Take the Christmas Travel Test. Protect the people you love.
All students who leave Oxford during the Government’s Christmas Travel window from 3 to 9 December will be offered Christmas Travel Tests.
Colleges are now arranging Christmas Travel Tests ahead of the Student Travel Window from 3-9 December. You will be asked to take two tests in your college, three days apart before you leave Oxford. In most cases you will need to book via the Testing for COVID-19 Early Alert Service and should leave Oxford as soon as possible after your second negative test.
These tests are vital for reducing the transmission of COVID-19. Everyone wants to spend time safely with family and friends – whether it’s for Christmas, another religious festival, or simply to relax during the holiday period. Most transmission is thought to occur in social or domestic settings. Some students with COVID-19 are asymptomatic, which means that if you have the virus, you could unwittingly pass it on to vulnerable people – including those in their own family – who are at much greater risk if they contract it.
Read the full detail about arrangements for the Christmas vacation and end of term on the Christmas vacation page of the COVID-19 response site.