Charter for the Career Development of Researchers

The University is a signatory to the national Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and has developed a Concordat Action Plan 2022–25. Based on these commitments, this Charter sets out what you can expect at the University, followed by the responsibilities that you, as a researcher, have towards your own career development.

As a researcher you can expect: 

  1. To work in a supportive, inclusive, and equitable research environment that nurtures creativity and wellbeing, and values all career directions equally. 

  2. A departmental/faculty induction and an invitation to a University welcome event run by the Researcher Hub. 

  3. A line manager/PI who:

         a. Offers a meeting in the early stage of your role to discuss your responsibilities, research project, any funder terms, and routine management. 
         b. Is supportive of your career development and the career options you are considering. 
         c. Offers or enables regular conversations about your career plans, including an annual Career Development Review (or equivalent) 1. 
         d. Supports you in planning and benefiting from ten days professional development (pro rata) per year. Please note your funder’s terms and conditions in relation to time spent on professional      development 2.
         e. Engages with their own development as a line manager. 

  4. Access to high-quality professional development, networking and/or support in good research practice to enable you to conduct ethical, rigorous, open, and impactful research. 

  5. Colleagues across the University who are working to address barriers to opportunity, recognise and reward the full range of researchers’ contributions, and will support career development and transitions across all sectors. 

  6. Confidential procedures for reporting incidents of bullying and harassment including support and guidance to raise issues formally and informally. 

 As a researcher you are responsible for:  

  1. Contributing to a supportive, inclusive, and equitable research environment including, for example, joining peer activities within your department/faculty through your local researcher representative, and enabling everyone in the research community to fulfil their roles effectively. 

  2. Participating in departmental/faculty induction activities as well as a University welcome event run by the Researcher Hub to help you to find out how things work in your research group, department/faculty, and the wider University, and where to find what you need. 

  3. Conducting your research in an ethical, rigorous, open manner, and aiming to maximise its impact in scholarship and society more broadly. 

  4. Your career development, including taking ten days of professional development time (pro rata) per year, to develop your professional competencies and gain experience to support your future career.

         a. Activities might include participating in conferences, developing new research collaborations, committee membership, contributing to policy development, public engagement or knowledge exchange, training courses, workplace shadowing, mentoring etc. 
         b. Professional development activities should be separate to required training, unless you choose to include required training in your broader professional development plans. 

  5. Leading your annual Career Development Review (or equivalent) conversations with your line manager or another experienced member of the University. 

For any queries, or if this is not your experience, please speak to your line manager/PI in the first instance. If you need any additional support, please speak to your department/faculty HR lead. 

Where necessary, please contact your department/faculty leadership (e.g. Head of Department/Faculty Board Chair). 


1. Career Development Reviews (CDR) may be incorporated into a Personal Development Review (PDR) or be called Career Conversations in your department/ faculty. 

2. Major UK funders have signed the Concordat and anticipate that researchers will be undertaking professional development. Where a funder explicitly states that they do not fund time for your proposed development activities, you should discuss options with your line manager/PI. These may include sourcing alternative funding (internally or externally), other activities that will be supported etc. Please refer to the FAQs for more guidance.

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