Oxford University is a richly diverse community, and students and members of staff will find a wide variety of places and forms of religious worship in and around the City centre.
College Chaplains, Chapels and chaplaincy for all faiths and none are operating in colleges and across the University. Please check individual college chapel, student faith societies or faith chaplains' websites for precise details of activities, groups and worship including choral services to ascertain local arrangements.
A list of those contact details can be found immediately below this text as well as on the student faith societies webpage.
If you have religious needs or particular needs for a forthcoming faith celebration then please get in touch with the relevant chaplain or college chapel/ faith contact as early as possible so they can support you as appropriate at this time. If you are unsure who to contact, email any college chaplain and they will be only too glad to signpost and assist as the chaplains enjoy good collaborative relationships across all denominations and faiths and meet together on a regular basis.
Oxford is a superb University and city in which to explore faith. We hope you relish the opportunities afforded in this diverse community with its rich heritage, where so many faiths co-exist peacefully and enjoy serving the needs of the local community.
College chaplain contacts
All Souls College
The Very Rev'd John Drury
Tel: 01865 279368
Email: john.drury@all-souls.ox.ac.uk / alls0204@nexus.ox.ac.uk
The Rev'd Dr Andrew Teal
The Rev'd Dr Melanie Marshall, Acting Chaplain
Tel: 07595 003 189
Email: andrew.teal@theology.ox.ac.uk / melanie.marshall@balliol.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.balliol.ox.ac.uk/chapel
Fr Gregory Schnackenberg
Email: john.schnakenberg@bfriars.ox.ac.uk
Brasenose College
The Rev'd David Sheen
Tel: 01865 277833
Email: chaplain@bnc.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://www.bnc.ox.ac.uk/current-students/college-life/chapel
Christ Church
The Rev'd Clare Hayns, College Chaplain and welfare coordinator
Tel: 01865 276236
Email: clare.hayns@chch.ox.ac.uk
Website: http://www.chch.ox.ac.uk/chaplain
Corpus Christi College
The Rev'd Professor Robert Gilbert
Tel: 01865 276722
Email: robert.gilbert@ccc.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.ccc.ox.ac.uk/Chapel
Exeter College
The Rev'd Andrew Allen
Tel: 01865 279610
Email: andrew.allen@exeter.ox.ac.uk
Green Templeton College
No Chaplain
Harris Manchester College
Rev'd Susannah Reide
Tel: 01865 (2)71036
Email: susannah.reide@hmc.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://www.hmc.ox.ac.uk/chapel
Hertford College
Tel: 01865 279455
Email: chaplain@hertford.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.hertford.ox.ac.uk/my-hertford/chapel
Jesus College
The Rev'd Dr Chris Dingwall-Jones
Tel: 01865 279757
Email: chaplain@jesus.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://www.jesus.ox.ac.uk/jesus-college-chapel/
Keble College
Fr Max Kramer (Chaplain)
Fr Darren McFarland (Assistant Chaplain)
Tel: 01865 272725
Email: max.kramer@keble.ox.ac.uk
Kellogg College
Rev'd Dr Alistair Ross (Pastoral Advisor)
Email: Alistair.ross@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Lady Margaret Hall
The Rev'd Andrew Forshew-Cain
Tel: 07812 453230
Email: chaplain@lmh.ox.ac.uk
Linacre College
No Chaplain
Lincoln College
The Rev'd Andy Shamel
Tel: 01865 277905
Email: chaplain@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://lincoln.ox.ac.uk/discover/the-chapel
Magdalen College
The Revd Dr Andrew Bowyer
Tel: 01865 276027
Email: andrew.bowyer@magd.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://www.magd.ox.ac.uk/chapel-and-choir/chapel-services/
Mansfield College
Rev’d Nathan Mulcock
Email: nathan.mulcock@mansfield.ox.ac.uk or chaplain@mansfield@ox.ac.uk
Merton College
The Revd Canon Justin White (he/him) (Chaplain)
Email: justin.white@merton.ox.ac.uk
