
Most applicants for undergraduate courses at Oxford apply with A-levels, but we accept a range of qualifications. See entrance requirements and international qualifications.

If you are predicted top grades at A-level (excluding General Studies), or equivalent, you may be able to make a competitive application to Oxford. However Oxford usually only has around 3,300 places each year so even excellent grades will not guarantee you an offer.

Offers for Oxford places are between A*A*A and AAA at A-level, depending on the course. (See course pages.)

See a list of Oxford courses with conditional offers including at least one A*.

A-level grades of students who applied in 2022 during the 2023 UCAS cycle.




Success Rate %

A*A*A* or above3803131234.5%
Below AAA55254828.7%

The data above is based on the best three A-levels (excluding General Studies) completed by candidates during 2022 and 2023.

Applicants with A-level grades below AAA may have achieved other qualifications before 2022.

A-level grades of accepted students who applied in 2022 during the 2023 UCAS cycle.

A*A*A* or above128349.2%
Below AAA (inc. A*A*B etc)2308.8%

The data above is based on the best three A-levels (excluding General Studies) completed by candidates during 2022 and 2023.

Applicants with A-level grades below AAA may have achieved other qualifications before 2022.

Qualification on which offers were made to students who applied in 2022 during the 2023 UCAS cycle.

Type of qualificationOffersFinal acceptances
International Baccalaureate287238
US APTs or SATs13081
A-level/Pre-U combination9082
Singaporean SIPCAL7562
Scottish (Advanced Highers or Highers)2726
Indian School Certificate1915
Higher Education (Degree, Masters etc.)1813
French Baccalaureate (inc International Option)1413
Australian ATAR/UAI1312
Hong Kong DSE109
Romanian Diploma de Bacaleaureat104
German Abitur86
Irish Leaving Certificate86
Bulgarian Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie65
Canadian School Diploma (e.g. OSSD)66
A-level Other Combination55
Polish Matura55
Other qualification (<5 offers)2322

Final acceptances refer to applicants who have completed the admissions process with a firm acceptance of a confirmed offer with no further conditions outstanding and would be anticipated to enrol at the relevant point of entry.

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