People are the foundation of the University’s success and the quality of our academic, research, professional and support staff is critical to our future. In order for Oxford to remain a world- leading institution for research and teaching we must continue to attract, recruit and support talented individuals and provide a diverse, inclusive, fair and open environment that allows staff to grow and flourish.
Our Human Resources policies and processes provide the framework for departments and faculties to support their people and to respond to the ever-changing external environment.
To attract, recruit and retain the highest calibre staff
In order to ensure that the University remains world-leading we must continue to recruit and retain the very best staff. We will ensure that our reward arrangements, including pension provision, are robust, transparent and competitive. We will address the challenges of living in Oxford by providing excellent childcare provision and increasing the availability and affordability of staff accommodation.
We will actively promote health and wellbeing so that our people are able to give their best to their work and feel valued, and we will support working parents and all those with caring responsibilities.
To work towards an increasingly diverse staffing profile
We believe that the broad range of cultural and other experiences that a diverse workforce brings will help the University maintain and develop its international outlook, strengthening its research and teaching. We will foster an inclusive culture that promotes equality of opportunity, values diversity and maintains a working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. We will amplify the voices of under-represented groups in leadership and decision-making and work to eliminate any barriers to their success.
To support staff in personal and professional development
Personal and professional development is key to enabling individuals to reach their full potential and maximise their contribution to the University. We will encourage staff at all levels to participate in planning their personal development and we will strengthen and promote our development programmes for all staff, regardless of their employment status. In particular, we will provide dedicated personal development support for early-career research staff and will ensure that those with management and leadership responsibilities are supported to be effective in those roles.
13. Embed a supportive, inclusive culture and increase the diversity of University staff at all levels through the implementation of our action plans such as Athena SWAN, the Race Equality Charter, the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and Mindful Employer.
14. Ensure that Oxford remains an attractive place to work, taking into consideration the work environment, housing, childcare, visas, pensions and salary.
15. Create a policy and practice environment that is supportive of wellbeing, where responsibility for wellbeing is shared and owned by all.
16. Put in place creative and consistent measures to help our staff to balance competing demands on their time, both within their roles and between their working and home lives, including developing our childcare provision and flexible working policies, and enabling academic staff to vary their duties over the course of their career.
17. Develop an equitable and transparent means of allocating new affordable homes for University and college staff (see priority 28).
18. Review and improve our current arrangements to support the personal and career development of all staff.