Gardens and green spaces
Our gardens and green spaces are of great scientific importance as well as fantastic places to relax and unwind. The University Parks, a five-minute walk from the city centre, cover 70 acres of beautiful parkland.
Originally owned by Merton College, the parks were purchased by the University in the 1850s. They are open to the public every day of the year until dusk (with the exception of Christmas Eve) and boast a choice of walks, a large collection of trees and plants and space for informal games and picnics. The University cricket pitch sits in the middle.
Wytham Woods is a 1000 acre area of ancient semi-natural woodland, three miles west of the city centre, and is one of the most researched areas of woodland in the world. The site has more than 500 species of plants and 800 species of butterflies and moths. Wytham has a wealth of long-term biological data, including decades of bird and badger data, and climate change data for the last two decades. There is public access to the site including a free permit scheme for walkers, a schools outreach programme, and guided walks for natural history groups.
The Botanic Garden is the oldest in Britain. Founded in 1621 to grow plants for medicinal research, today it contains nearly 6000 different types of plant on just 4.5 acres. As well as its conservation work, it supports the University’s teaching and research. Harcourt Arboretum, located south of Oxford at Nuneham Courtenay, comprises 130 acres, and includes some of the finest conifer collections and oldest redwoods in the UK. Seasonal highlights include wildflower meadows, rhododendrons and bluebell woods. Both the Garden and Arboretum are open throughout the year.