Matriculation confers membership of the University on students. Regulations for matriculation are set out in the University Statutes and Regulations.
You should be matriculated if you are:
- Following a degree level course and are enrolled at the University of Oxford*: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Theology, BFA, Masters, DPhil
- A Princeton student
- A student for the Certificate in Theology, Certificate for Theology Graduates, the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology or the Postgraduate Diploma in Diplomatic Studies
- A student for specific Diplomas and Certificates e.g. Diploma in Legal Studies (incoming Erasmus students), Diploma in Applied Statistics, Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, Postgraduate Certificate in Education, Professional Graduate Certificate in Education, Certificate and Diploma in Theological and Pastoral Studies, Postgraduate Diploma in Integrated Immunology
- An Erasmus student who is taking an Oxford degree or Diploma/Certificate in Legal Studies or the MSt in Modern Languages
- A student on a Matriculated Non-Award Programme
- A student on the Oxford Astrophoria Foundation Programme
Please contact your college if you have any queries about the event.
*For some part-time and distance learning courses which must matriculate, provision has been made within the University Regulations for students on these course to matriculate in absence:
Executive MBA (EMBA) | MSc Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching | MSc Clinical Trials |
MSc Educational Assessment | MSc Global Healthcare Leadership | MSc Intellectual Property |
MSc Learning and Teaching | MSc Major Programme Management | MSc Medical Education |
MSc Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care | MSt Practical Ethics | MSc Precision Cancer Medicine |
MSc Sleep Medicine | MSc Taxation | MSc Teacher Education |
PLEASE NOTE: it is not possible to attend a matriculation ceremony in person if you have already been matriculated in absentia, or your programme of study (see list above) provides for you to be matriculated in absence.
You should not be matriculated if you are:
- A Visiting student
- Studying for a Diploma and Certificate open to ‘non-members’ of the University (largely those offered by the Department for Continuing Education, Department of Computer Science, and Saïd Business School)
- Studying for the Doctor of Clinical Psychology
- An Erasmus exchange student who is not taking a University course or examination (classified as Visiting Students) except Erasmus students who are taking the Diploma in Legal Studies or the MSt in Modern Languages (see above) and who are therefore matriculated
- A Recognised student
- Currently suspended from study (eligible students should matriculate on their return to study)
Although not formally members of the University, non-matriculated students are expected to observe the same rules and regulations as matriculated students.
When should you matriculate?
If your course starts at the beginning of Michaelmas term, you would normally matriculate at the end of the first week of that term.
If your course starts at a different time, there are ceremonies at the end of each Michaelmas term and at the end of each Hilary and Trinity term. You must matriculate within two terms after the term of which you are provisionally matriculated, be that in attendance at a ceremony or in absentia. If you have any questions about matriculation, contact your college.
There is a separate matriculation ceremony for students on the MSc in International Human Rights Law programme. Your department will provide you with the details.
You matriculate at the start of your first degree from the University of Oxford. Matriculation confers membership of the University on students, therefore you do not need to matriculate at the start of any subsequent degrees at the University.
What should I wear to matriculate?
The required dress for matriculation is known as sub fusc, details of which are available from the academic dress page.