Person on their laptop. Credits: Anthony Shkraba, via Pexels
Person on their laptop. Credits: Anthony Shkraba, via Pexels


If your timetable is not listed below it is not yet available.

We expect the majority of timetables to be published at least six weeks in advance of the date of the first examination, but for some courses where the entry window is close to the examination dates (particularly during the re-sit period in September) there will be a short delay.

Revised timetables

It is sometimes necessary to publish a revised timetable. For this reason you should check this page regularly close to the time of your first examination.

Personal timetable

Your personal timetable showing your papers and the dates, times and location at which they will take place will be published online at least three weeks before your first examination. It is your responsibility to ensure that you sit the correct examination and misreading of information will not be considered an acceptable reason for non-attendance.

If you have not received your timetable three weeks before your first examination, or discover any problems such as a clash of papers, contact your college as soon as possible. The majority of in-person examinations take place at either the Examination Schools or Ewert House.

Preliminary Examinations


Timetable (pdf)

 Preliminary Examination in Ancient and Modern History CAMH
 Preliminary Examination in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


 Preliminary Examination in Biology CBIO
 Preliminary Examination in Biomedical Sciences CBMS
 Preliminary Examination in Chemistry CCHE
 Preliminary Examination in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History CCAH
 Preliminary Examination in Classics CCLA2425H
 Preliminary Examination in Classics and English Course I CCLE
 Preliminary Examination in Classics and English Course II CCLD
 Preliminary Examination in Computer Science CCOM
 Preliminary Examination in Computer Science and Philosophy CCPH
 Preliminary Examination in Earth Sciences CEAS
 Preliminary Examination in Economics and Management CEAM
 Preliminary Examination in Engineering Science CESC
 Preliminary Examination in English Language and Literature CEGL
 Preliminary Examination in English and Modern Languages CELA
 Preliminary Examination in European and Middle Eastern Languages CEUM
 Preliminary Examination in Geography CGEG
 Preliminary Examination in History CMHY
 Preliminary Examination in History and Economics CMHE
 Preliminary Examination in History and English CMHN
 Preliminary Examination in History and Modern Languages CHLA
 Preliminary Examination in History and Politics CMHP
 Preliminary Examination in History of Art CHAR
 Preliminary Examination in Human Sciences CHSC
 Preliminary Examination in Materials Science CMET
 Preliminary Examination in Mathematics CMAT
 Preliminary Examination in Mathematics and Computer Science CMCN
 Preliminary Examination in Mathematics and Philosophy CMAP
 Preliminary Examination in Modern Languages CMLA
 Preliminary Examination in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry CMCB
 Preliminary Examination in Music CMUS
 Preliminary Examination in Oriental Studies CORS
 Preliminary Examination in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics CPPE
 Preliminary Examination in Philosophy and Modern Languages CPML
 Preliminary Examination in Philosophy and Theology CPTH
 Preliminary Examination in Physics CPSC
 Preliminary Examination in Physics and Philosophy CPHP
 Preliminary Examination in Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics CPPL
 Preliminary Examination in Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies CRAM
 Preliminary Examination in Theology and Religion CTAR



Timetable (pdf)

 Honour Moderations in Archaeology and Anthropology AARA
 Honour Moderations in Classics ACLA2425H
 Law Moderations BLAW2425H

Honour School


Timetable (pdf)