The Revd Lyndon Webb (he/him) (Associate Chaplain)
Email: lyndon.webb@merton.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://www.merton.ox.ac.uk/chapel
New College
Rev'd Dr Erica Longfellow
Email: chaplain@new.ox.ac.uk
Nuffield College
No Chaplain
Oriel College
The Rev'd Dr Robert Wainwright
Email: chaplain@oriel.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://www.oriel.ox.ac.uk/life-oriel/chapel
Pembroke College
The Rev'd Andrew Teal
Tel: 01865 286276
Email: andrew.teal@pmb.ox.ac.uk
The Queen's College
Alice Watson
Tel: 01865 279143
Email: alice.watson@queens.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.queens.ox.ac.uk/chapel
Regent's Park College
The Rev’d Beth Allison-Glenny (she/her)
Tel: 01865 288140
Email: elizabeth.allisonglenny@regents.ox.ac.uk
Somerville College
Chapel Contact: Arzhia Habibi, Chapel Director
Email: chapel.office@some.ox.ac.uk
St Anne's College
No Chaplain
St Antony's College
No Chaplain
St Catherine's College
No Chaplain
St Cross
No Chaplain
St Edmund Hall
The Rev'd Dr Zachary Guiliano
Email: zachary.guiliano@seh.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://www.seh.ox.ac.uk/discover/explore-teddy-hall/chapel
St Hilda's College
Chaplain: Suzan Meryem Rosita Kalayci
Email: suzan.kalayci@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
St Hugh's College
Revd Katie Tupling
Tel: 01865 274955
Email: chaplain@st-hughs.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.st-hughs.ox.ac.uk/chapel
St John's College
The Rev'd Dr Elizabeth Macfarlane
Email: elizabeth.macfarlane@sjc.ox.ac.uk
St Peter's College
Revd Matthew Routledge
Email: matthew.routledge@spc.ox.uk
Website: www.spc.ox.ac.uk/about/the-chapel
Trinity College
The Rev'd Joshua Brocklesby
Email: joshua.brocklesby@trinity.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.trinity.ox.ac.uk/chapel-landing-page
University Church
The Revd Canon Dr William Lamb
Tel: 01865 279114
Email: vicar@universitychurch.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.universitychurch.ox.ac.uk
University College
The Rev'd Dr Andrew Gregory
Email: andrew.gregory@univ.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://www.univ.ox.ac.uk/live-at-univ/chapel/
Wadham College
Rev'd Dr Jane Baun
Email: chaplain@wadham.ox.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)1865 277905
Website: https://www.wadham.ox.ac.uk/about/chapel
Wolfson College
No Chaplain
Worcester College
The Rev'd Marcus Green
Email: marcus.green@worc.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: http://worcesterchapel.org/
Wycliffe Hall
The Rev'd Jane Chaffey
Email: Jane.Chaffey@wycliffe.ox.ac.uk
Chapel website: https://www.wycliffe.ox.ac.uk/staff-profiles#collapse1265626
Other contacts for religious worship
Catholic Chaplaincy
Email: catholic.chaplaincy@ox.ac.uk
Website: www.catholic-chaplaincy.org.uk
Hindu Chaplaincy
Shaunaka Rishi Das
Tel: 01865 304303
Email: shaunaka@ochs.org.uk
Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies: https://ochs.org.uk
Jewish Chaplaincy
(Oxford and Oxford Brookes Universities)
Rabbi Moish Blum and Tanya Blum
Email: moish@mychaplaincy.co.uk, Tel: 07385474933
Email: tanya@mychaplaincy.co.uk, Tel: 07385476017
Oxford University Chabad Society and Chabad House of Oxford
email: oxfordchabad@gmail.com
website: www.oxfordchabad.org
Methodist Chaplaincy
Revd Miriam Moul
Email: miriam.moul@methodist.org.uk
Muslim Chaplaincy
Afifi Al-Akiti
Email: afifi.al-akiti@worc.ox.ac.uk
Orthodox Christian Chaplaincy
The Very Revd Ian Graham (Greek Orthodox)
Email: rian_graham@yahoo.co.uk
The Very Revd Stephen Platt (Russian Orthodox)
Email: fr.stephen.platt@gmail.com
Oxford Pastorate
The Revd Dr Jonathan Brant
Oxford Pastorate Chaplain to Graduate Students
Tel: 07854 771041
Email: jonathan.brant@oxfordpastorate.org
Website: www.oxfordpastorate.org
Quaker Chaplaincy
Suzan Meryem Rosita Kalayci
Email: suzan.kalayci@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://oxfordquakers.org/