University of Oxford small community grants scheme
The 2024 application and funding procedure for the Small Community Grants Scheme is now closed. Details for future community funding support will be announced in due course.
The list of successful applicants for 2023 can be found below.
Past awards
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its 2023 meeting:
- Oxford Pride 2023
- Connection Support
- Read Easy Oxford
- Oxford Mutual Aid
- The Parasol Youth and Community Volunteering Project
- Restore – Elder Stubbs Summer Fayre & Therapeutic Allotment
- Waseleeh Rose Garden – Wellbeing support group for women
- Modern Art Oxford
- Oxford Contemporary Music
- Ultimate Picture Palace Community Cinema
- Cowley Road Carnival
- East Oxford Stay and Play Post Covid Outreach for Families
- Arts at the Old Fire Station – Hidden Spire Collective Theatre Trips
- Tandem Befriending
- Oxford Community Action – School Holiday Activity Clubs
- The Oxfordshire Motor Project
- Homeless People and the Oxford Churches – Gatehouse community centre drop-in services
- Cutteslowe Seniors
- Yellow Submarine Holidays
- Viva Network – Doorsteps Youth and Schools Work
- MyVision Oxfordshire – Children and Young People Project
- Oxfordshire Play Association – Play and Activity Days 2023 (Oxford City)
- In-Spire Sounds
- Maggie's Oxford – Mental wellbeing support for people living with and affected by cancer
- Headington Festival 2023
- Quest for Learning – Literacy support for disadvantaged children in Oxford
- Oxford and District Mencap
- Exeter College Vacation Project
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Hilary term 2022 meeting:
- Oxfordshire Youth
- Headington Action – Headington Festival 2022
- Viva Network’s doorstep school work project
- Restore Oxfordshire
- St Nicholas’ Primary and Nursery School
- Creative Dementia Arts Network
- FloFest Oxford
- Oxford Pride 2022
- Wolvercote Young Peoples Club
- Arts at the Old Fire Station
- Waste2Taste CIC
- Home-Start Oxford
- Oxford Food Hub
- Rose Hill Junior Youth Club
- Oxfordshire Mind
- Turtle Key Arts
- Oxford Against Cutting
- Ark-T community hub
- Fairview Allotments Association
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Michaelmas term 2021 meeting:
- Quest for Learning literacy scheme
- Oxfordshire African Caribbean Multicultural Association
- Leys Community Development Initiative homework club
- Yellow Submarine Social Enterprise café
- Oxford Mutual Aid
- Oxford Hub FELLOW programme
- The Gatehouse homeless community support scheme
- ExVac holidays 2022
- The Orchestra of St John’s Resonate workshops
- Falcon Boat Club
- Oxford and District Mencap
- The Archway Foundation
- Oxford Young Women’s Music Project
- SYRCOX: Syrian Community Oxford
- Oxford Preservation Trust Oxford Open Doors
- Instruments of Time and Truth school music scheme
- Oxfordshire Play Association
- Wheatley Oaks FC
- Iffley Fields Residents Association
- Holy Family Church toddler play group
- Oxford Opera Company opera in schools scheme
- Maggie’s Oxford
- One-Eighty schools programme
- RicNic community arts scheme
- Plutonkya’s International Women’s Day 2022 exhibition
- Iranian Community Network English language classes
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Hilary 2021 meeting:
- Quest for Learning literacy scheme
- Oxfordshire African Caribbean Multicultural Association
- Leys Community Development Initiative homework club
- Yellow Submarine Social Enterprise café
- Oxford Mutual Aid
- Oxford Hub FELLOW programme
- The Gatehouse homeless community support scheme
- ExVac holidays 2022
- The Orchestra of St John’s Resonate workshops
- Falcon Boat Club
- Oxford and District Mencap
- The Archway Foundation
