Continuation charge payment
The University Continuation Charge is levied once you have reached the end of your standard period of fee liability. It is only payable by students registered on research programmes who started their course in September 2011 or later.
The University Continuation Charge in 2024/25 will be £628 per term. Students who submit their thesis by Saturday of Week 0 will not be liable to pay the continuation charge in respect of their current course of study.
If you have been sent a payment request email and you believe you are not liable to pay the continuation charge, please contact the Student Fees Team. Otherwise, the University Continuation Charge must be paid by the seventh day of Full Term (please refer to your payment request email for the date) and failure to do so will result in the initiation of the Non-Payment of Fees procedure which may result in your suspension from the University.
Term Dates
The term dates for the academic year 2024/25 are as follows:
Michaelmas term 2024: 13 October 2024 – 7 December 2024
Hilary term 2025: 19 January 2025 – 15 March 2025
Trinity term 2025: 27 April 2025 – 21 June 2025
This means the latest dates by which you must have submitted your thesis in order to prevent becoming liable for the continuation charge for that term are:
Michaelmas term 2024: 12 October 2024
Hilary term 2025: 18 January 2025
- Trinity term 2025: 26 April 2025
The dates above are for the last Saturday before the start of term.
How to Pay the Charge
You will have been sent an e-mail requesting payment of the University Continuation Charge via our Online Store (see below). This email contains important information, which you should enter into the store questionnaire when prompted. This is to help us ensure that your payment reaches the correct department.
If you are funded by a party external to the University which requires an invoice please contact the Student Fees Team and we will arrange for an invoice to be sent to them. You should provide the following information:
- Purchase Order Number (if applicable)
- Company name
- Company address
- Company Contact name
- Company Telephone and email address
You will also need to provide the following information regarding your sponsor if it is an organisation, corporate body or educational institution:
- VAT Number of the paying body – if UK or EU. Or a note to confirm Not Registered
- Is the Company/Organisation a Health Authority or Not for Profit Hospital – Yes or No
Please note that if you request an invoice, we will still require payment of the University Continuation Charge by the deadline, so you should request an invoice as soon as possible in order to give your funder time to make the payment.
Online Store
You should pay the University Continuation Charge by credit/debit card through our Online Store.
Debit/Credit Cards accepted: Visa, Visa Debit, and Mastercard (incorporating Maestro).
To pay, please access the Online Store item for your academic division or department by following the link that you received in the initial payment request email. Once the page has loaded, add the University Continuation Charge item to your basket and proceed to the questionnaire. Please take care to include the information exactly as it appears in the initial payment request email. If you have any difficulty paying via the Online Store please refer to the user guide or contact the Student Fees Team.
Please note that it is possible to pay for Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity terms of the 2024/25 academic year. Each term appears as a separate item within the store. It is not yet possible to pay for any term in the 2025/26 academic year or later – these terms will not become available until September 2025.
If you would like to pay for more than one term please notify the Student Fees Team of your intention to do so before you make the payment so that we can update our records.
Important Reminders
Before you attempt to make a payment, please check with your bank what the limit is that you can spend on your credit/debit card at any one time or in any one month because this is often the reason why payments are not authorised.
Payment of the full University Continuation charge is due every term until you submit your thesis, including the term in which you submit regardless of the point in that term at which you submit. A thesis submitted other than during Full Term will be considered to have been submitted during the previous term. You will therefore be sent a payment request every term until you have submitted, unless you have already paid for the entire academic year.
Please note that if you are paying the continuation charge for more than one term in the academic year, you will have to make three separate transactions, selecting the correct term in the questionnaire for each one. Do not increase the quantity of the continuation charge item and add to your basket in bulk or this will result in you being charged more than once for a given term.
Other Payment Methods
Although we would strongly encourage you to pay via the Online Store it is possible to pay by bank transfer. For more information and payment details, please contact the Student Fees Team. Please do not make payment by bank transfer without contacting the team first.
If you choose this payment method, it is still your responsibility to ensure that payment reaches the University by the specified deadline.