Image of a globe
Image of a model globe.
Photo by Benigno Hoyuela on Unsplash

Turing Scheme

The Turing Scheme is the UK government's funding programme for outgoing global study or work abroad activities. The University of Oxford secured Turing Scheme funding for specific student opportunities taking place in the 2024/25 academic year. The University will be bidding for new funding for the 2025/26 academic year in Spring 2025, with the outcome expected in the Summer 2025.

Turing Scheme objectives

The Turing Scheme supports student mobility for study and work, and promotes global activities that enable students to gain experience of other cultures and develop their skills.

In the 2025/26 academic year, the Turing Scheme will particularly focus on: 

  • Advancing social justice – by supporting social mobility and expanding international opportunities
  • Enhancing skills – by offering career-building opportunities and delivering strong educational outcomes
  • Ensuring value for money – by enhancing students’ skills and improving educational outcomes

Turing Scheme funding in 2025/26

The University is seeking to secure Turing Scheme funding towards living costs for specific student opportunities in the 2025/26 academic year, spanning a range of departments, with additional funding available for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Students at the University of Oxford who are undertaking international activities eligible for Turing Scheme funding will be contacted with details about their entitlement.

Outgoing students undertaking compulsory study placements will continue to benefit from the longstanding arrangements in place with our European partner institutions, as we continue to operate bilateral partnerships and to welcome incoming exchange students to Oxford, alongside the Turing Scheme.

Further information on the Turing Scheme for Oxford students

Please visit the Outgoing Turing Students page for further information about 2025/26 eligibility criteria, participating programmes, eligible activities, grant rates, and how to apply.

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