Free online support through Big White Wall
We understand that the pandemic is a worrying time for many of you. Student Welfare and Support Services remain available through online and telephone appointments, and Oxford students can now also access free online support 24/7 through Big White Wall.
Big White Wall is a free service giving you access to a global welfare community. It provides a safe space online to get things off your chest, explore your feelings, get creative and learn how to self-manage your mental health and wellbeing. Whether you’re struggling to sleep, feeling low, stressed or unable to cope, Big White Wall can help you get support, take control and feel better.
On Big White Wall, you are totally anonymous to other members in the community, and your personal information is kept secure while you are on the site (see Big White Wall’s privacy statement). The University will not be informed if you’ve signed up to Big White Wall or know what you have been doing unless Big White Wall are seriously concerned about your safety.
To join, simply visit the official website and Register under ‘’I’m from a university or college” with your Oxford e-mail address.
Since this article was published, Big White Wall has changed its name to Togetherall. The URL is now