For students
We believe that a degree opens doors and is life-changing for many people, but we also know that deciding where or whether to go to university is not always easy, particularly if you don't know people who have been, or who can tell you what it's like.
Oxford for Oxford can provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about your future. We work with all students from YR1-YR13. For students aged 16 to 18, we provide information about university admissions, helping you to explore what Oxford has to offer and developing the skills necessary to make successful applications to Oxford. For students aged 11 to 16, we provide the information needed to make informed decisions about GCSE and A-Level choices. We also work with primary aged students to introduce them to the idea of university.
Our Core Offer
Trinity College is the main point of contact for Oxfordshire’s schools within the University, and we work closely with the central Undergraduate Admissions Office to offer a range of programmes regularly available to students, their teachers, and families.
The Trinity College Access Team offer university information and guidance sessions in Oxfordshire schools, as well as hosting visits into Trinity College from all year groups, in both primary and state secondary schools. There are also several residential opportunities in Oxford for both students and teachers in state secondary schools.
For information about teacher-specific activities and programmes, please head to the section: For Teachers
Trinity outreach visits to and from schools | Targeted access programmes | Enrichment resources | Oxbridge conferences & Open Days | For applicants & offer-holders | Humanities events | Maths & sciences events | Medical sciences events | Social sciences events | Oxford's Gardens, Libraries and Museums | Other programmes
Trinity Outreach Visits to Schools and Student Visits to the College
Book a Trinity College outreach visit to your school
The Access Team at Trinity College offers the following sessions to state schools in Oxfordshire as follows:
- Year 4, 5 & 6: What is University? Supporting primary aged pupils to understand what university education is, why and how they might get there. Suitable for all pupils.
- Year 7 & 8: Exploring University. The purpose, myth-busting the cost and what it might be like to study There. Suitable for all pupils.
- Year 9: Exploring University. The purpose, myth-busting the cost and a brief introduction to the University of Oxford. Suitable for all pupils.
- Year 10: An Introduction to Oxford. The people, the courses & the Super Curriculum. Suitable for all pupils and those beginning to show potential to apply to a high-tariff university.
- Year 11: Exploring A-Level Options. University courses and the Russell Group. Suitable for all pupils.
- Year 12: Oxford & the application process. Suitable for those expressing an interest and/or having potential to apply to Oxford and/or Cambridge.
- Year 12: Personal Statement Workshop. Suitable for all pupils and/or those applying to Oxford and/or Cambridge.
- Year 13: Interviews and Admissions Test Guidance workshop. Suitable for those who have submitted an application to Oxbridge.
- An introduction to Oxplore for Years 7 to 12: These sessions are inspired by Oxford’s online outreach platform, Oxplore, and aim to develop the kinds of skills associated with academic and other future success. These skills include critical thinking & analysis, explaining & reasoning, active listening & reflection, persuading, arguing and concluding. Further development of these skills can advantage all pupils in their future, whatever direction this may take.
To book an in-person visit, live-online or pre-recorded session for your school please email [email protected] with your request.
Book a visit day to Trinity College with your students
Trinity College Visit Days
During term, we run visit days on a Wednesday each week to enable primary and secondary school students to come and experience university life and Trinity College.
We welcome enquiries from teachers and individual students for a visit of any year group and time of year though generally we prioritise Years 11 and 12 in Autumn Term, Years 12 and 10 in Spring Term and Years 9 and below including Primary Schools in Summer Term.
Visit days are designed to give pupils a taste of undergraduate life at the University of Oxford and can be adapted for all year groups. There is no charge for these days.
Suggested programme for school visit into College, University of Oxford
- 10:00 Welcome by Access Officer
- 10:15 General Higher Education / University of Oxford Talk
- 11:15 Meet current undergraduate students for a Q&A
- 11:45 Lunch in Hall, with undergraduate students
- 12:30 College tour
- 13:00 Taught session at a museum or subject department e.g. ' Object Handling' at the Pitt Rivers Museum or 'Collections Up Close' at the Bodleian Library
- 14:30 End of the day
The Access team are very happy to adapt and or extend College visit days to meet the needs of any particular group of pupils, so please do get in touch to discuss in more detail. If distance or other significant barriers prevent bringing groups of pupils to the College, please get in touch to discuss what support we may be able to offer to these.
