Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF)
The University of Oxford is the world’s oldest English-speaking university, has been at the forefront of research, scholarship and innovation for over 850 years and is today a vibrant hub of internationally-leading work spanning all aspects of science, medicine, the social sciences and humanities. Our mission is the advancement of learning by teaching and research, and its dissemination by every means; and our goal is to make a difference at all scales, from the local to the global, influencing technology, policy and culture for the benefit of society. We aim to excel in every knowledge exchange and innovation mechanism to deliver these goals, including activities measured by the KEF metrics and beyond.
This page contains supporting links and further information on the strategies, support, activities and outcomes described in the University of Oxford's KEF narrative submissions. The full narratives are published by Research England and are available through the KEF dashboard.
Institutional context
Links in the narrative statement
- Medical Sciences Division (MSD)
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division (MPLS)
- Social Sciences Division
- Humanities Division
- Department of Continuing Education
- Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM)
- Innovation and partnership opportunities and support
- Research income
- Development and supply of COVID-19 vaccine in partnership with AstraZeneca
- OxVent collaboration
- Oxford Hub city-wide community engagement
- RECOVERY clinical trial
- Oxford University Innovation (OUI) technology transfer office
- Oxford Policy Engagement Network (OPEN)
- Support for social enterprises
- Oxford Science Enterprises (OSE) independent investment company
- BioEscalator business incubator on the medical campus
- Reuben College
- Reuben College core principles of collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Humanities KE fellowships
- Industrial relationship team in Medical Sciences
- Industrial relationship team in MPLS
- Public Engagement with Research (PER) network
- Cross-disciplinary networks - Oxford Networks for the Environment (ONE)
- Cross-disciplinary networks - The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
- Cross-disciplinary networks - Oxford Martin School
- University of Oxford's contribution to the regional economy
- EnSpire support for entrepreneurship in Oxford
Additional information
Details of relevant initiatives started after the KEF narrative submission will be added here in due course.
Local growth and regeneration
Oxford University contributes to Local Growth and Regeneration (LGR) through working in partnership with regional, pan-regional, national, and global stakeholders. Together, we co-develop strategies that address regional needs, identify activities and opportunities for socio-economic gain, and we deliver tangible results.
Our researchers, students, and professional staff work with regional partners developing activities e.g. advancing Net-Zero, increasing innovation space, commercialising research, strategy development, entrepreneurship, and identifying funding for inclusive growth. We also create and invest in spin-out/start-ups which create jobs and attract investment.
We are accelerating the pace at which we deliver these activities to expand the impact in the Oxfordshire innovation ecosystem. Therefore, ‘Region and Place’ is a key theme in our Knowledge Exchange Strategy.
Links in the narrative statement
- University of Oxford Knowledge Exchange Strategy
- Oxfordshire Innovation Engine
- Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP)
- Science Oxford
- University of Oxford Strategic Plan 2018-2024
- Oxfordshire Investment Plan
- Oxfordshire Economic Recovery Plan (ERP)
- Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy (LIS)
- Future State of Oxfordshire Economy
- Oxfordshire Science and Innovation Audit
- Oxfordshire Innovation Strategy
- Oxfordshire Energy Strategy
- Oxfordshire Skills Strategy
- Oxfordshire Heritage and Tourism Strategy
- Smart Oxford
- Oxfordshire Social Enterprise Partnership (OSEP)
- Modes of Action (MoA)
- Oxford-Cambridge Pan Regional Partnership
- Inclusive Economy Charter
- Creative Destruction Lab
- Agile Lab
- Blenheim Palace
- Wild Bio
- Science Superpower
- Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)
- Covid vaccines
- Oxford University Innovation (OUI)
- Oxford Nanopore
- Summit Therapeutics
- Pepgen
- Vaccitech
- Yasa Motors
Additional information
Regional representation by senior members of the University
Details of relevant initiatives started after the KEF narrative submission will be added here in due course.Public and community engagement
The University of Oxford’s mission is to facilitate excellence in research, teaching, engagement and innovation to realise beneficial outcomes for society at a local, regional, national and global scale. The University has an outstanding reputation for its research and teaching and our aim is also to become a leader in engagement. Core to our approach is partnership working between the University’s Academic Divisions; Research Services; Gardens, Libraries and Museums; and external organisations to support staff and students to value, lead and participate in public and community engagement. We provide engagement opportunities, funding, enabling reward and recognition, training, and fostering networks and partnerships. There is a flourishing ongoing programme of high-quality and impactful public and community engagement.
Links in the narrative statement
- Academic Champion for Public Engagement with Research (PER)
- Senior Professional Services staff with responsibility for PER
- Vice-Chancellor Professor Irene Tracey's Inaugural Address
- Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities
- Reuben College
- Museums' Collections Teaching and Research Centre
- University PER Conferences
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS) and Medical Sciences Divisions' PER training
- Social Sciences' Online Engagement Skills
- The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
- Medical Sciences' Public Engagement Network
- Gardens, Libraries and Museum (GLAM) Public Engagement Committee
- TORCH Research Engagement Community
- TORCH Knowledge Exchange
- PCER Culture Change Fund
- Public Engagement with Research Animations
- Film Case Studies
- PCER Seed Fund
- Enriching Engagement
- Social Sciences' Engagement Fellowships
- ESRC Impact Acceleration Accounts
- Community Enterprise Awards
- Wellcome Centres
- Vice-Chancellor's Innovation & Engagement Awards
- Recognition of Distinction Scheme
- San Francisco Declaration of Research Assessment (DORA)
- Small Community Grants Scheme
- Getting involved with our research
- Oxford Sparks
- Oxplore
- I'm a Researcher, Get me out of here
- Meat Your Persona
- Livestock Environment and People (LEAP)
- Meat the Future
- Parenting for Lifelong Health
- Science Together: Oxford Researchers and Communities (STORC)
- Galaxy Zoo
- Zooniverse
- Oxford's Christmas Light Festival
- Chronicle
- Multaka-Oxford
- Activating the Archive
- Beyond Boundaries
- The Department for Continuing Education
- The Conversation
- Map the System
- SOPHIA Oxford
- Moving in the right direction
- SDG Impact Lab
- Evaluation Toolkits
- Traces of the Past Evaluation Report
- Traces of the Past