Your email
You should check your University email account at least once per day. Email is the primary communications tool for tutors, academic departments, colleges and central services to contact you. All University-related emails will be sent to your ox.ac.uk email account.
If you’ve just joined the University, whether you’re a student or a new member of staff, we have guidance to help you get set up with all your basic IT needs, such as email and internet access. We’ll also introduce you to the other IT services we offer that can help you make your work or study easier. Please visit the IT Services Getting started page for further IT information.
The University email service is called Nexus365 and is run by IT Services. You will have been registered automatically for an Oxford email account as soon as your University card was created. To access your account:
- ensure you have activated your Oxford username
- use your Oxford username and password to log in to the IT Services' self-registration service and find your email address (click on 'User info' in the left-hand sidebar and then select 'Email' in the blue bar in the web page).
- you can then access your account via https://outlook.office.com.
Personalising your email account
- You can configure your secure email clients (for example, Outlook, MacMail, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc) to work with your University email.
- Change your account settings, such as the default address, at Account Settings.
- All University-related emails will be sent to your ox.ac.uk email account.
Your email calendar
Oxford email also provides an online calendar. You can give other people access to your calendar, and schedule meetings, share contacts, tasks, files and folders with your colleagues.
Email accounts for continuing students
The entitlement to your full range of IT services continues until course completion. For research graduates this is usually the date that Leave to Supplicate is granted. For most other students this will be at the expiry date on your University card. If you have been offered a place on a course at Oxford starting in the next academic year, access to your email account will be extended over the Long Vacation. If you take up the offer your email account will be further extended to the end date on your new University Card. If you are changing college, or starting a graduate course, you may be assigned a new email address. This will be assigned once your University Card is updated. You should continue to use your existing username.
Junk mail and phishing
As with any email account, some of the messages you receive will be unwanted and unsolicited email often referred to as junk email or spam. Always delete junk email - never reply.
Phishing is the name given to emails and websites which ask you to reveal personal and confidential information about yourself. You should never reveal usernames or passwords via email or respond to emails you do not trust.
To avoid being caught out by phishers:
- never share your passwords via email
- never respond to an email you do not trust. If you are unsure Google the company website and use the contact details online to ask if they need to talk to you
- if sharing confidential information online, check that the URL begins with https:// and the padlock icon in your web browser. If these aren't present, criminals may be able to read the information you send over the internet. However, the mere presence of a padlock does not guarantee that your information will be secure.