Upcoming events from OPEN

Connecting research with policy can be a daunting task, given the many forms of government and ways to engage. OPEN offers a diverse range of activities throughout the year, including workshops, talks, masterclasses, and networking events. These events offer practical guidance to researchers and policymakers on how to collaborate effectively and bridge the gap between their respective areas of expertise. 

Engaging with policymakers is essential for ensuring that research findings are taken into account when making policy decisions. By working together, researchers and policymakers can create evidence-based policies that have a real impact on society.

Researchers and professional services staff from all areas of the University are welcome to take part in OPEN's activities, and increase their confidence for engaging with policymakers and better understand how to bridge the divide between their areas of expertise and work together in effective ways.

New events are being added regularly so Join OPEN or follow OPEN on twitter for updates.

Talk: Can research partnerships with policymakers change the world?

15 May, 15:00 - 16:30

Meeting Suite, Linacre College

How do policymakers respond to research studies? At what point in the research process should researchers engage with policymakers in order to maximize evidence utilisation?
To offer insights into these questions, this session delves into the ground breaking and emerging quantitative literature on the relationship between research and policymaking, specifically through the lens of impact evaluation studies in middle- and low-income countries.
The first part of the session focuses on how policymakers respond to impact evaluations and how this information might, in turn, influence their programmatic decisions. The second part investigates the effect of involving policymakers at the design stage of research projects on evidence utilisation and examines the electoral cycle's role in creating opportunities for these research partnerships to emerge.


Dr. Alix Bonargent and Dr. Michelle Rao, London School of Economics 


This opportunity is intended for researchers, DPhil students and Professional Services Staff from all divisions 

OPEN Conversation with Dr Frederica Lucivero: Co-designing horizon scanning tools for ethical  innovation policies

23 May, 14:00 – 15:30

Room L5, Mathematical Institute, Andrew Wiles Building

Join us for a thought-provoking and engaging OPEN Conversation on why the future is important to policymaking and how ethical considerations can be effectively integrated into horizon scanning and futures analysis for emerging technologies.
In this dynamic event, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with leading experts drawing on their experience working at the intersection of academia and policy:

Come prepared to ask questions, share perspectives from your own context, and engage in an open dialogue. A networking opportunity will allow you to further exchange ideas following the moderated discussion.


Dr. Federica Lucivero, Senior Researcher in Ethics and Data, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities and the department of Population Health.
Ruth Marshall, Head of Futures Capability at Government Office for Science
Jay Stone, Associate Director, External Relations and Foresight, Nuffield  Council on Bioethics


This opportunity is intended for researchers, DPhil students and Professional Services Staff from all divisions 

OPEN Networking Event

5 June, 13:30 - 14:30

Seminar Rooms, Ruth Deech Building,  St Anne's College

Join this event for an exclusive networking opportunity to connect with policy professionals from diverse sectors and learn more about the intricate world of policymaking. This unique opportunity brings together researchers from the University of Oxford and policy professionals who have been involved in the OPEN Peer Mentoring Scheme, fostering the exchange of ideas and collaboration.

In dedicated cluster rooms, you'll have the chance to participate in intimate roundtable discussions. Through a "speed networking" approach, you'll engage with new perspectives, explore potential synergies, and gain invaluable insights into the complexities of evidence-based policymaking. This event is more than just topical discussions; it's a platform to expand your professional network, fostering connections that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

This opportunity is intended for researchers only

Registration details coming soon.


Workshops for Humanities and Medical Sciences: Stakeholder mapping for Academic-Policy Engagement

Who do you need to engage with in the policy world to achieve impact? In this workshop, we will help answer this and other questions by equipping researchers to identify and map the people and groups who influence or are impacted by their research, when it comes to policy engagement. Using stakeholder analysis frameworks and interactive exercises, participants will learn to identify and categorize their relevant audiences across government agencies and other pertinent policy actors.


Jose Rojas Alvarado, Learning & Development Manager, OPEN

Thomas Kelsey, Humanities and Public Policy Officer

Naomi Gibson, Public and Policy Engagement Facilitator (Medical Sciences Division) 

POSTPONED: Humanities: 14 June, 10:00 - 12:00, Radcliffe Humanities Building. All registered attendees have been contacted, and new details will be circulated once confirmed.

Medical Sciences: 9 July, 14:00 - 16:00, Kavli Institute, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building. REGISTER NOW

This opportunity is intended for researchers from all divisions / DPhil Students/ Professional Services Staff



Workshop: Getting Started in Policy Engagement for Medical Sciences Division

20 June, 9:45 - 11:45

Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics

If you are interested in creating valuable connections between academia and policymakers and sharing your research insights to better inform public policies, this opportunity is for you. This introductory session, tailored to those new to policy engagement, is designed to support Medical Sciences researchers, DPhil students, and professional services staff,  in transforming their motivations for impact into a structured understanding of how to engage with the public policy world.

Learning outcomes

  • A better understanding of the differences between policy influence, impact, and engagement.
  • Enhanced understanding of the policy process at different levels of government (local, regional, national and international)
  • Increased awareness of practical tools and strategies to create a policy engagement plan

In this session, you will benefit from a combination of presentations, short exercises, and opportunities to discuss with peer researchers your motivations, plans, and challenges when it comes to engaging with policymakers and the public policy world.

Naomi Gibson, Public and Policy Engagement Facilitator, Medical Sciences Division
Jose Rojas Alvarado, Learning & Development Manager, OPEN

This opportunity is intended for researchers from all divisions / DPhil Students/ Professional Services Staff


Workshop: Speaking to Policy Audiences

26 June, 10:30 - 14:00

Seminar Room A, Saïd Business School

This workshop provides a primer on how to craft a strong presentation for a policy audience. Over the course of two, 90-minute sessions, we explore some of the key elements of persuasive communication that can help bring your talk alive. The first session focuses on the fundamentals of persuasive communication, including how to get the audience’s attention and how to structure your content in a way that lands with your audience. In the second half, we look at delivery skills. Here, we examine how to use body language, voice, and words to enhance your presence, as well as how to design and deliver slides for maximum impact. The workshop is highly interactive, melding best–practice concepts and techniques with tips and exercises. Participants will come away with greater confidence in the art of persuasive argument, which lies at the core of effective policy communication.


Delia Lloyd, a communications expert with more than 20 years of experience. She offers coaching and workshops in writing, speaking and leadership communications for academic, non-profit and commercial clients. From 2012-2017, Delia was the Head of Policy and Research Insight at BBC Media Action, the BBC's International development charity, where she was in charge of commissioning, editing and disseminating policy and research outputs.


This opportunity is intended for researchers only

To explore more events related to policy and research that are taking place across the University, visit the Research and Public Policy Collection on OxTalks.