Research Practice
A priority of the University Research Culture Programme
The University of Oxford enables ambitious research of exceptional quality. Accordingly, and in line with its Strategic Plan (2018–2024), the University supports the research community to conduct research and innovation activities with rigour, transparency, and respect.
Researchers at Oxford, regardless of career stage or job role, will benefit from policies, guidance, and training to apply the highest standards of practice when planning, designing, conducting, recording, reporting, and sharing their research findings, conclusions and any underpinning data, sources or materials.
This approach aligns with the expectations and commitments of various national and international Concordats, sector agreements, and cross-sector norms (such as the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, the Concordat on Open Research Data and the FAIR Principles for data management), and by research funders, professional societies, regulators and publishers.
The University acknowledges that good practice in research is constantly evolving, that the relevance of some practices may vary across disciplines, and that new tools and models are emerging in how research findings are published, disseminated, and evaluated, and in how contributions are acknowledged and recognised. Researchers are encouraged to embrace these innovations to enhance the visibility of, and trust in, their research. The University will regularly review its policies, guidance, and training to reflect such developments.
Research Practice is a priority of the broader Research Culture Programme, and this programme is supported by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research). The work for this priority is coordinated by the Research Practice Sub Committee , co-chaired by Professor Susanna-Assunta Sansone, the Academic Lead for Research Culture (Research Practice), and Dr Tanita Casci, Director, Research Strategy and Policy Unit.