Students on a college lawn
Students on a college lawn

Keep Oxford Tidy

In Oxford, you’re never far away from green spaces throughout the city, including meadows, University Parks, and the Botanic Garden, all surrounded by rolling countryside, which we all have a responsibility to protect. 

Littering in Oxford is an increasing issue in the city's green spaces, especially as the weather warms up. This not only spoils these natural spaces for others in our community, but can also cause harm to wildlife. Please play your part as you enjoy the outdoors by binning your rubbish (or taking it home if a bin is full, or there isn't one nearby), especially if you're celebrating after exams.

Impact on wildlife

In previous years, cows and horses in Oxford's Port Meadow have been injured and killed as a result of litter left behind, particularly discarded barbeques and broken glass. 

 Oxford City Council - Your rubbish can harm and kill animals

River safety

The rivers running through the city give rise to Oxford’s famous traditions of rowing and punting, with miles of scenic waterways to enjoy. However, students entering Oxford's rivers as part of their post exam celebrations result in wasted materials (even those that are 'biodegradable' have an impact) and plastics finding their way into waterways, impacting wildlife.

Please note, Oxford City Council does not promote wild swimming of any kind in any of Oxford's rivers, due to the known poor water quality in the area (including instances of E.coli and intestinal enterococci - two bacteria associated with faecal bacteria) found in Wolvercote Mill stream's monitoring site. 

Stay safe if swimming wild

Take a break and help keep Oxford tidy

For a break from your studies or revision, students are invited to get involved with OxClean, an initiative dedicated to keeping Oxford clean and safe for the whole community.

OxClean logo