New to Oxford?
Welcome to the University of Oxford, and congratulations on your appointment to a research position. You're joining a community of around 5,000 research staff across the University who make an invaluable contribution to our position as one of the best places in the world to do research.

You can find pages about working at the University on the Staff Gateway, including advice about living in Oxford, an introduction to the University, and other useful information about staff benefits; information about moving to Oxford is available from the Oxford University Welcome Service.
Oxford has a huge amount to offer; keep an eye on the University News and Events page.
Consult your line manager/PI or supervisor and your departmental administrator if you're unsure about anything.
Checklist for your first three months • Ask yourself what you want to get out of your experience at Oxford that goes beyond your particular research project. Making sure you're clear about your goals will help you stay focused and be in the best position possible to progress your career.• Consider where you see yourself being in five or ten years' time. What are the implications of that for your career and professional development? What opportunities do you need to look for? • Ask your departmental or faculty HR lead or Head of Administration for the name of your first point of contact regarding your employment rights and responsibilities. • Are you clear about what is expected from you on this project - from your line manager/PI or supervisor, the funder, or other parties? Talk to your line manager/supervisor to agree what you will deliver and by when. • If you are a fixed-term researcher use the Researcher Hub and specifically the Researcher’s Trailmap to help you find the essentials on arrival, plan your time and tap into key supports. |