To book a visit day please email [email protected]
Targeted access programmes offered by Trinity College and Oxford Undergraduate Admissions
UNIQ Residential – Spring or Summer (KS5)
In this programme for Year 12 students, participants come to Oxford for five days, stay in a college, attend an academic programme during the day and take part in social activities in the evenings. Students will get first-hand experience of life at university, meet like-minded people and gain deeper understanding of a subject that interests them.
Academic Programme: During UNIQ students will be taught by Oxford academics, attend lectures and labs, and use departmental facilities – just like a real undergraduate! In addition to lectures students might be asked to prepare some independent work for a tutorial at the end of the week where they will go through the topic in detail, either individually with a tutor or in a small group.
The UNIQ academic programmes are demanding, but they are also fun and students get to look at their favourite subject in new and engaging ways. The UNIQ courses give students an insight into what studying at degree level, and at Oxford, is really like.
UNIQ runs courses on over 30 subjects, so there’s plenty to choose from and almost certainly something to suit a variety of interests. Have a look at the UNIQ courses page for more information.
Admissions advice: Aiming high and applying to top universities like Oxford can seem a little daunting, so there will be a range of dedicated sessions throughout the week providing information on every aspect of the application process.
Social Programme: It’s not all hard work! Outside of the academic timetable there will be free time or opportunities to take part in a range of social activities. In the past there have been stand-up comedy evenings, sports and games in the park, college tours, city-wide scavenger hunts and epic parties.
For more information on the selection criteria for UNIQ and to make an application visit the UNIQ website.
Target Oxbridge (KS5)
Target Oxbridge is a free programme that aims to help black African and Caribbean students and students of mixed race with black African and Caribbean heritage increase their chances of getting into the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge (known collectively as Oxbridge). Since launching in 2012, Target Oxbridge has helped 81 students to secure Oxbridge offers.
The programme is open to UK-based students in Year 12 (as well as, in certain circumstances Year 13). The students accepted onto the programme will be high attainers – they will ideally have achieved, 5 grades at A*, 9, 8 or 7 at GCSE. In the case of students hoping to study Medicine, they will ideally have achieved 8 grades at A*, 9 or 8 at GCSE.
The various strands of the programme focus on intellectual, cultural and social development irrespective of personal or economic barriers. These strands include:
- Regular contact with a black or minority ethnic Oxbridge graduate to pinpoint your strengths, discuss your aspirations and identify areas for development.
- A tailored series of critical theory discussions, seminars, Oxbridge-style tutorials, visits to both universities and guest speaker events.
- Advice on making the right degree subject, university and college selection.
- Personalised advice on your personal statement, UCAS form, SAQ statement and other submitted materials including essays, statements of purpose and portfolios.
- Structured Oxbridge interview practice, test preparation sessions with trained markers/assessors and revision workshops.
- One-on-one mentoring.
More information about how to apply can be found on the Target Oxbridge website.
Women in Science (KS4, 5)
Trinity and Wadham colleges together run a special Women in Sciences programme annually for 100 young female scientists in Year 12. The programme aims to encourage and inspire those who have an interest in science to explore its varied and exciting potential at university. Participants join the programme from state schools in Oxford, London, the North East and Wales. For more information email [email protected]
OxLaT Extension Programme (KS4, 5)
This programme gives children in Years 12 to 13 a taste of the intellectual riches that the study of Greco-Roman antiquity has to offer through its languages, literature, philosophy, ancient history and archaeology. The programme is delivered through summer schools and day schools spread over two years and is open to those who have already completed Latin to GCSE through the Faculty-run OxLAT scheme for children within the wider Oxford catchment area. For more information email [email protected].
Enrichment activities and resources
Oxplore: The Home of Big Questions
Oxplore is an innovative digital outreach portal from the University of Oxford. As the ‘Home of Big Questions’ it aims to engage those from 11 to 18 years with debates and ideas that go beyond what is covered in the classroom. The big questions aim to tackle complex ideas across a wide range of subjects and draw on the latest research undertaken at Oxford. Oxplore aims to realise aspirations, promote deeper thinking and stimulate intellectual curiosity. This could be an effective tool to aid thinking and discussion skills development. You can find out more about Oxplore and explore some of the Big Questions.
