Students graduating
Greeting Officials of the University of Oxford as they pass
Copyright © Rob Judges Photography. This image comes from Oxford University Images - All rights reserved.

Degree ceremonies

Academic degrees date from the second half of the twelfth century. The present ceremony retains all the essential features of its historic predecessors, with the proceedings still conducted in Latin.

Booking your Degree Ceremony

University of Oxford degrees are conferred at degree ceremonies, held in the Sheldonian Theatre. You may graduate in person or in absence, either straight after you've finished your degree, or many years later. If you choose to graduate in person, you will be presented by your college, hall or society.

  • Undergraduate or Taught Master's students: you will automatically receive an email in Michaelmas Term of your final year of study with instructions regarding when and how to book your degree ceremony. If you have not received an email at this time, please contact your college for further information. They will be able to assist you or forward your query onto the Degree Ceremonies team for further investigation.
  • Research students: you will automatically receive an email with instructions on how to book your degree ceremony once you have been granted leave to supplicate. If you do not receive an invitation at this time, contact the Degree Ceremonies team.
  • Conferring your degree in absentia: Students can select to have their degrees conferred in absentia on Self Service when invited to register for a ceremony. If you are a member of the University of Oxford’s alumni and would like to have your degree conferred in absentia, please contact your college who will arrange for your degree to be conferred at the next ceremony.

Your college will communicate with you regarding arrival, gowning, catering arrangements, and any charges you may be required to pay.

Managing your Degree Ceremony Booking

Please note that colleges will present graduands only on certain dates. If you completed your degree a number of years ago and haven’t yet graduated, or if you are a candidate for the Oxford MA, please contact your college to confirm which dates will be available to you.

Important: Degree ceremony bookings close 30 days prior to the ceremony date. Please note that cancellation – or changing to another ceremony – is not permitted within 60 days of a booked ceremony.

If you decide to withdraw from the ceremony during this time, your degree will be conferred at the ceremony in absentia and you will not be able to attend a future date. Your place may be offered to graduands on the waiting list for that ceremony.

If you are, due to exceptional circumstances, required to withdraw from the degree ceremony within the 60-day non-cancellation period your college may, on your behalf, seek permission from the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors (via the Degree Conferral Office) to exceptionally permit you to apply for a place at another ceremony. Exceptional circumstances might include, but are not limited to: students or their guests with serious illness (including covid-19), or other comparable serious and unavoidable difficulties. Exceptional circumstances do not include work-related, volunteering, or personal (e.g. holidays) commitments, volunteering commitments, holidays, visa issues (where visas applications have been left too late to be processed in time for the ceremony), the unavailability of guests or similar. You will be asked to provide evidence of these circumstances.

You should only ask to rearrange your ceremony in these exceptional circumstances, as vacant places cannot be filled at short notice and rearrangement will result in gaps in ceremonies and unnecessary delays for other students waiting to book a ceremony. 

Dates and times of confirmed degree ceremonies in 2025

  • Saturday 18 January 2025 (in absence only)
  • Saturday 1 March 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 8 March 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Friday 16 May 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 17 May 2025 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Saturday 31 May 2025 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Saturday 19 July 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Tuesday 29 July 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Friday 1 August 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 2 August 2025 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Saturday 9 August 2025 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Friday 26 September 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 27 September 2025 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Friday 7 November 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 8 November 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Friday 14 November 2025 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 15 November 2025 (10:30, 13:30)

Dates and times of confirmed degree ceremonies in early 2026

  • Saturday 24 January 2026 (in absence only)
  • Saturday 28 February 2026 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 7 March 2026 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Friday 15 May 2026 (10:30, 13:30)
  • Saturday 16 May 2026 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)
  • Saturday 23 May 2026 (10:30, 13:30, 16:15)

Note: If you wish to know at which ceremonies a college is scheduled to attend, please enquire with them directly.

Booking my ceremony

Can I book a place at a ceremony if I have not completed my degree?

Taught students in their final year of studies will receive an invitation to book a ceremony. Students on taught courses, who are not in their final year, will not be able to book a place until the start of their final year.

Research students will not be able to book a ceremony until they have been granted leave to supplicate.

