Three students sat in the quad at St Antony's College, Oxford
Three students sat in the quad at St Antony's College, Oxford

What support is available?

There are a wide range of individual adjustments and study support available for disabled students, and the DAS will help you determine what support is appropriate for you at Oxford.

In order to determine what support might be appropriate for you at Oxford, the DAS will:

  • Ask you about your experiences and expectations
  • Review your evidence of disability
  • Consider your current course of study

The support listed on this page is only a sample; there might be more options or other ways of working available. Not all support listed is always available to all students in a particular category. The DAS will work with you to consider your individual circumstances.

Support can be considered in these categories:

  • Teaching adjustments
  • Human support (also known as non-medical help)
  • Reasonable adjustments to the built environment
  • IT equipment and study technology
  • Travel between study sites
  • Examinations and assessments
  • Libraries

Support or funding is not provided for:

  • Daily living support (for UK students, the local authority service in your home remains responsible for social and personal care and non-study-related support)
  • Medical support

The collegiate University shares responsibility for meeting the needs of disabled students. This is set out in the Common Framework for Disabled Students.

The DAS will liaise with your college and department disability coordinators to implement your support. 

Your Student Support Plan

Registering with DAS is complete once you have declared a disability, provided registration details and submitted suitable evidence.  DAS will check that all is correct and update your student record to make sure that you benefit from the measures outlined in the Disability inclusion statement which are key for providing access to learning for disabled students.  This is known as “SSP A”

Inclusive Practice

  • Provide teaching materials electronically in advance (PowerPoints, handouts, etc), preferably in Canvas, at least 24 hours before the session. See the DAS Guide to providing materials in advance
  • Provide structured reading lists in advance of the teaching start date. Find out more: Oxford Reading Lists Online and the DAS Guide to structured reading lists.
  • Provide access to lecture recordings until the relevant assessments have been completed and permit student to record presenter-led teaching sessions. See the University’s Educational recordings policy for students’ responsibilities (§26-30) and the DAS guide on lecture recordings.
  • Some flexibility with formative tutorial work on occasion if needed to accommodate disability impact, to be agreed with the tutor. For example, extension of a deadline or adjustment to the nature or format of the submission (e.g. shorter essay).
  • Additional library support in Bodleian libraries, including extended library loans.

If additional recommendations for individual support are required a Student Support Plan (SSP) may be prepared, usually following a meeting with your Disability Advisor. We will need your permission to share your SSP so that the collegiate University can provide effective support.

Example Student Support Plans

We have developed a standard Student Support Plan known as “SSP B” tailored to the level of study (under-graduate, post-graduate taught and research) and division.   This contains comprehensive information and advice with recommendations for adjustments that will be made, including exam adjustments where needed. Examples: SSPB_ Mental Health, Research degrees; SSPB_ Mental Health, Taught Degrees; SSPB_ SpLD, Research degrees; SSPB_SpLD, Science Taught Degree. In some instances the Student Support Plan is based on discussions between the DAS and yourself, so we recommend you get in contact with us for an initial appointment.  

The SSP represents recommendations only and your College or Academic Department will need to decide with you and DAS whether there are other more effective ways to make reasonable adjustments for your disability.

The SSP is uploaded to your student record and notifications are sent to the people who are supporting you:

  • Your college disability coordinator
  • Your departmental disability coordinator (the lead department if you are doing a joint course)
  • The Disability Librarian at the Bodleian Library (if you have library-related needs)

These people will share this information to core members of staff who need to know about your disability to support you.

The DAS will advise you on implementing certain support such as:

  • Getting in touch with tutors, mentors or other support workers
  • Arranging delivery of technology and training
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