Inspiring Digital Learning Materials
The University of Oxford has compiled the best of our digital resources to support learning and exploration. They can help parents and teachers to feed the curiosity of growing minds and inspire them to think broadly. These resources can also enable older students to explore their passions and interests further, and to discover more about Oxford. You can find these all on one website.
Competitions for pupils
Several colleges and departments of the University of Oxford run competitions which are open to students from schools and colleges.
Preparing an entry for one of these competitions is a valuable experience for academically motivated students so please do encourage your students to enter. There are also some exciting prizes to be won. Further details can be found on the Oxford's undergraduate admissions website.
Trinity Talks
Trinity’s postgraduate students and academics are offering supercurricular enrichment to secondary and sixth-form students at state schools. The online interactive twilight sessions feature a college academic or postgraduate discussing their area of academic interest and expertise, with a mix of topics ranging from the politics of Brexit and the future of plastics to the sequencing of the human genome and Virginia Woolf’s modernism. Trinity’s Access and Outreach team also provide a brief overview of super-curricular enrichment and how it relates to thinking about higher education. Each session contains a Q&A for participants with the academic and the Access team. Next programme of sessions begins in January 2022. Check out the Trinity Talks website for registration details and have a look at the YouTube playlist collection of previously recorded talks.
Library Quad
An enrichment resource bank for secondary school students interested in delving deeper into their subject area. Students can explore the collection of resources, including books, online channels and documentaries all recommended by the current undergraduate students from Trinity College. There is lots to explore across many subject areas, including Computer Science, Music and History. Take a look at Library Quad for yourself!
Oxbridge conferences and Open Days
Open Days
All colleges will be open for all prospective students on Oxford University Open Days. Open Days take place in late June or early July and again in September each year. You can access more information about these days online.
Additionally, subject departments will hold Open Days throughout 2022 and details of exact dates will be made available later in the year.
Oxbridge Student Conferences
These conferences are designed as Open Days on the road, our conferences bring experienced admissions staff, subject specialists and current students from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge to you at venues around the UK.
The events are aimed at Year 12 students (or equivalent) who are studying for their A Levels/IB (or equivalent) and are beginning to consider their options for study beyond sixth form. These full day events provide up to date information about our courses, clearly outline the admissions process and provide students with the opportunity to hear first-hand how our current undergraduate students find life at Oxford and Cambridge. Our aim is for students to leave having explored the breadth of subjects on offer to them, gained a deeper insight in to what our courses involve and an understanding of how both universities assess applications.
Find out more about the conferences on the Oxbridge Student Conferences page.
Access opportunities for applicants and offer-holders to Oxford
Opportunity Oxford
Under this programme, selected Oxford offer-holders participate in an academic bridging programme which supports them in their transition from school or college to our university. The programme explores and develops high-level academic skills that support the success of participants in their further studies. Opportunity Oxford also gives an insight into what life as an Oxford student is like so, when participants arrive to start their degree course, they can feel confident and know exactly what is expected of them and what to expect from Oxford.
There are up to 200 places available on the programme; to be eligible, applicants will be on track to meet the academic requirements of their chosen Oxford course but will not have received lots of support with their studies and will come from a less advantaged background.
Opportunity Oxford aims to prepare academically-talented students for university - so that they can make the most of their abilities and enjoy their studies. All students have to do is apply to Oxford through UCAS in the normal way. If they are eligible, they will automatically be considered for a place on Opportunity Oxford. They will know if they are successful in receiving an offer from Oxford and a place on Opportunity Oxford in January, and at the same time as all our offers for undergraduate study are made every year. Find out more about this initiative.
Foundation Year at Lady Margaret Hall
The Foundation Year is a free and fully funded, year-long course designed to enable students from under-represented backgrounds to reach their potential. Students on the Foundation Year live and study at Lady Margaret Hall, a college of the University of Oxford. Over the academic year, students receive tuition in their chosen subject and you will also take a 'Preparation for Undergraduate Study' course. All of this teaching is aimed at preparing Foundation Year students to go on an excel either at Oxford University or at any other highly-selective university.