What if I cannot attend a degree ceremony on the dates I have been offered?

You may choose either to graduate in absence or contact your college for the next suitable date. If you do not book onto an available ceremony before the booking window closes, you might not be able to graduate for at least a calendar year, because the degree ceremonies run on a cyclical basis and are allocated to capacity.

Am I able to attend a ceremony with my friends?

Once you have received your email invitation to book your ceremony, you may wish to discuss with your friends about selecting the same graduation date if available. The University cannot arrange for groups to attend together due to space limitations and the dates your college is presenting.

Will I be able to amend the details of my booking?

If you booked through Student Self Service (rather than your college), you will be able to amend your details, excluding the ceremony date, up until 60 days before your chosen ceremony (30 days for research and some modular course students). After that date you should contact your college.

If you need to amend the ceremony date please contact your college. 

Why am I being asked to provide information on the ‘Additional Nominated Contact’ when booking my ceremony?

Your college may use the additional contact details when sending information about college graduation events.

Can more than one degree be conferred at the same ceremony?

Yes, but only the most senior of your degrees will be conferred in person; the remainder will be conferred in absentia. You may also have multiple degrees conferred in absence at the same ceremony. If you are unsure which of your degrees is more senior, please contact your college who will be able to advise.

If you have been invited to a ceremony for your most recently awarded degree, but have previous Oxford degrees which have not been conferred; you may attend to confer your most senior degree and confer your other degree(s) in absence at the same time.

If you would like to attend a ceremony in person for each of your degrees, you must decline the invitation for your most recent degree and contact your college.

How do I request the non-Christian formula?

During a degree ceremony the awards MA, DD, DCL, DM, and MCh are admitted, by default, with the University's traditional Christian formula. If you wish to be admitted with the non-Christian formula, this has to be made clear when booking your degree ceremony.

Am I eligible for the Master of Arts?

The status of Master of Arts is a mark of seniority within the University which may be conferred twenty-one terms after matriculation. This is not an automatic process and to obtain your MA you must apply through your college to graduate at a degree ceremony (either in person or in absentia).

You must have had your BA or BFA conferred in order to take your MA. They can be conferred at the same ceremony provided that sufficient time has elapsed since you matriculated. You are not eligible to take an MA if your undergraduate degree is an Oxford integrated Master’s degree (MBiochem, MChem, MEng, MMath etc).

The Oxford MA allows you to reach a new status within the University and is not an upgrade of your BA or an additional qualification, it therefore has no subject or class. The University does not issue ECTS statements as proof of your MA. Please use your degree certificate as evidence of this award.

If you have conferred the Oxford MA you should list this instead of, not in addition to, your BA/BFA when listing your postnominals: E.g. Name, MA Oxf. 

There is an administrative fee of £105 for the MA conferral and certificate, paid through the University Store. A link will be sent by your college at the point of booking. 

Before the ceremony

Do I need to pay anything for graduation?

You will only pay a fee if you are having your MA conferred, which will cost £105. Please contact your college to enquire about how to pay the MA fee and if they require a payment for gowns, lunch etc. 

Failure to pay the MA fee before 30 days before your ceremony will result in your place in the ceremony being cancelled.

Is there anything that can prevent me from graduating?

The conferral of your degree is conditional on the passing of all required examinations. If you have any debts or dues outstanding to the University you may not be permitted to graduate.

If you are a research student, you must also submit an electronic copy of your thesis at least five working days before the degree ceremony. Candidates who fail to submit thesis copies prior to their ceremony date will forfeit their opportunity to graduate in person at a later ceremony. 

I need to submit my thesis. What should I do?

To graduate at a degree ceremony (even in absentia) DPhil, DClinPsych, MLitt, and MSc (Res) students will need to submit an electronic copy of their thesis to the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) a minimum of five working days prior to their graduation date. If you matriculated prior to 1 October 2007, and have not yet submitted a copy of your thesis, you must submit a hard copy if an electronic copy is unavailable. 

If access to a student’s thesis needs to be restricted, please email [email protected].

How do I obtain my degree certificate and can I have my certificate before the graduation ceremony?

