students talking
Students talking.
(Credit: John Cairns)

International qualifications

Qualification requirements

In order to take up the offer of a place to study here, all applicants must meet the qualification requirements of their course. Many students who apply to Oxford are taking A-levels but we also accept a whole range of other equivalent UK and international qualifications.

If you are an international student wanting to apply to Oxford, you need to have achieved - or be expected to achieve - one of the qualifications listed on this page. There are also specific subject requirements for some courses, particularly in the sciences, so please check the requirements for your course.

Transcripts and declaring international qualifications in your UCAS application 

Please do not submit any transcripts or certificates with your application to Oxford, and if you have US qualifications, do not send any scores via the College Board.

You will only need to produce certificates or transcripts if you are offered a place here. 

You should self-report all details of your qualifications, standardised test scores, and grades on the UCAS application form under ‘Education’. Please visit the UCAS application section of our Guide for applicants for further details. 

It is however very important that the teacher writing your reference gives predicted grades for the exams that you are yet to take. Your referee can find advice on our teachers’ pages

What to do if your qualification is not accepted or is not listed

If your qualification is not accepted, then you will need to undertake further study if you wish to apply. You can take any of the qualifications which are listed as acceptable on this page as well as our accepted UK qualifications.

Taking one of these accepted qualifications will help you make the most competitive application, rather than seeking to qualify through attending the first year of university elsewhere.

If you cannot find your country on this list then this means the school-leaving qualifications from your country do not currently meet Oxford’s admissions requirements. We continuously review the qualifications we accept so please contact us and we will be able to advise you on the process. You should be aware that this process can take up to a year.

Transfers and applying while studying at an international university

Applying to transfer whilst on an undergraduate course at another university

Oxford University does not accept transfer students. If you wish to follow an undergraduate course here, then you would need to start the course from the beginning. However, this option is not available if you are currently enrolled on a Medicine course elsewhere and wish to apply to study Medicine at Oxford. 

Applying to start the first year of an Oxford undergraduate course whilst at university outside the UK

If you are currently studying at a university outside the UK and are thinking of applying to Oxford to start the first year of an undergraduate course, you should make very clear in your application why you do not wish to continue on your current course. This is important as we only consider such applications where there are strong reasons for moving university after the first year. Please note we are not able to give examples of these reasons as applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  

If you do decide to apply whilst at another university and you do not have A-level or equivalent qualifications at the grades required for the standard offer for the course you are interested in applying for, you will need to demonstrate how your subsequent study has prepared you for studying at Oxford, including any evidence of your performance on your current course and a reference from your current tutor or equivalent.

Please note that you must declare on your UCAS form whether you are currently studying at another university, and that failure to do so could result in Oxford withdrawing any offer made to you. 

Mature students' qualifications and second degrees

Mature students’ qualifications

We are aware that students, particularly mature students, may hold qualifications which are no longer available or where grading systems have changed. These qualifications will be assessed on a case by case basis by the college considering your application.

Applying as a graduate for a second undergraduate degree

Please refer to our Second Undergraduate Degree webpage. You may be able to apply for Senior Status, which would mean you can start directly in the second year of the degree.

Vocational and Technical qualifications

Because of the academic nature of the undergraduate courses at Oxford, vocational and technical qualifications may not provide the most suitable preparation. Candidates with vocational or technical qualifications are welcome to apply, although it may be necessary to take additional academic qualifications to make a competitive application.

If you would like to discuss whether your application is suitable for entry to Oxford University, please contact the subject department that you'd like to apply to for further information.

When considering applications, tutors would want to see evidence of learning and assessment that would provide the skills and knowledge the candidate would need for the course they are applying for. Candidates are therefore advised to include in their UCAS personal statement information on how their qualification has prepared them for the course they are applying to. 

International cross-border qualifications

International Baccalaureate

A total score of 38, 39 or 40 points (depending on the course) including core points, with 6s and 7s in subjects taken at the Higher level. Please visit the individual course pages for details.

