Binary data.
(Image credit: Shutterstock).
Research information and data services
Research information and data services, and training information
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC) – central resource available to any Oxford University researcher who needs high performance computing (HPC)
- Data protection – University data protection policy and guidance
- Libraries – services from the Bodleian Libraries
- ORCID – a unique researcher identifier, increasingly becoming the method of choice by funders and publishers globally to unambiguously link people to their publications and grants
- Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) – the University’s institutional repository, and its permanent and secure archive of research outputs and research data
- Research data Oxford, including funders' requirements – help organising, structuring, storing, and caring for the data used or generated during a research project, covering tools, services and training
Research information management service (Symplectic Elements) – a collection of online tools that help researchers at the University to record and review research activity held in personal user accounts on a secure central server
Sustainable Digital Scholarship – a research data management service, helping projects and researchers at Oxford to store, publish and preserve their research data outputs
- Competency Centres - these centres are teams who you can consult free of charge, for expert support in a key area of digital technology