Oxford For Oxford
Ensuring schools, students and their families can access all that is on offer across the University of Oxford is a core aim of Oxford for Oxford. We are also committed to widening access by prioritising helping the local communities currently under-represented in higher education.
Oxford for Oxford is committed to suppporting the development of collaborative relationships with our local school communities, and ensuring the knowledge, resources and enthusiasm for learning at the University benefit Oxford's schools, students and families.
Support for students, teachers, and families
There are more than 60 committed staff working on access and outreach across Oxford University. Each college or consortium of colleges is linked to a region in the UK, meaning schools in the region have a named point of contact at the University of Oxford. Trinity College is linked with schools in Oxfordshire and is the main point of contact for those interested in finding out about admissions at Oxford and accessing Trinity’s comprehensive programme of support for students, teachers and parents. In addition to the outreach programme available at Trinity College, schools in Oxford are uniquely positioned to be able to access the wider outreach programmes, activities, and enrichment opportunities on offer across the whole university through Oxford's departments, libraries, museums and collections. The following pages offer an overview with links to further information about how to access all that is on offer for school students, teachers, and families in Oxfordshire.
Your school’s main points of contact at Trinity College
Hannah Rolley – Head of Access. Hannah is based at Trinity College, Oxford and welcomes enquiries related to our teacher CPD programme and parent/carer informaton and guidance sessions. She can be contacted by telephone on 01865, 07867 554 594 or by emailing [email protected]
We have a team based at Trinity College who are responsible for our links with schools in Oxford and Milton Keynes. They can be contacted by email at [email protected].
For all other programmes and activities available from individual University departments, gardens, libraries and collections, click on the associated links in the pages for students, teachers and families for more information or to take you the relevant main points of contact.
What is on offer from the college
Trinity College Access Team offer university information and guidance sessions in school, in Oxfordshire. Sessions in school are for pupils in YR4-13 each lasting about an hour and can be adapted to suit the needs of each group, which can be discussed at the time of booking. We also offer introductory Oxplore (critical thinking skills) workshops for secondary school pupils. Contact us at [email protected] to book a visit.
The Access Team also facilitate visits into Trinity College for all year groups in both primary and secondary state schools for YR1-13. These visit days include, meeting current undergraduates, learning about life at university, a tour of the college, an Oxplore session or a trip to one of our museums for a taught session.
There are also a number of residential opportunities in Oxford for both students and teachers.
Our outreach programme also includes after-school online CPD for teachers and online information and guidance sessions for parents and carers.
What else is on offer
In addition to the outreach programme on offer from Trinity College and the University of Oxford, many individual departments, gardens, libraries and museums offer a range of dedicated events, resources and opportunities for schools and students throughout the year. These are often targeted by age group, academic subject area or skills set. We are currently developing these pages to include all these additional opportunities, so please check back regularly for updates! In the meantime, there is still plenty on offer so please take a look at the following pages to explore what might be of interest to your school!
How we prioritise outreach support
The Access Team at Trinity College prioritise outreach engagement with our linked non-selective state schools in Oxfordshire based on specific needs related to lower rates of progression to Higher Education, high tariff universities and to the University of Oxford. We also prioritise engagement with schools with higher rates of pupils who are under-represented and disadvantaged, for example, higher than average rates of pupils qualifying for free school meals.
If you or your school do not fall into these categories there is still plenty of advice and support available to you and your students here on the College Schools & Outreach pages and the University website. Find out more about Outreach at the University of Oxford and how we target our work.
Please take a look at the additional wealth of information available for teachers, families and prospective applicants on the University of Oxford undergraduate admission pages.
Whilst we'll make every effort to keep you updated here, please also check Trinity College website regularly for updates of outreach events and programmes for Oxford schools.