Before you apply
This page is about when you need to apply, how to get your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number, whether you will need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate and how the University’s Student Immigration Advisers can help with your application.
Help with your visa application
The University's Student Immigration Advisers can provide feedback on your online application before you submit it. For more information about this, see Submitting your application. If you have queries while you prepare your application which are not answered in these pages, contact us by email: s[email protected]
When to apply for your visa
First, check that you will be allowed to make your visa application in the UK. You can only apply in the UK if you meet the restrictive ‘academic progression’ requirement, otherwise you will need to apply in your home country .
You should apply to renew or extend your visa before your current visa has expired. It is considered to be submitted once you have paid for it online, even if you are required to attend an appointment later to give biometrics. You may legally remain in the UK while your application is processed. Your previous visa conditions such as your work permission continue to apply.
- If your visa is for a new course, you cannot apply earlier than three months before the start date given on your CAS
- If you are applying to start studying at Oxford and your previous visa is for study at another institution you must apply for your visa before you enrol. You can then start studying while you wait for your visa
- If you are starting a new course, having already completed a course at Oxford, you must submit an application for a visa for the new course not later than six weeks after you enrol, even if you have time left on the visa for your previous course
- If you are changing your course at Oxford before completing your previous course you will need to check whether you will need to return to your home country to get a new visa or whether you can apply in the UK. If you are not allowed to start studying your new course on your existing visa you will need to return to your Home Country and apply for a new visa before starting
It is important to apply in time. To allow yourself time to prepare the application and obtain any documents you need we advise you to start work on it at least 2 months before you need to submit it. If you will need an ATAS certificate, you should apply for this at least 3 months before you need to make your visa application.
It is against the law to remain in the UK beyond the expiry date of your visa without having made a further visa application or having asked for 'exceptional assurance' because you cannot leave for reasons caused by Covid, and being an ‘overstayer’ can have serious consequences for future visa applications, including being prohibited from returning to the UK for 12 months once you have left. There is no period in which you are able to lawfully overstay and UK Visas and Immigration will only consider an application from an overstayer if made within 14 days of the visa expiry date and where there is a good reason which is beyond the applicant's control, which needs to be explained in the application. If your visa has already expired, email Student Immigration for advice.
Getting a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number
You need a CAS from the University before you apply for your visa:
If you are starting a new course as an undergraduate or visiting student, your college will contact you by email about your CAS. If you are a postgraduate or recognised student, your department or faculty will contact you. Make sure your college, department or faculty has your current email address. If you have an unconditional offer and have not received your CAS three months before the start of your course, contact your college or department. Your CAS is valid to use for a visa application for six months but you cannot apply for your visa earlier than three months before your course start date as given on the CAS.
If you are a continuing student and need a visa for more time to complete your course, contact your college (undergraduate and visiting students) or department (graduate and recognised students) for a CAS.
You will have the opportunity to check your CAS in draft form: please do so and make sure you notify your college or department of any changes that are needed.
Your CAS number will be emailed to you in a 'CAS statement'. This also lists information that the University has sent to UK Visas and Immigration and the University’s Tier 4 Licensed Sponsor number and address, which you should use in your visa application as the address for your ‘primary site of study’.
Read this page for more information about your CAS number and frequently asked questions.
Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate
Some students in science, engineering, medicine and technology subjects will need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate before applying for a visa, including a further visa to complete studies already started. Your CAS will state whether you need an ATAS certificate and your college or department can help you apply. You must get an agreed research statement from your department or a list of modules from your college (undergraduates) for your ATAS application.
Since October 5 2020 the following nationalities have been exempt from the ATAS requirement: Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and the USA. EU/EEA and Swiss nationals are also exempt.
When your ATAS clearance certificate is issued, it is valid for 6 months to use in a Student visa application, this covers the whole period of your study as outlined on your CAS. If your original course end date is delayed or postponed by more than three months, or your course contents or research proposal change then you will need to reapply for fresh ATAS clearance.
Read our FAQs and guide if you need to apply for ATAS.