How to access support
Here you can find a step-by-step guide to accessing support from the Disability Advisory Service, from disclosing a disability through to discussing and agreeing recommendations for support.
Your disability advisor will help you through all the steps below involved in accessing support. If you have any questions about any steps in the process, please contact us.
1. Find out if you are eligible for support. The DAS facilitates access to study for all students with a disability which meets the Equality Act (2010) criteria. Visit 'Who can we support?' to find out more. If you are still unsure, please contact the DAS.
2. Disclose your disability to the Disability Advisory Service. There are several ways to disclose your disability to the DAS, after which point you can begin discussing potential study support options. For information on how and why you should disclose your disability, go to 'Tell us about your disability'.
3. Provide evidence of your disability. Evidence is required to demonstrate how you meet the Equality Act (2010) definitions of a disability in order for the University to arrange study support. Find detailed information on what defines a disability, and what evidence is suitable here.
4. Apply for funding. You can apply for funding to help cover costs incurred as a result of your disability while at university. Visit 'Funding' for more detailed information for UK and international students.
5. Arrange a study needs assessment if needed. Your funding body will ask you to attend a study needs assessment. It is not a test! It is an opportunity for you to discuss the impact your disability may have on your studies, so that relevant support recommendations can be made.
6. Agree and share your Student Support Plan. The DAS will discuss and agree with you information and recommendations to be communicated to relevant contacts at your college, department and library services, as relevant and only with your consent. For more information about SSPs, visit this page.
7. Keep in touch with us. If your needs or circumstances change or your support is not working you can discuss making changes with the DAS. Whatever your concerns stay in touch with your disability advisor, or your disability coordinator in your college or department. Let the DAS know about any questions, queries or concerns and they will do their best to help. You can find contact details within 'About the Disability Advisory Service'.