Your degree must be conferred at a graduation ceremony before a degree certificate can be issued. If you need proof of your degree before the ceremony, please register on our eDocuments service to access your degree confirmation letter.

Once you have your degree conferred at a degree ceremony either in person or in absentia, you will automatically receive a degree certificate. If you have already had your degree conferred, but did not receive a certificate following the ceremony, or your certificate has been lost, destroyed, damaged or stolen, visit the degree certificates page.

For all ceremonies, if you have not received your degree certificate within three months of the date of your ceremony  and you fail to notify us of this within that period, you will be charged for a replacement certificate. Replacement certificates can be ordered through our online shop.

The ceremony day for students

Where can I find the itinerary for my ceremony?

Your college will be in touch in the weeks leading up to your ceremony day to confirm your itinerary. They may also provide information such as how to register your attendance at the ceremony, obtain your guest tickets, gowning information, and details for any college events that are taking place before or after your ceremony. If you have any queries, please get in touch with your college. 

What should I wear to my degree ceremony?

Full academic dress must be worn at degree ceremonies, including a mortar board or soft-cap, and your preferred sub fusc. Members of the University serving in H.M. Forces are permitted to wear dress uniform together with a gown. The uniform cap must be removed when in the Sheldonian Theatre. Ministers of religion may wear clerical dress, with a gown over, when attending ceremonies.

If you wear a headdress/scarf for religious reasons, a black scarf should be worn.

Those having a DPhil or Higher Doctorate conferred should wear the gown of their existing University of Oxford status (and the hood if there is one) during the first part of the ceremony. You will change into the gown (and hood if applicable) of your new degree at the appropriate time during the ceremony.

Students having a graduate masters degree conferred, and students having the degree of BA, BFA, BTh, Undergraduate Masters (e.g. MBiochem, MChem, MMath etc.) conferred, should consult their college as to whether they should enter the ceremony wearing the gown of their current status, or the status which will be conferred. In all cases, the gown and hood of the status to be conferred will be required as a minimum.

Your college will advise you as to which gown(s) and hood(s) you will need.

You will be refused admission to the degree ceremony if you are not properly dressed. 

Will my name appear in the degree day brochure?

If you are having your degree conferred in person, your name will be printed in the brochure, providing you have given permission for this to happen when you book onto a ceremony. If you haven’t told us you would like your name printed, or are receiving your degree in absentia, your name will not be included. If you are attending in person and would like to update your preference (up until 30 days before the ceremony), you may do so by contacting your college office. It is not possible to make any changes within 30 days of the ceremony.

I’m conferring my degree in absentia; will my name still be read out during the ceremony?

Only the names of those having their degrees conferred in person will have their names called out during the ceremony.

Accessibility and guests

How many guest tickets can I have, and is there a dress code for guests?

Graduands are entitled to two guest tickets. There is no formal dress code, however most guests dress for a formal occasion. Check with your college about any special considerations for your college graduation event.

IMPORTANT: Guests will not be allowed to enter the Sheldonian Theatre without a guest ticket. If you bring additional guests, or if your guests lose their tickets, they will be denied entry. 

When should guests arrive and how will guests be seated?

Only guests with a ceremony ticket will be allowed to enter the theatre. If you bring additional guests, or if guests lose their tickets, they will be denied entry.

Guests should arrive at the Sheldonian Theatre 45 minutes before the ceremony start time. Seating is on a first come, first seated basis so please arrive with your whole party should you wish to sit together.

Can I request a carer ticket for my guest/s?

The University can provide a carer ticket for guests with registered carers.

Many carers are close family members so can be covered by one of your two assigned guest tickets: in this case you do not need to contact your college unless your guest has additional accessibility requirements (e.g. wheelchair or mobility scooter). 

All queries/requests relating to carer tickets and accessibility requirements should be logged with the graduand’s college which will, on behalf of the graduand, forward them on to the University’s Degree Conferrals Office (DCO), as appropriate. 

Examples of registered carer status are those people who are in receipt of:     

- Carer's Allowance

- Carer's Credit

- Personal Independence Payment

All of the above are valid proof of carer status and should be provided to the College ahead of the ceremony day, in order to confirm arrangements. 