Lowered grade requirements:
LMH recognises that achievement at GCSE and A Level is not necessarily an indicator of academic potential, and so we accept students onto the Foundation Year with grades that are lower than the traditional Oxford offer (e.g. BBB instead of AAA). More information about this programme is available on the Foundation Year website.
Oxford announces Foundation Oxford
Oxford University is committed to improving opportunities for talented students from all backgrounds to be able to access its excellent education.
The University's foundation year course is for UK state school students who have high academic potential, but have experienced severe personal disadvantage or disrupted education. Those offered places take part in a free, fully-funded, yearlong bespoke subject-specific course at Oxford.
Foundation Oxford will offer up to 50 places per year. Foundation Oxford will admit its first students for entry in October 2023. All applicants for this course must apply via UCAS by the January deadline in 2023. Find out more on the Oxford undergraduate admissions website.
Other opportunities
In addition to the regular opportunities provided by Trinity College and Oxford University's Outreach and Access team, Oxford's departments, divisions, libraries, museums and collections offer a wide range of subject and interest-specific outreach activities. Have a look at the options below and see what else might interest you!
Events and activities in humanities subjects
OxLAT (Oxford Latin) Programme
Offers children in Years 9 and 10 (13–15 year olds) attending state schools in the Oxfordshire area that have no Latin provision free tuition in Latin language and literature ab initio through to GCSE. More information is available on the Classics Faculty website.
Medieval and Modern Languages Year 9 Day
A one-day programme of languages workshops which includes languages that are both part of the school curriculum as well as those unfamiliar to most state-school students. Contact [email protected] for more information.
History Skills Workshop
The History Faculty offers a selection of free online History Skills Workshops to state secondary school, sixth form and FE college pupils from across the UK. Workshop topics include concepts & historiography, history research skills, and primary sources. Further details including how to book a workshop can be found on the Faculty of History website.
Sixth form literary masterclass
These workshops focusing on literary texts which are part of the A-level modern languages syllabus are open to state school students in years 12 and 13. Contact [email protected] for more information.
English Faculty State Schools Open Day
This one-day Open Day introduces the English Faculty and course to state school students. For more information contact [email protected].
English Faculty summer open days
These open days offer all students an introduction to studying English at Oxford, along with taster lectures, an admissions talk, and a Q&A with undergraduates. For more information contact [email protected].
Events and activities in Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences subjects
Chemistry lecture-demonstrations
Be informed and entertained by chemistry with these assembly-style lecture-demonstrations delivered either in school or in a lecture theatre in Oxford. More information can be found on the Chemistry Department website.
Chemistry career & research talks
Hear Chemistry researchers, staff and alumni share their stories and take questions about working in chemistry. More information can be found on the Chemistry Department website.
Chemistry workshops
Interact with Chemistry outreach ambassadors and staff through these tailored workshops for students in school or in the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory in Oxford. Find out more on the Chemistry Department website.
RSC Women in Chemistry
This is an online multi-institutions project for girls aged 10-14 to engage in fun challenges based on current research, as well as an opportunity to engage with the researchers. Find out more on their website.
Chemistry Schools Competitions
A chance to be challenged and curious with events like RSC Top of the Bench, Spelling Bee, and more. Find out more on the Chemistry Department website.
Bebras computing challenge
The Bebras Computing Challenge introduces computational thinking to school students (year 2 to 13). Each participant answer questions (online in their own school) that focus on computational and logical thinking. Find out more on the Bebras website.
MPLS events
Activities and events involving a number of Oxford departments and faculties including a Primary Science Day, Guide Day and the programme Marie Curious. Find out more on the MPLS website.
HOPE for the future NLHF funded project
HOPE for the Future is a three-year project at Oxford University Museum of Natural History funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Through a programme of free activities for KS2 and 3 students the programme aims to nurture and enthuse children and young people about natural sciences generally and insects in particular. Find out more on the Museum's website.