 Honour School of Archaeology and Anthropology DARA
 Honour School of Ancient and Modern History DAMH
 Honour School of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies DAME
 Honour School of Biology (Part IA) XBIO2425T
 Honour School of Biology (Part IB) (Trinity) DBIO2425T
 Honour Schools of Cell and Systems Biology/Neuroscience Part A XBMT2425T
 Honour School of Cell and Systems Biology DCSB
 Honour School of Cell and Systems Biology (Part B) DSBB2425T
 Honour School of Chemistry (Part IA) XCHA
 Honour School of Chemistry Part IB DCHC
 Honour School of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History DCAH
 Honour School of Classics and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies DCAM
 Honour School of Classics and English DCLE
 Honour School of Classics and Modern Languages (4 year course) DCML
 Honour School of Classics and Modern Languages (5 year course) DCMN
 Honour School of Classics and Oriental Studies DCOS
 Honour School of Computer Science (Part A) XCOM
 Honour School of Computer Science (Part B) DCOM
 Honour School of Computer Science (Part C) DCON
 Honour School of Computer Science and Philosophy (Part A) XCPH
 Honour School of Computer Science and Philosophy (Part B) DCPH
 Honour School of Computer Science and Philosophy (Part C) DCPI
 Honour School of Earth Sciences (Part A2) DNEG2425T
 Honour School of Earth Sciences (Part B) DNES
 Honour School of Economics and Management DEAM
 Honour School of Engineering Science (Part A) XESA2425T
 Honour School of Engineering Science (Part B) DESA
 Honour School of Engineering Science (Part C) DESB
 Honour School of Engineering Science (Exchange Students) VESB
 Honour School of English Language and Literature Course I DENA
 Honour School of English Language and Literature Course II DENB
 Honour School of English and Modern Languages DEML
 Honour School of European and Middle Eastern Languages DEUM
 Honour School of Experimental Psychology (Part I) XEXP
 Honour School of Experimental Psychology (Part II) DEXP
 Honour School of Experimental Psychology (Part A) XEXA
 Honour School of Geography DGEG
 Honour School of Geology (Part A1) XNEG
 Honour School of Geology DGEL
 Honour School of History DMHY
 Honour School of History and Economics DMHE
 Honour School of History and English DMHN
 Honour School of History and Modern Languages DHLA
 Honour School of History and Politics DMHP
 Honour School of History of Art DHAR
 Honour School of Human Sciences DHSC
 Honour School of Jurisprudence: Course I DJUR
 Honour School of Jurisprudence: Course II DJUS
 Honour School of Literae Humaniores DLHU
 Honour School of Mathematics (Part A) XMAT
 Honour School of Mathematics (Part B) DMAB
 Honour School of Mathematics (Part C) DMAC
 Honour School of Mathematics and Computer Science (Part A) XMCN
 Honour School of Mathematics and Computer Science (Part B) DMCN
 Honour School of Mathematics and Computer Science (Part C) DMCO
 Honour School of Mathematics and Philosophy (Part A) XMAP
 Honour School of Mathematics and Philosophy (Part B) DMPB
 Honour School of Mathematics and Philosophy (Part C) DMPC
 Honour School of Mathematics and Statistics (Part A) XMST
 Honour School of Mathematics and Statistics (Part B) DMST
 Honour School of Mathematics and Statistics (Part C) DMSU
 Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Part C DMTP2425T
 Honour School of Materials Science (Part I) DMTA
 Honour School of Medical Sciences DMED2425T
 Honour School of Modern Languages DMLA
 Honour School of Modern Languages and Linguistics DMLL
 Honour School of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (Part I) DNMA2425T
 Honour School of Music DMUS
 Honour School of Neuroscience DNEU2425T
 Honour School of Neuroscience (Part B) DNEB2425T
 Honour School of Oriental Studies DORS
 Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics DPPE
 Honour School of Philosophy and Modern Languages DPML
 Honour School of Philosophy and Theology DPTH
 Honour School of Physics (Part A) XPHC
 Honour School of Physics (Part B) DPHD
 Honour School of Physics (Part B) DPHE
 Honour School of Physics (Part C) DPHY
 Honour School of Physics and Philosophy (Part A) XPHA
 Honour School of Physics and Philosophy (Part B) DPHH
 Honour School of Physics and Philosophy (Part C) DPHP
 Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (Part I) XPPL
 Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (Part A) XPPA
 Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics DPPL
 Honour School of Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies DRAM
 Honour School of Religion and Oriental Studies DROS
 Honour School of Theology and Religion DTAR

 MPhil Examinations and Qualifying Tests


Timetable (pdf)

 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Buddhist Studies TOBS
 MPhil in Buddhist Studies HOBS
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management TBCM
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Classical Archaeology TCLA
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Classical Indian Religion TOCI
 MPhil in Classical Indian Religion HOCI
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Comparative Social Policy TCSP
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Cuneiform Studies TOCU
 MPhil in Cuneiform Studies HOCU
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Development Studies TDEV2425T
 MPhil in Development Studies HDEV2425T
 MPhil in Economic & Social History HESA
 MPhil in Economic & Social History HESH
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Economics TECN2425T
 MPhil in Economics HECN2425T
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Egyptology TOEG
 MPhil in Egyptology HOEG
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Environmental Change and Management TENV
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation TSPE
 MPhil in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation HSPE
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Global and Area Studies TGAS
 MPhil in Global and Area Studies HGAS
 MPhil in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature HGLA
 MPhil in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature HGLL
 MPhil in Greek and/or Roman History HGRA
 MPhil in Greek and/or Roman History HGRH
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in International Relations TINR
 MPhil in International Relations HINR
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Islamic Art & Architecture TIAR
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Islamic Studies and History TISH
 MPhil in Islamic Art & Archaeology HIAR
 MPhil in Islamic Studies and History HISH
 MPhil in Japanese Studies (Year 1) TJAS
 MPhil in Japanese Studies HJAS
 MPhil in Latin American Studies HLAS
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Jewish Studies TJWS
 MPhil in Jewish Studies HJWS
 MPhil in Judaism & Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World HJAC
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies TLAB
 MPhl in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies HLAB
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Latin American Studies TLAS
 MPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics Year 1 HLPO
 MPhil in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics HLPP
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern Chinese Studies TOMC2425H
 MPhil in Modern Chinese Studies HOMC
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern Middle Eastern Studies TOMM
 MPhil in Modern Middle Eastern Studies HOMM
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Modern South Asian Studies TSAS
 MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies HSAS
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance TNSG
 MPhil in Philosophical Theology HPHT
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Politics TPOL
 MPhil in Politics HPOL
 MPhil in Russian & East European Studies HRES2425H
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Russian & East European Studies TRES2425H
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Slavonic Studies TSLS
 MPhil in Slavonic Studies HSLS
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Sociology and Demography TSAD2425H
 MPhil in Sociology and Demography HSAD
 MPhil in Theology HTHD
 MPhil in Theology HTHE
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Tibetan & Himalayan Studies TTHS
 MPhil in Tibetan & Himalayan Studies HTHS
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Traditional East Asia TOTE
 MPhil in Traditional East Asia HOTE
 MPhil Qualifying Examination in Water Science, Policy and Management TWPM2425T