- Oxford Young Women’s Music Project
- SYRCOX: Syrian Community Oxford
- Oxford Preservation Trust Oxford Open Doors
- Instruments of Time and Truth school music scheme
- Oxfordshire Play Association
- Wheatley Oaks FC
- Iffley Fields Residents Association
- Holy Family Church toddler play group
- Oxford Opera Company opera in schools scheme
- Maggie’s Oxford
- One-Eighty schools programme
- RicNic community arts scheme
- Plutonkya’s International Women’s Day 2022 exhibition
- Iranian Community Network English language classes
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Michaelmas 2020 meeting:
- Oxford City Athletic Club - Supporting Inclusive Athletics
- Oxfordshire Play Association - Barton and Rose Hill play and activity days 2021
- Barton Community Association - Fun to learn holiday club
- Marston Community Gardening - Marston Hive
- KIDS - Christmas activities and home packs
- Syrian Community Oxford and Oxfordshire Syrcox
- OXSRAD - Disability Hub and Sports Facility
- Yellow Submarine - Life Changing Bakes
- Quest for Learning
- African Families in the UK (AFiUK)
- Turtle Key Arts - Turtle Opera
- Folk Arts Oxford - Folk Weekend Oxford 2021
- Blackbird Leys Amateur Boxing Club
- Headington Action - Headington Festival Connected Communities 2021
- ExVac - Exeter College Vacation Project
- Jacari Oxford - Tutoring scheme
- AT The Bus - AT The Bus: Walk with Amal
- Leys Community Development Initiative - Creatively Clever Project
- Oxford Mutual Aid
- The Musical Youth Company of Oxford - Outreach programme
- Maggie's Oxford - Joy of living at Maggie's Oxford
- Wheatley Park School - Outdoor nurture/nature space
- Oxford and District Mencap - Relaunch 2021
- The Orchestra of St John's - Music for Autism
- Oxford Hub - Schools Plus
- The Gatehouse - Takeaway cafe and home delivery services
- Ark-T - Winter holiday parcels of love
- Barracks Lane Community Garden - Growing vegetables: Growing communities
- Cowley Road Works - Outreach programme
- Magdalen Road Studios - Magdalen Road Artwalk
- Oxford Preservation Trust - Oxford Open Doors Goes Outside
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Hilary 2020 meeting:
- Wolvercote Young People's Club - Tech Nation Lab
- The Iris Project - Oxford Authors Museum Mural
- The Gatehouse (Homeless People and the Oxford Churches)
- Oxford Hindu Temple and Community Centre - Oxford Summer Mela 2020
- Dovecote Voluntary Parent Committee - Summer Playscheme & Family Trip
- The Parasol Project – The Inklusive Bushcraft project
- EarthWatch Institute - Naturehood Oxford
- Tandem Social Group - Mental Health Befriending
- ACT Oxford - Monthly community meals
- Oxford Polish Association - Leys Festival 2020
- KEEN - 4-25 Programme
- Restore Mental Health - Elder Stubbs Festival
- Tandem Collective - Ethno England project
- The Ark T Centre - Music Against Prejudice: Inclusion Symposium
- BK LUWO - Celebrating 20 years of BK LUWO: international women’s group
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Michaelmas 2019 meeting:
- Modern Art Oxford - City As Studio
- Crisis Oxford - Crisis Skylight Oxford Rough Sleepers Breakfast Club
- Oxford International Women's Festival
- Oxford City Council - Christmas Lights Festival
- Young Dementia UK - Young Onset Dementia Advisers
- Tandem Collective - RISE magazine
- John Henry Newman Academy, Littlemore - Whole school ICT
- KIDS afterschool, Saturday and holiday club
- Exeter College Vacation Project ExVac Holidays 2020
- The Gatehouse - Staff and volunteer training programme 2020
- Oxford Hub - Branch Up
- Quest for Learning - Oxford City Numeracy Project
- Cowley Road Works - Schools Outreach Programme
- West Oxford Community School - Key Stage 2 Facilities