These careers workshops are aimed at KS3 students/parents from BAME backgrounds, and are designed to encourage the study of STEM from a careers perspective and run by Hertford College. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Practical Nanoscience workshop
These STEM subject enrichment sessions are targeted at Year 8/9 students. Students rotate through six hands-on practical nano-science activities, exploring the fascinating properties of materials at the nanometre scale. Find out more on the Begbroke Park science website.
Inspire Her!
Inspire Her! is aimed at year 7 (11-12 year old) female students at UK state schools in the Oxfordshire area with the goal of increasing girls' interest and curiosity in Computer Science with plenty of hands-on activities and exciting coding challenges for mothers and their daughters. Organised by Oxford Women in Computer Science (OxWoCS), you can find out more on their website.
Royal Institution Masterclasses
These super-curricular subject enrichment sessions in Maths or Computer Science involve repeat engagement over the course of three years (year 9 pupils are invited back for a programme of year 10 sessions, then invited back again for year 11 sessions). To find out more email [email protected] or [email protected].
Innovation Showcase
Take part in a STEM/ Innovation/ Business subject enrichment session for Year 9/10 students run by the Begbroke Science Park team. In one competition student teams translate scientific discoveries into business ideas, which they pitch to a Dragons' Den style jury, competing for Begbroke's Innovation Award. The workshop includes a tour of Engineering and Materials labs at Begbroke Science Park. Find out more on the Begbroke website.
Girl Guides Multi-Science Taster Day
This annual multi-science day is run in association with the Oxfordshire Girl Guides Association. Normally held during half-term, students undertake a range of science activities. Sign up is via your Oxfordshire Girl Guide unit or for more information contact [email protected].
Unsung Heroes of Science
This video competition is run by Hertford College for 16-18-year-olds, challenging them to make a short video celebrating an unsung hero in a STEM field. Find out more on the competition website.
Oxford Online Maths Club
These free and interactive weekly super-curricular maths livestream sessions include problems, puzzles, mini-lectures and activities. Find out more on the Maths Institute website.
Philosophy+ Science taster day
This taster day provides an opportunity to find out more about how science and philosophy intertwine. More specifically, how Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics all have one thing in common, Philosophy. This event is an opportunity for students who are considering applying for a joint degree in these subjects at University, and want to find out more. Students should be in the following year groups: Year 11 or 12 if at school in England or Wales, S5 or S6 if at school in Scotland, or Year 12 or 13 if at school in Northern Ireland. Find out more on the computer Science website.
Chemistry Schools Conference
Connect with researchers and professionals with research talks from a leading researcher, one from a graduate, and a lecture-demonstration. Find out more on the Chemistry Department website.
Events and activities in medical sciences subjects
Primary school visits
The Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging invites local Year 6 classes to come to its Centre for an fMRI scanner demo. The children come up with a small experiment, see the scanner in action and have an interactive talk on a neuroscience topic with a researcher. Find out more on the department website.
Primary school programme
The Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging's programme is created with teachers to use neuroscience to help them to deliver elements of the STEM curriculum across all stages of primary school. To find out more visit their website or email [email protected].
Classroom demonstration in big data
Play the Data Games! this is an opportunity for primary school pupils to learn what data can tell us and how it can be collected, sorted and organised to help population health research. Run by the Nuffield Department of Population Health, you can contact [email protected] for more information.
Classroom demonstration on laboratory testing
There are secrets in our blood! This session is a demonstration for key stage 2-4 pupils of the different components of blood and methods for testing samples, to show how valuable it is for investigating the causes of diseases. Run by the Nuffield Department of Population Health, you can contact [email protected] for more information.
Classroom demonstration to explain epidemiological research
How do scientists find out what puts people at risk of disease? This game for key stage 2-4 pupils aims to explain epidemiology and how research studies are carried out. Run by the Nuffield Department of Population Health, you can contact [email protected] for more information.
Online resources in population health
Explore science through a collection of online content, including animations and short films about clinical trials, and a demonstration about lab tests for population health research. Email [email protected] to find out how to access the materials.
Student careers fair stall
Join a demonstration of how biological samples are tested in a laboratory for population health research. This is an opportunity for students to meet scientists and discuss careers in laboratory research and epidemiology. Run by the Nuffield Department of Population Health, you can contact [email protected] for more information.
