The small and friendly academic communities which make Oxford a special place to study and live.
Oxford is made up of over 30 colleges and halls providing every student with a safe and supportive environment from day one.
You can specify a college preference on your UCAS form or make an open application. Find out more.
Every college has its own character although the facilities are generally pretty similar. Explore them now.
Start by checking which colleges offer your course.
Students pay for accommodation and food although this is often heavily subsidised. Find out more about the cost.
You don't have to be in Oxford to have a look round. These 360° views will take you on a virtual tour.
Find out more about your accommodation options and what it's like to live in Oxford.
Our 2025 Open Days are taking place on 2 and 3 July and 19 September.
Facilities at colleges are generally pretty similar but this table will help you compare them.
Our 2025 undergraduate Open Days will be held on 2 and 3 July and 19 September.
Register to find out more about our upcoming Open Days.
Follow us on X @OxOutreach, on Instagram @StudyAtOxford and on YouTube @StudyAtOxford for the latest news about events and Open Days.
Try our extensive database of FAQs or submit your own question...
FAQs - Colleges
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