Stop the spread. Protect our community
The majority of our students are following our health measures, but cases are rising in Oxford and the wider community.
We need you to keep taking action to stop these numbers growing, and help avoid additional restrictions being brought in. This is what you can do to support our efforts:
Follow the rules on testing and self-isolation.
- Always self-isolate when advised to do so
- Only get a test when you have symptoms. A negative test does not release you from self-isolation
Many students have already self-isolated to protect the community. It is important that we all do the same – otherwise the efforts of those who have already taken action are in vain
Keep maintaining social distancing when socialising with people from other households – whether you are in college or in the community.
In particular you should:
• Avoid crowded places (be aware that a crowd can form unintentionally – move away from crowded areas)
• Only meet socially with groups of up to six (importantly, this includes social events arranged by clubs and societies)
Follow the behaviours outlined in the Student Responsibility Agreement – and commit to taking the actions that will help keep our community safe
These steps are vital for reducing transmission – whether you are in college, around the University, or in the wider city.
Protecting the vulnerable
While many students are asymptomatic, if you have COVID-19, you are likely to pass it on to vulnerable members of the community – including the teaching and support staff who work closely with you. Higher numbers of student cases also risks alienating the local community and increases the risks of Oxford moving into a higher alert level. That is why it is so important that you avoid contracting the virus.
As you may well be aware, a number of students failed to adhere to the behaviours expected of them this week. Acting in a way which puts our community at risk is completely unacceptable, and action will be taken where appropriate.
We would like to thank everyone who is continuing to follow the rules. Don’t forget that support is available through the University and Colleges and the Oxford SU’s Student Advice.