SHElock is a workshop day designed to make 11-14 year old girls feel confident in the context of science. With hands-on workshops, an escape room, and many opportunities to talk to our female scientists, you too can unlock the secrets of the brain! Find out more on the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging website.
Resilience to stress
Building resilience to stress is an important skill to develop. This programme helps students understand what happens in their brain when they are stressed and gives practical tools to combat stress immediately and in the future. Find out more on the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging website.
Big Brain Roadshow
The Big Brain Roadshow takes students (and teachers) on a journey spanning the past 200 years of brain ‘imaging’ techniques, how those techniques have given us insight into how our brain learns, speaks, and sees, and allows students to spend time chatting with researchers. Visit the website for more information.
Neuroscience Experience
This week-long programme allows 24 Year 12 students to experience neuroscience and psychiatry research through interactive, in-depth workshops on everything from fMRI experimental design, data collection and analysis to medical genetics and experimental medicine. Find out more on their website.
Work experience with the Nuffield Department of Population Health
This work experience programme for students in year 10 or above covers various aspects of population health research eg. clinical trial coordinator, laboratory scientist, data analyst, communications. For more information contact [email protected].
Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging A-Level Day
Join a morning of lectures about neuroscience, covering MRI scanning, visual neuroscience, language and stuttering and neurological conditions, usually followed by a visit to a relevant exhibition in the afternoon. Visit the Centre's website or email [email protected] for more information.
Events and activities in social sciences subjects
Law Ambassador school visits
Linklaters Oxford Law Access Ambassadors are available for virtual/physical school talks. These can be tailored to your needs, for example a general talk through the admissions process, a talk specifically on the LNAT or interview, assistance with study skills or writing personal statements. For more information contact [email protected] or visit the programme website.
Law residential (spring workshop)
The residential gives students a flavour of studying law at university, and the opportunity to explore the college and the University. Students have the chance to attend legal workshops, speak to tutors and undergraduate students to find out more about the process of applying to study law at Oxford and what it is like to be a student here. Also includes attendance at the Law Faculty Taster Day. Visit the Corpus Christi College website for more information.
Peter Cane Legal Reasoning Prize
The prize is a fantastic chance for aspiring lawyers to analyse a legal text and communicate their analysis. Shortlisted candidates are invited to an event hosted by Corpus Christi and the Law Faculty Taster Day, both of which occur in March. Visit the competition website for more information.
Events and Activities offered by Oxford's Gardens, Libraries and Museums
Ashmolean Museum Early Years Gallery Activities Programme
This creative programme of gallery activities for Early Years groups (Nurseries & Reception) is delivered by Ashmolean learning team. Find out more on the Ashmolean website or email [email protected] for more information.
Ashmolean Museum online primary school programme
The Ashmolean offers a virtual programme for primary schools, which includes a live taught session delivered by member of Ashmolean team supported by online resources eg films, games, images and activities. Find out more on the Ashmolean website or email [email protected] for more information.
Ashmolean Museum primary school programme
The Ashmolean offers a creative programme of gallery activities for KS1& KS2 classes inspired by collections and linked to national curriculum, for example Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Prehistory, Anglo Saxons. Find out more on the Ashmolean website or email [email protected] for more information.
Pitt Rivers Museum primary school sessions
These interactive sessions in the Pitt Rivers Museum are based on the museum collections and the National Curriculum and involve a wide range of hands on workshops including object handling. For more information visit the Pitt Rivers website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum online primary school sessions
These interactive online sessions are based on the museum collections and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 & 2 pupils. For more information visit the Pitt Rivers website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum Primary School Bursary Scheme
Target Oxford-city primary schools can apply to participate in taught sessions from the primary programme at the Pitt Rivers Museum for free. For more information visit the Pitt Rivers website or email [email protected].
Natural History Museum primary school programme
These virtual and physical workshops are linked to the science and geography national curriculum, for example an evolution workshop for KS2. For more information visit the Natural History Museum website or email [email protected].
History of Science Museum primary schools programme
The History of Science Museum offers a wide range of science and cross-curricular facilitated workshops for all key stages physical and virtual. For more information visit the programme website or email [email protected].
