical staff within the NHS.
Oxford Laboratory Medicine – laboratory services, bioresources, expertise.
Oxford Molecular Diagnostics – comprehensive analyses for haematological diseases and cancers, fully CPA accredited.
Clinical Outcomes Assessments (COA's) – high quality health outcome assessments, most of them validated Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PRO/PROMS), including expert advice in the design, development, adaption, application and management (including translations) of COA measures.
Viral Vector Core Facility – produces pre-clinical grade adenoviral and MVA vectors.
Characterisation and Analysis Facilities
General enquiries email collaborations@admin.ox.ac.uk
Bioimaging: Electron Microscopy (EM) – comprehensive service and training options available for biological specimen preparation and EM imaging, as well as advice on experimental design, longer-term service contracts, and quotations (e.g. R&D funding applications).
Micron Imaging Facility - advice, training and support on a wide range of microscopes ranging from super-resolution to cryo-correlative microscopy. Access to the latest image analysis, data storage and visualisation methods including super-resolution quality control, de-noising and machine learning-based image analysis.
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) – 2D and 3D imaging of biological specimen ultrastructure.
Preclinical Imaging Facilities – high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, specialising in in vivo cine and cardiac MRI. Hyperpolarized magnetic resonance imaging capabilities also available.
Materials Characterisation and Prototyping Services – comprehensive service for the investigation of materials and materials-related problems.
Surface Analysis Facility – diverse range of equipment and experienced staff to help analyse and modify surfaces.
Laboratory for In-situ Microscopy and Analysis (LIMA) – a unique facility with state of the art characterisation equipment allowing simultaneous investigation of the structure-property-composition relationship at different length scales.
Oxford Particle Imaging Centre (OPIC) - Cryo-electron microscopy facility supporting single particle, FIB-milling and in-situ tomography, including live pathogen imaging.
Physics Department Services and Specialist Equipment – a range of specialist equipment and services for use by external customers including:
- High field magnet facility
- X-ray and materials properties facility
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Nanofabrications and Electron Microscopy
Materials and Reagents
General enquiries email collaborations@admin.ox.ac.uk
Materials and Reagents – research reagents from life and physical sciences created by Oxford University researchers.
Cryomagnetics – liquid helium supply.
Design and Fabrication
Physics Department Services and Specialist Equipment
Crystal Growth unit – prepare samples in specific forms.
Electronic Group – custom design of electronics systems from prototype to small production series.
Mechanical Design office – complete mechanical design and analysis service.
Mechanical Workshop – manufacturing and technical support.
Nanofabrications – state-of-the-art capabilities for micro- and nano-fabrication.
Photofabrication – solid etched parts, flexible copper circuits and multi-layer printed circuit boards.
Electron beam lithography – expertise and access to electron beam lithography systems.
Thin film facility – a comprehensive coating design, manufacture and measurement service.
Space instrument development, manufacture and test – developing space instruments since the 1970s.
Media Services Unit (Department of Physics) – comprehensive photographic, video and printing service.
Media Services (Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics) – wide range of printing, binding, photography and framing services.
Computing and digital
Advanced Research Computing – external users can buy time on the the supercomputing centre systems.
The Oxford X Reality (OXR) Hub – expertise and access to AR/VR immersive technologies.
Other specialist equipment and resources
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