Intellectual property
The University in its statutes claims ownership of certain forms of intellectual property that students create in the course of, or incidentally to, their studies, but generally does not claim ownership of copyright created by students.
There are arrangements in the University’s regulations for protecting and exploiting intellectual property, and sharing the commercial exploitation revenues with the student originators. By accepting a place at the University of Oxford and signing the Student Contract with the University, you agree to be legally bound by these provisions.
The main Statute governing intellectual property is Statute XVI, Part B.
In summary, this states:
- that the University claims ownership of student-created intellectual property that is created with the aid of University facilities or commissioned by the University or comprises inventions, designs, databases, software, firmware and courseware and related know how and information
- that the University will not assert any claim to the ownership of copyright in: artistic works including (where not commissioned by the University) books, articles, plays, scores, lyrics and lectures, student theses and answers to tests and examinations (except where claimed as above), and computer-related works (except where claimed as above).
The related regulations for the administration of the policy explain the approved arrangements for revenue-sharing.