Testing for COVID-19: Early Alert Service now open
The University’s Testing for COVID-19: Early Alert Service (EAS) is now open. EAS is a free service that provides rapid access to tests for both students and staff. Designed for a University environment, the service will ensure that members of the University who become unwell are quickly identified. The rapid response also protects others from transmission.
Test site location
The central testing site is located in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter (ROQ), in the city centre. A second testing site, which will open when students begin returning to Oxford for Michaelmas term, is located at the Old Road campus in Headington.
Booking a test
If you think you have COVID-19 symptoms (minor or major), you should book a test as soon as possible. You can also book a test if you are concerned about other symptoms which you feel might be associated with the virus, but you should not book one if you do not have any symptoms.
To access the service, you will need to sign in using your SSO, and you will need to be on a University network, Oxford eduroam or VPN. You will also need your NHS number to access the service and your GP surgery can help with this.