More information can be found at:  Identifying yourself as a carer | Carers UK . 

Should you need to check the accessibility of the venue, please see: Sheldonian Theatre.

What Health and Safety requirements do I need to be aware of at the Sheldonian Theatre during Degree Ceremonies?

Doors open 45 minutes before the ceremony begins. Guests will be queuing outside, so we recommend bringing suitable apparel for all weather. Due to the nature of the building, guests are asked to remain seated for the duration of the ceremony. The building was not designed to modern regulations, so please take extra care in the building (vertigo, steep steps, etc).

Can children attend the ceremony?

Children may attend the ceremony at the Sheldonian Theatre. However, it is important to follow the instructions of the Theatre's Stewards on the day as the following restrictions will apply:

- Babies and children under the age of two do not need their own ticket if they are able to be seated on a guest’s lap.

- Children aged two and over will require their own seat and Guest ticket.

- Guests with young children will be seated in the Stewards Gallery and away from the front row. This area has easy access to toilet facilities as well as the family-friendly Cecil Jackson room.

- Guests with unsettled children may be asked to relocate to the Cecil Jackson room if the ceremony or other guests are disrupted. This is a family-friendly, safer and more comfortable room, where live streaming of the ceremony is broadcast. Please note that Guest tickets are still required to use this room. Please do notify your college if you think it applicable to your guests.

NOTE: These restrictions are necessary due to the solemn nature of the ceremony as well as the Sheldonian Theatre being a Grade I listed building, with dated seating areas. On the day, please seek guidance from the Sheldonian's Stewards who can provide assistance for all Guests.

Can guests store personal items during the ceremony?

Please note there is limited space to store pushchairs or luggage but we will try to assist where we can.

Is it possible for guests to take photographs or record videos during the graduation ceremony?

We ask that you and your guests refrain from taking photographs or recording videos during the ceremony. This will avoid disrupting the experience for other students and guests. There are opportunities to applaud the graduands on the day at certain points during the ceremonies.

Following the ceremony, a copy of the recording will be available to purchase as a digital download. Please visit Degree Ceremony Filming for more information.

Please contact your college regarding any requests of formal/official photography. 

Will the ceremony be filmed, to allow friends and family who cannot attend the ceremony in person to watch too?

For friends and family who do not have a guest ticket, live streaming of the ceremony will be available at Just click on the correct date and time of your ceremony; the live stream will start a few minutes before the ceremony begins. In addition, some colleges organise viewing facilities on college premises for those that do not have tickets for the ceremony. Please confirm with your college as to whether they offer this.
Following the ceremony, a copy of the recording will be available to purchase as a digital download. Please visit Degree Ceremony Filming for more information.
Please be aware that by attending a degree ceremony at the University of Oxford, either as a graduand or as a guest, you may be captured in photography or film footage. Note that not all students choose to graduate in person at a graduation ceremony – you can also choose to graduate in absentia.

After the ceremony

When can I use the title ‘Dr’ after completing my DPhil?

The title of doctor should only be used once the DPhil degree has been conferred at a degree ceremony, whether this is attended or the degree conferred in absence. Students who have completed their viva or submitted corrections should not use the title until such time as the DPhil degree has been conferred, at which point it is officially recognised by the University. 

You may of course opt not to use the title of doctor and instead include ‘DPhil’ after your name, again once the degree has been conferred, although you should not use both the title of Dr and DPhil following the name at the same time. 

How can I stay in touch with the University?

If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to register to hear from the Oxford Alumni Office. They would really love to stay in touch and keep you up to date, and it's really important that you opt-in, otherwise no one from your college, department or the University will be able to contact you by email. Find out more here.

On the day: useful links for guests

Please click here for the digital Degree Ceremony Brochure which provides a detailed explanation of the ceremony, complete with a translation of the Latin Script.

For friends and family who do not have a guest ticket, the link for live streaming of the ceremony will be available here. Just click on the correct date and time of your ceremony; the live stream will start a few minutes before the ceremony begins.

Following the ceremony, a copy of the recording will be available to purchase as a digital download. Please visit Degree Ceremony Filming for more information.

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