empty punts on a river
Moored Punts At 'The Head of the River', Oxford

General wellbeing

These pages offer lists of recommended resources on various themes, including books, websites, apps and more. They have been put together by members of the counselling service team: we hope they offer some useful suggestions. We have included a range of resources and, inevitably, you may find that some things are more helpful than others. Feedback is always welcome; the pages are updated on a regular basis.

A note on language: Sections are organised by theme to help you find your way to resources relevant to you. We recognise that there are many ways to describe and categorise mental health and emotional difficulties, identity and lived experience. As such, these themes are by no means definitive or exhaustive. We encourage you to explore the material here in order to find out what fits for you.

The University is not responsible for the content displayed on external links. We recommend that you seek advice from your GP if you have concerns about your mental health, or if you are experiencing a crisis please refer to our student help page for urgent support.



Managing Your Energy Not Your Time - Tony Schwartz & Catherine McCarthy (- Book Chapter from On Managing Yourself)

Feel Better in 5: your daily plan to supercharge your health - Dr. Rangan Chatterjee 

How To Break Up With Your Phone: the 30-day plan to take back your life - Catherine Price

The Antidote: Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking - Oliver Burkeman

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals - Oliver Burkeman

I May Be Wrong - Björn Natthiko Lindeblad

Real Self Care - Dr Pooja Lakshmin

Practicing Happiness Workbook: How Mindfulness Can Free You From The Four Psychological Traps That Keep You Stressed, Anxious and Depressed - Ruth Baer

The things you can see only when you slow down: how to be calm in a busy world - Haemin Sunim

Mindfulness for Life - Willem Kuyken (available from 24th October 2024)

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World - Mark Williams and Danny Penman

Breath: the new science of a lost art - James Nestor

Why We Sleep: unlocking the power of sleep and dreams - Matthew Walker

Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems - Colin Espie (Bodleian e:book available)

Atomic Habits: an easy and proven way to build good habits & break bad ones: tiny changes, remarkable results - James Clear

Manage your mind: the mental fitness guide - Gillian Butler (2018 edition)

Be well learn well: improve your wellbeing and academic performance - Gareth Hughes

This Book Could Help: the Men's Head Space Manual - Rotimi Akinsete

Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes that Stick - Wendy Wood

The poetry pharmacy: tried-and-true prescriptions for the mind, heart and soul - William Sieghart (editor)


Ten tips for looking after your mental health at Oxford | University of Oxford

NHS - How to fall asleep faster and sleep better


Sleepio - Online programme for insomnia 

Every Mind Matters - NHS

The Sleep Charity

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm in Brain and Mental Health - Oxford Researchers

Quick, Cheap and Easy Student Recipes - The Student Food Project

Short introduction to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs by Saul McLeod

Summary of facts and research on our engagement with digital media collated by Oxford graduate and tech entrepreneur Tanya Goodin

Five Ways To Wellbeing - Mind

Food and Mood - Mind

Mental Health And Exercise - Mental Health Foundation

Breathing tips & techniques - University of Oxford, Medical Sciences Division

478 Breath - Relaxing Breathing Technique designed by Dr. Andrew Weil

Centre for Clinical Interventions (CCI) Tolerating Distress Workbook

The School of Life


How Sleep Affects Your Emotions - Matt Walker

Simple Tips for Better Sleep - Every Mind Matters

How Exercise Makes You Smarter And a Better Student - Med School Insider

The Elephant, The Rider and The Path - Jonathan Haidt's tale of behaviour change

The School of Life


Our Mental Wellness Series organised by the Experimental Psychology Department at Oxford University

A series of talks and presentations developed by the Oxford University Counselling Service

Kate Binnie: First and Last Breath soundscape | University of Oxford Podcasts

Food for Thought - Rihannon Lambert podcast with expert advice on nutrition, fitness and health

ZOE Science & Nutrition Podcast

Live Better Feel More - Dr Rangan Chatterjee podcast

How to Fail - Elizabeth Day, a podcast that celebrates the things that haven't gone well in life and ways to learn from them



Workshops and Groups - University of Oxford

  • Introduction To Mindfulness
  • Managing Sleep & Insomnia
  • Reducing Digital Distraction With Dr Ulrik Lyngs
  • Relaxation
  • Stressed!
  • Undergraduate Support - by counsellor referral

Podcasts and Guided Practice Sessions - Oxford Mindfulness Foundation

Togetherall Courses

  • Cut Down Your Drinking
  • Improve Your Sleep
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Balance Your Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Quit Smoking


Sleepio - NHS clinical app to help with insomnia

My Possible Self: The Mental Health App

justgetflux - app that reduces the impact of screen time on the quality of sleep

waterlogged app - app that helps you to keep on top of water consumption to keep well

Calm - sleep and meditation app

Headspace - meditation and mental health app

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