- Oxford Preservation Trust - Oxford Open Doors
- Young People's Puppet Theatre - Wolvercote intergenerational puppetry project
- Oxford and District Mencap - Hill End residential summer holidays
- Syrian Sisters - Family Outdoor Activity Days
- Oxford Urban Wildlife Group - The Wildlife Garden
- Jacari Oxford
- Plutonkya - MASAYA
- Oxford Baby Bank
- Donnington Doorstep - Youth Group Cooking Club
- Soundabout - Inclusive Choir
- Arts at the Old Fire Station - Hidden Spire 2020
- Assisted Reading for Children (ARCh)
- Photo Oxford - Photo Oxford Festival launch weekend
- Viva Network - Doorstep Schools Work
- Tandem Collective - RISE magazine
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following at its Hilary 2019 meeting:
- African Caribbean and African Kultural Heritage Initiative (ACKHI) Windrush Day celebrations
- Arts at the Old Fire Station ‘ICON’ project
- Florence Park Community Association
- Full Circle ‘Generations Together in Oxford’ project
- Headington Festival
- Kennington Youth Club kitchen refurbishment
- Kuumba Nia Arts – the Mary Prince Story
- Oxford Gatehouse drop-in café
- Oxfordshire Play Association and Rose Hill Primary School
- The Mandala Theatre Company ‘Exclusion’ project
- Yellow Submarine Holidays ‘Launchpad’ project
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following organisations and projects at its Michaelmas 2018 meeting:
- Bookfeast Schools Festival 2019
- Homeless Oxford
- Windale Primary School
- Oxford and District Mencap
- Diversity Football League
- The Story Café
- Oxford Hub
- Syrian Sisters Children’s Easter Holiday Camp
- The Orchestra of St John’s
- Blackbird Leys Adventure Playground
- TRAX - the Oxfordshire Motor Project
- One-Eighty
- The Children’s Allotment
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following its Hilary 2018 meeting:
- Oxford Hindu Temple & Community Centre Project
- Oxford Pride Group
- Headington Action
- South Oxford Adventure Playground (SOAP)
- Jacari
- Broken Spoke Bike Co-op
- KEEN Oxford
- FloFest
- Oxford Against Cutting
- UnderConstruction Theatre Company
- Arts at the Old Fire Station
- Oxford Hub
- The Jericho Living Heritage Trust
- The Ark T Centre
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following its Michaelmas 2017 meeting:
- Oxford Preservation Trust – Oxford Open Doors
- Cowley Road Works – Cowley Road Carnival
- Oxford City Council – Christmas Light Festival
- Environmental Sustainability Team (Oxford City Council) – Oxford Green Week 2018
- Oxford International Women's Festival Committee
- Quest For Learning
- Rugby League Inspires CIC – schools' project
The University of Oxford is pleased to have supported the following its Hilary 2017 meeting:
- Viva Network
- Agnes Smith Advice Centre (Blackbird Leys Neighbourhood Support Scheme Ltd)
- Arts at the Old Fire Station
- Headington Action
- Student Hubs
- Wolvercote Young People's Club
- Oxford Pride Group
- Wood Farm Youth Centre
- Read Easy Blackbird Leys
- Read for Good (Readathon)
- Oxford Hindu Temple & Community Centre Project
- Oxford Writers' House CIC
- OxGrow
- Friends of Hill End
- Photography Oxford
- Turkish Play Group
- Guideposts Trust

Oxford Open Doors and Oxford Christmas Lights have already benefited from a small community grant. The image at the top of the page is from Open Doors - an opportunity to experience some treasures of Oxford. Here children handle some ancient musical instruments at the Bate Collection, September 2013.
The Ashmolean was host to live music late into the evening for the Xmas Light Festival, December 2013.
A group learns how to play bells for Oxford’s Open Doors, September 2013
Dancers on the open stage in St. Giles for the Xmas Light Festival, December 2013