MSc Examinations


Timetable (pdf)

MSc in Advanced Computer Science JACS
MSc in Applied Cancer Science JAPC
MSc in Archaeological Science JARC2425T
MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management JBCM2425T
MSc in Clinical Embryology JCEM2425T
MSc in Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience JCTN
MSc in Clinical Trials JCTR
MSc in Clinical Trials JCTS
MSc in Comparative Social Policy JCSP
MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies JCCS2425H
MSc in Criminology & Criminal Justice JCCJ2425T
MSc in Economic & Social History JESH
MSc in Economics for Development JEFD
MSc in Environmental Change & Management JENV2425T
MSc in Evidence Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation JSPE
MSc in Financial Economics JMFE2425T
MSc in Genomic Medicine JGEM2425H
MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy JGGD
MSc in Global Healthcare Leadership JGHL/M
MSc in Global Health Science and Epidemiology JGHE2425T
MSc in Integrated Immunology JIMM2425H
MSc in International Health & Tropical Medicine (Trinity) JIHT2425T
MSc in Intellectual Property JIPL2425T
MSc in International Human Rights Law (Year 1) JIHR
MSc in International Human Rights Law (Year 2) JIHS
MSc in Japanese Studies JJAS
MSc in Latin American Studies JLAS
MSc in Law and Finance JLAF2425H
MSc in Mathematical and Computational Finance JMCF2425T
MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics JMTP2425T
MSc in Mathematical Modelling & Scientific Computing JMAT2425T
MSc in Mathematical Sciences JMAS
MSc in Medical Physics with Radiobiology JMPR2425H
MSc in Migration Studies JMIG2425T
MSc in Modern Middle Eastern Studies JOMM
MSc in Modern South Asian Studies JSAS
MSc in Musculoskeletal Sciences JMSL
MSc in Nature, Society & Environmental Governance JNSG
MSc in Neuroscience JNEU
MSc in Pharmacology JPHA2425T
MSc in Political Theory Research JPTR
MSc in Politics Research JPOR
MSc in Precision Cancer Medicine JPCN2425H
MSc in Radiobiology JRAD2425H
MSc in Radiation Biology JRBI
MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies JFOM2425T
MSc in Russian & East European Studies JRES
MSc in Social Science of the Internet JSSI2425H
MSc in Sociology JSOC2425T
MSc in Statistical Science JSTS
MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment JSEE2425T
MSc in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry JTCC2425T
MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management JWPM2425T

MSt Examinations


Timetable (pdf)

 MSt in Classical Armenian Studies KCAS
 MSt Examination in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation KCCT
 MSt in Classical Archaeology KCLA
 MSt in Classical Hebrew Studies KCLH
 MSt in Diplomatic Studies KDIS
 MSt in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature KGLL
 MSt in Greek and/or Roman History KGRH
 MSt in International Human Rights Law KIHR
 MSt in Islamic Art and Archaeology KIAR
 MSt in Jewish Studies KJWS
 MSt in Korean Studies KKOR
 MSt in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies KLAB
 MSt in Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics KLPP
 MSt in Medieval Studies KMES2425T
 MSt in Philosophical Theology KPHT
 MSt in Slavonic Studies KSLS
 MSt in Study of Religion KSTR
 MSt in Syriac Studies KSYR
 MSt in Theology KTHE
 MSt in Traditional China KTCH

Other - MBA, Medicine, Prize Examination


Timetable (pdf)

 Bachelor of Civil Law EBCL2425T
 Bachelor Examinations in Theology PBTC
 Degree of Bachelor of Medicine FBMV2425H
 Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Part I) FBMA
 Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Part II) FBMB2425T
 Degree of Bachelor of Medicine (Second Examination) FBMZ
 DPhil in Economics TECS
 Master of Business Administration LMBA2425H
 Executive Master of Business Administration LMBS
 Executive Master of Business Administration LMBT
 Foundation Year RFYR2425T
 Graduate Entry Medicine FBMG2425H
 Graduate Entry Medicine (Year 2) FBMH
 Magister Juris EMJU2425T
 Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Epidemiology PSEP2425T
 Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy MFST
 Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice MIPL
 Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies MLLS
 Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Religion MTAR
 Qualifying Examination for Probationer Research in Development Studies PDEV2425T
 Probationer Research in Economics PFIN2425T
 Second Examination for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine FBMY
 Supplementary Subject in Aromatic and Heterocyclic Pharmaceutical Chemistry  SARH2425H
 Supplementary Subject in Chemical Pharmacology SCHP2425H
 Supplementary Subject in Chemical Crystallography SCMC2425H
 Supplementary Subject in History and Philosophy of Science SHPS2425H
 Supplementary Subject in Quantum Chemistry SQUC2425H
 Undergraduate Certificate in Theological Studies QTHS


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