Professional Development Planning for Researchers

Your Professional Development

The University is committed to supporting researchers on fixed-term and open-ended contracts with their professional development at Oxford and beyond. Oxford’s Charter for the Career Development of Researchers and Concordat to support the Career Development of Researchers: Action Plan (2022-2025) lists various commitments such as supporting researchers with ten days of professional development time (pro rata) per year.

Researchers are encouraged to think about the professional development that they may already be doing or activities that they would like to do, noting the terms and conditions of their funder in relation to professional development.

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers defines 10 days of professional development training as an allowance for researchers to develop their professional competencies and gain experience to support their future career. Examples might include attending a training course or workshop, workplace shadowing, participating in a mentoring scheme (as mentor or mentee), committee membership, participating in policy development, public engagement, or knowledge exchange activities.

If this feels new, you are not alone. Only 32% of researchers who responded to the 2023 Staff Experience Survey took 5 days or more for professional development of their choosing, and 56% took more than 3 days.

These figures are not surprising given that academic culture is moving from one that emphasises results and publication above all else, to one that invests in people; strengthening and diversifying researcher competencies, improving career prospects and growing capacity within the research ecosystem. Endorsing researcher time for development as an institution and taking up the opportunity as a researcher are both important in our collective effort towards such a people-oriented research culture.

For any queries, please speak to your line manager/PI in the first instance. If you need any additional support, please speak to your department/faculty HR lead.  

Where necessary, please contact your department/faculty leadership (e.g. Head of Department/Faculty Board Chair). 

Why is professional development important?

The benefits are multiple and cumulative: Researchers who continue to develop across a range of areas are best placed to do world-leading research, seek creative impact pathways and make confident career moves.  

The purpose of dedicating time to professional development is to deepen and expand your professional skill sets in order to enhance your current role, equip you for the next one and broaden your career horizons.

The majority of your development unfolds throughout the course of your work

When considering professional development, training courses are a valuable option, but not the only one. There are many effective ways to gain experience and skills while tailoring your development plans to your career goals. 

Please click ‘Next’ to find out more about planning your professional development time.

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