University Officers
Lord Hague of Richmond was elected as the new Chancellor of Oxford University in November 2024. The admission ceremony took place on 19 Feb 2025.
Pro-Vice-Chancellors with portfolio
Education: Professor Martin Williams
Professor Martin Williams took up the role of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) on January 1 2018. Professor Williams received his BSc and PhD degrees from Bristol University and later worked as a structural design engineer. He moved to the University of Oxford in 1989, based in the Engineering Science Department and at New College, where he is the David Clarke Fellow in Engineering. He is a Fellow both of the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institution of Structural Engineers. He served on the Council of the University of Oxford for four years, and as Senior Proctor from 2009-2010. He has chaired the Committee for the Proctors Office since 2015. He was previously Associate Head (Education) of the Division of Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences and was Deputy Head of the Department of Engineering Science. At New College he was Sub-Warden from 2007-8 and Senior Tutor from 1995-99.
As Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), Professor Williams is responsible for the University’s strategy and policies for teaching, learning, student support and admissions.
Innovation: Professor Chas Bountra
Digital: Professor Anne Trefethen
Professor Anne Trefethen is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Digital) and a Fellow of St Cross College.
She became Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Academic Services and University Collections in January 2015, and from 1 September 2018 became Pro-Vice-Chancellor for People and GLAM, as chair of the Personnel Committee and with responsibility for overseeing the University’s gardens, libraries and museums.
Professor Trefethen was appointed the University’s first Chief Information Officer in March 2012, prior to which she served as Director of the Oxford e-Research Centre. Before coming to Oxford in 2005, she was a Director of the UK e-Science Core Programme and prior to that worked at NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) in both management and technical roles. She has spent ten years in the US at Thinking Machines Corp and at the Theory Centre, Cornell University, in leadership roles.
Planning and Resources: Dr David Prout
Dr David Prout took up the post of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) in September 2017. He has had a distinguished career in central and local government, most recently (2013-17) as Director General for the £50 billion High Speed 2 programme. Prior to that he was Director General for Local Government at the Department for Communities and Local Government, where he was responsible for all aspects of local government policy and funding, for the Fire Service, and for tackling extremism. He has also served as, among other roles, Executive Director for Housing, Planning and Regeneration at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (2007-2009); Director for Local Government Policy in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (2004-2007) and Private and Principal Private Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister (1999-2004).
As Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources), Dr Prout is responsible for institutional and strategic planning, and resource allocation.
Research: Professor Patrick Grant
Pro-Vice-Chancellors without portfolio
- Professor Lady Sue Black, Baroness Black of Strome, LT, DBE, FRS, FRSE, FRAI, FRSB President of St John’s College
- Professor Judith Buchanan, Master of St Peter’s College
- Professor Richard Hobbs, CBE, FMedSci, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPE Mercian Professor of Primary Care, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
- Dr Sir Michael Jacobs, Warden of Keble College
- Professor Jonathan Michie, President of Kellogg College
- Professor Jennifer Payne, Warden of Merton
- Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt, FRS, FREng, FBCS Principal of Jesus College
- The Very Rev’d Professor Jane Shaw Principal of Harris Manchester College
- Professor Lord Lionel Tarassenko, CBE, FREng, FMedSci President of Reuben College
- Professor Baroness Katherine J Willis, CBE, FGS Principal of St Edmund Hall
- Gill Aitken MA (Oxon), CB
Heads of Academic Divisions
- Humanities: Professor Daniel Grimley
- Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences: Professor James H Naismith FRS FRSE FMedSci MAE FRSC FInstP FRSB
- Medical Sciences: Professor Gavin Screaton, FMedSci, FRCP
- Social Sciences: Professor Timothy J Power
- Senior Proctor: Professor Thomas Adcock
- Junior Proctor: Professor Conall Mac Niocaill
- Assessor: Professor Benjamin Bollig
- Bodley's Librarian & Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums: Richard Ovenden, OBE, FRSA, FSA, FRHistS
- Director of the Ashmolean Museum: Dr Alexander Sturgis
- Director of the Museum of the History of Science: Dr Silke Ackermann
- Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum: Professor Laura Van Broekhoven
- Director of the University Museum of Natural History: Professor Paul Smith
- Director of the Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum: Professor Simon Hiscock
- Director of the Department for Continuing Education: Professor Matthew Weait
- Chief Executive of Oxford University Press: Nigel Portwood