Training and development
(Credit: Shutterstock)


The Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service provides a variety of training for current staff and students at the University. The key aims of our training are to raise awareness of the prevalence and impact of sexual violence, ensure students receive safe and appropriate responses when seeking support, and to share details of the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service so that students can be signposted and referred with confidence.

Sexual Violence Awareness training

Description: This 2-hour training session focuses on highlighting the prevalence of sexual violence in the University and broader community, the impact of sexual violence, and how to support and refer students to specialist support. The session includes interactive quizzes and small group discussions. 

The training is open access for anyone interested within the collegiate university, including students.


  • To understand key statistics and definitions relating to sexual violence and domestic abuse​
  • To consider impacts of sexual violence​
  • To learn about support services available to students​
  • To explore barriers to disclosure and seeking support​
  • To outline best practice for responding to disclosures​
  • To understand how and where to refer on​
  • To highlight the importance of self-care

Upcoming training:

  • Thursday 25th July 2024 10:00- 12:00 via Microsoft Teams
  • Monday 23rd September 2024 13:00-15:00 via Microsoft Teams

How to book: To sign up for training, or to be added to the mailing list for future dates, please complete this form.

Responding to Incidents of Sexual Violence – Workshop for Porters

Description: This training is a free 3-hour, in-person workshop designed to upskill porters and other frontline staff in similar roles in how to respond to students following incidents of sexual violence.


  • To explore roles and responsibilities of Porters
  • To learn about trauma and the brain
  • To learn how to respond well to incidents of sexual violence
  • To manage disclosures
  • To manage the impact in teams

Upcoming Training:

  •  19th July 2024 09:30-12:30, in-person, location TBC
  •  26th July 2024 16:00-19:00, in-person, location TBC
  • 13th September 2024 09:30-12:30, in-person, location TBC
  • 20th September 2024 16:00-19:00, in-person, location TBC

How to Book: If you are interested in attending, please email [email protected]

Sexual Violence Workshop for College Welfare Teams

This workshop, open only to college welfare teams, is on support options, risk and safeguarding, and responding well to students who disclose an incidence of sexual harassment or violence. The session is 3 hours in person, in a case study based workshop. 

The workshop is limited to staff acting in welfare and other relevant student facing roles. We encourage staff to attend together as a team where possible. This training is not appropriate for students, peer supporters or student welfare reps.

Upcoming training:

  • New dates to be announced soon. If you'd like to organise and host a workshop, please get in touch - [email protected].

How to book: To express your interest in attending, or hosting a workshop at your college, please email [email protected].

Domestic Abuse Awareness Training

This training from the Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service is open to staff across the collegiate university working in a student welfare lead role, or similar. The training covers:

  • Prevalence of domestic abuse nationally and within the HE sector
  • Definitions of domestic abuse and coercive control, including recognising different types of abuse
  • Impacts of domestic abuse, including understanding the behaviour of victims
  • Barriers to identifying and disclosing domestic abuse
  • Specific challenges for students experiencing domestic abuse and coercive control
  • How to respond to disclosures and refer on

If you are interested in attending, and wish to join the mailing list, please complete this form.

Upcoming training:

  • To register your interest for future training, please complete the below form.

How to book: Please complete this form.

If you are having any difficulties booking onto training, or need to contact us, please email [email protected]

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