Iffley Academy Partnership
This is a partnership spanning the University's Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM) that offers a secondary school SEN project designed in collaboration with teachers leading to Arts Award. For more information visit the GLAM website or email [email protected].
Ashmolean Museum secondary & FE schools schools programme
The Ashmolean offers a creative programme of taught gallery activities, workshops and study days for Years 7-13 and FE inspired by collections and supported the curriculum. For more information visit the Ashmolean website or email [email protected].
Ashmolean Museum online secondary programme
The Ashmolean offers creative online sessions inspired by collections supporting the curriculum through a mixture of live taught sessions supported by online resources. For more information email [email protected].
Ashmolean Museum access and widening participation (all years)
The Ashmolean provides ongoing support for the central University's Widening Participation programmes, mainly working with secondary schools but some work with target primary schools. For more information visit the Ashmolean website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum access sessions
The Pitt Rivers Museum provides interactive object handling sessions for pupils in years 7 to 13 from target schools aspiring to higher education. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum Secondary School and FE Sessions
The Pitt Rivers offers a wide range of hands-on taught workshops for pupils in years 7 to 13 based on the museum collections and the school curriculum. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum online Secondary School and FE Sessions
These interactive online sessions are based on the Pitt Rivers museum collections and the National Curriculum for pupils in years 7 to 13. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Pitt Rivers Museum Kick Arts
This Arts Award intervention is run in partnership between the Pitt Rivers Museum and the arts charity OYAP for school refusers and vulnerable students aged 14-16 that aims to give students a positive, creative outlook outside the classroom through working with creative practitioners. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
History of Science Museum outreach visits to schools
The History of Science Museum offers outreach visits to local schools linked to ongoing projects and visits to the Museum. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
History of Science Museum academic study days
The History of Science Museum offers occasional academic study days in partnerships with other museums and departments across the University. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
History of Science secondary and post-16 programme
The History of Science Museum offers a wide range of science and cross-curricular facilitated workshops for all key stages physical and virtual. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Natural History Museum Youth Programme
Oxford University Museum of Natural History is passionate about working with young people to help create the next generation of natural scientists and offers a varied programme of activities especially for young people in their own time. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Natural History Museum Secondary School Programme
The Oxford Museum of Natural History offers virtual and physical workshops linked to the science, geography and art curriculum, with topics including biodiversity and evolution. For more information visit the museum website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library Collections Up Close
The Bodleian education team offers workshops exploring a topic through texts and objects from the collections. Topics include 'Moments in Medicine' (GCSE History), 'Civilisation and Barbarism', 'Civil War Oxford' and 'What have collections done for us?'. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library taught exhibitions visit
The Bodleian offers a taught introduction to current exhibitions at the Weston Library, helping students explore the themes of the exhibition. Groups often combine this with a tour of the Weston Library. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected]
Bodleian Library OxLibris
OxLibris is a programme enabling sixth form students to access the Bodleian Libraries to carry out research for the Extended Project Qualification. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library printing workshops
The Bodleian offers a practical printing workshop where students set type, proof, edit and print their final copy using the historic printing presses of the Bodleian's Bibliographic Press. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library study days
Join a whole day of learning activities devoted to a particular topic, including lectures, seminars, and collections-based workshops. Topics include Chaucer's World (with the Ashmolean) and Frankenstein Revisited (with the History of Science Museum). For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library live virtual lessons
Some of the Bodleian's in-person workshops are also available to schools as remote online sessions. Topics include EPQ Study Skills and Moments in Medicine. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Bodleian Library library tour
Take a guided tour of the Weston library including the history of the Bodleian Libraries and the the work of the modern academic library. Offered in combination with workshops and taught exhibition visits. For more information consult the Bodleian website or email [email protected].
Programmes offered by other colleges (not subject-specific)
East Oxford Primary Outreach (Jesus College)
Jesus College has a relationship with schools in East Oxford that has included college tours and academic enrichment sessions. For more information contact [email protected].
Step Up (New College)
Step Up is a sustained contact outreach programme run by New College. Students from partner schools meet with college outreach staff 7 times from Years 11-13, either at their school or at New College. The programme seeks to give them a better idea of life as an Oxford student and then supports them to make a competitive university application. For more information email [email protected].