Charter & Concordat Commitments for the Career Development of Researchers
A new Charter for the Career Development of Researchers is now available. The concise document lists the University’s commitments to support researchers’ career development, such as supporting them with at least 10 days of professional development time* (pro rata, per year) and enabling access to career development reviews (CDRs). It also outlines the responsibilities of researchers and their PIs/line managers when it comes to fostering a world-leading research culture.
The Charter was developed in collaboration with colleagues across divisions and central University to replace the Code of Practice for Researchers (linked from the Staff Handbook) and fulfil our commitments to the national Researcher Development Concordat and our own Concordat Action Plan 2022-2025.
The 2023 Staff Survey revealed that we have some way to go in our research culture journey, so publishing the Charter is a step towards embedding our broader research culture initiatives. The Charter will also help with our Research Excellence Framework submission and showing evidence to funders who are increasingly placing a greater emphasis on strengthening research culture across the sector.
You can find the Charter here or print a poster version with QR code. For more information, please email the [email protected].
*For central FAQ guidance on the 10 days of professional development time, please click here. They have been designed as general central guidance to support departments/faculties to enable professional development time for researchers. Please refer to local departmental/faculty guidance, where available/more appropriate.
More information on the Concordat & Concordat Action Plan for the Career Development of Researchers
The Concordat is an agreement between employers of researchers and research funders on the expectations for the professional development and employment conditions of researchers in the UK.
The former Vice-Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson signed the Concordat for Researcher Development on 22nd April 2021.
The University’s Concordat to Support Career Development of Researchers: Action Plan 2022-2025 was co-developed with researchers, academics and professional services colleagues and outlines how we, as a community, will fulfil the Concordat.
The action plan has three overarching goals:
1. Creating a research environment that is supportive, inclusive, and equitable
2. Recognising and valuing the diverse contributions of researchers
3. Supporting researchers to achieve a range of career goals
Researchers, principal investigators/line managers and professional support staff have responsibilities and roles to play in fulfilling our collective aims.
Please find our Annual Reports for the Concordat below: