Update on student occupation of Examination Schools
17 June 2024
The University condemns the actions of the seven protestors who invaded the Examination Schools last Thursday. We are extremely sorry for the disruption to students who had an exam cancelled, who had exams affected by noise and delay, and who had to sit exams at alternative locations. As a result of the impact on the welfare of those students taking the affected exams, the University has already put in place appropriate mitigations to ensure no student is disadvantaged.
We are pleased that, following discussions with the University, the protesters were persuaded to leave the building by Friday morning. This was achieved with minimal police involvement.
The University recognises the right to protest within the law and within the University’s rules, but the disruption of our students’ education was unacceptable. There must be no further repeat of this type of disruptive protest.
We understand the strength of feeling across our community. Members of the University’s leadership team are actively listening to all perspectives from multiple student and staff groups and individual members of our community.
As part of that continuing work, the University is committed to sustained engagement with student representatives of the Palestine solidarity encampments on issues highlighted by the encampments, including disclosure, investments, finance and the rebuilding of Palestinian higher education. We have already made progress on developing a Palestinian Crisis Scholarships scheme, which several colleges and the central University have already agreed to support.
We are equally committed to responding to concerns expressed by many Jewish and Israeli students and staff. We recognise the need to strengthen our efforts to prevent and respond to antisemitism within the collegiate University.
Indeed, there is more to do in ensuring the University of Oxford is a place that is safe and welcoming for everyone. There is no place for antisemitism, Islamophobia or any other hostility directed at any group based on race, ethnicity, nationality or religion.
We will only be able to achieve all this if everyone in our community comes together.