the word 'entrepreneur'
Close up of the word 'entrepreneur' from an old dictionary
Credit: Shutterstock/Constantine Pankin (Image ID: 64313536)

Becoming an entrepreneur

Do you want to develop your entrepreneurial mindset? Develop your own ideas? Found your own startup or social enterprise? Make a difference in the world? If the answer to any of these questions is yes then Oxford can really help get you started.

You can develop your entrepreneurial and employability skills through a range of amazing resources and opportunities, including:

  • idea development competitions
  • a University start-up incubator
  • entrepreneurship programmes and networking events
  • many more opportunities on EnSpire Oxford.

Be inspired

If you’re not sure whether entrepreneurship is for you or what it entails, find out more and get your ideas flowing by exploring the many resources available to you right here at the University:

  • EnSpire Oxford is the University of Oxford’s entrepreneurship hub. Through EnSpire, you’ll be able to navigate the wealth of existing entrepreneurship activity found within the University, expand your entrepreneurial mindset and take advantage of a range of extra-curricular activities, including programmes, events, experiential learning and networking opportunities.
  • Find out more about entrepreneurs Oxford has already spawned by reading the the Entrepreneurs Uncovered interviews and Startup case studies.
  • Check out the dedicated resources from The Careers Service to help you develop your entrepreneurial side