Financial advice and support in 2024/25
The University and colleges provide a range of support for students facing financial difficulties during their studies. This provision is kept under regular review, particularly following recent cost of living pressures faced by students.
What to do if you are worried about your finances
Managing your budget
The University’s managing your budget page provides a range of advice on ways to manage your money while at university; and our living costs webpage can help you estimate your living costs in Oxford.
Outside the University, you might also want to review the MoneySavingExpert Student Budget Planner.
Financial assistance
There is a range of assistance available to support students in financial difficulty through your college or the University’s Financial Assistance schemes. Support for students under these schemes has been topped up with a generous contribution from the Vice Chancellor's Discretionary Fund in recognition of the ongoing demand for support, following increased cost of living pressures. Visit the Oxford Financial Assistance schemes page for more information, which includes details of targeted support for UK undergraduates who are care-experienced or estranged from their family.
Welfare support
We understand that financial strains can have an impact on your wellbeing. You can find out about the welfare support available from the University; and you can also speak to your college welfare team. Independent advice is also available from Oxford SU’s Student Advice service.
Undergraduate students
Oxford Bursaries and Crankstart Bursaries have been increased by 3% for all new and returning students in 2024/25, following the introduction of an annual uplift to undergraduate bursaries since 2023. Bursaries of up to £5,970 are available in 2024/25. The amount returning students can receive has also been brought in line to increase support for UK undergraduates.
Graduate students
Graduate scholarship stipend increases
The University is matching the UKRI’s increase to doctoral stipend levels for 2024/25. This means that most non-UKRI Oxford scholarship stipends for both graduate taught students and graduate research students will rise to £19,237 pa this year.