IB Maths 

IB students can choose from:

  • Analysis and Approaches (SL or HL)
  • Applications and Interpretation (SL or HL)

All Oxford courses that state that they require Mathematics will accept both courses at HL, apart from Chemistry, which will require applicants to have taken either of the courses at Higher Level, or the Analysis and Approaches course at SL, depending on what other subjects they are taking. Please visit the Chemistry course page for further information.

If courses state that they recommend Mathematics, either course will be acceptable.

IB Career-related Programme

The University does not accept the IB Career-related Programme. 

European Baccalaureate

An average of 85% or above, with scores of between 8 and 9 in subjects specified at A-level or equivalent. Visit your course page or our admission requirements table for further information about specified subjects.

International A-levels

International A-levels (offered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, Pearson Edexcel and Oxford AQA) are recognised as equivalent to UK GCE A-levels on a grade-for-grade basis.

The University does not accept the Cambridge Assessment International Education A-levels in either Global Perspectives or Research and Thinking Skills.

Where applicants have undertaken the OxfordAQA International Project Qualification (IPQ), this will not be a condition of any offer but the University recognises that the IPQ will provide an applicant with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for study at Oxford. Candidates are encouraged to draw upon relevant IPQ experience when writing their personal statement.


The University does not accept MOOCs as qualifications on which to base an application, as the majority of MOOCs are not accredited. However, MOOCs can be used as part of a candidate’s wider learning and discussed in their personal statement, if relevant to the proposed course of study.

Foundation year courses

Competition is very strong for places at Oxford. Although a foundation year course may be accepted in certain circumstances, we recommend taking different qualifications in order to make the strongest application. This is especially true if your chosen course has specific subject requirements. You can check these requirements on the course page.

For a foundation year course to be accepted, you would need to make sure that the course covers the same content as any required A-levels to the appropriate standard. If it does not, you will need to take alternative qualifications.

If you would like further advice regarding your particular circumstances, please contact the relevant department. Contact details can be found on the course pages.




Not acceptedBaccalauria / Baccalaureate Certificate


Not acceptedCertificate of Maturity / Secondary School Leaving Certificate


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not acceptedHabilitação Literárias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)


AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I 

Antigua and Barbuda

AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not accepted Himnakan Yndhanur Krtutyan Attestat (Certificate of Basic Education)





For courses with an offer of A*A*A
An ATAR of 99.00 plus completion of the relevant Year 12/High school certificate. You should ensure that you have taken all subjects required for the course you are applying for.

For courses with an offer of A*AA
An ATAR of 98.50 plus completion of the relevant Year 12/High school certificate. You should ensure that you have taken all subjects required for the course you are applying for.

For courses with an offer of AAA
An ATAR of 98.00 plus completion of the relevant Year 12/High school certificate. You should ensure that you have taken all subjects required for the course you are applying for.

For all offers
If an A* or A is required in a particular subject, you will need to achieve the following grades in that subject:

Australian Capital Territory
A-level Grade A* = Grade A
A-level Grade A = Grade A

New South Wales
A-level Grade A* = Grade 6
A-level Grade A = Grade 5

Northern Territory
A-level Grade A* = A or above
A-level Grade A = A- or above

A-level Grade A* = A or above
A-level Grade A = A or above

South Australia
A-level Grade A* = A or above
A-level Grade A = A- or above

A-level Grade A* = EA
A-level Grade A = HA

A-level Grade A* = A+
A-level Grade A = A

Western Australia
A-level Grade A* = A
A-level Grade A = A

Please note that students in the Australian school system can only make an application to Oxford in their final year of school, as the conditions of any offer of a place must be met by August/September within the application cycle they have made a submission in. 

Not acceptedSteiner School qualifications
Not acceptedAustralian TAFE Certificate IV


AcceptedReifeprüfungszeugnis/Maturazeugnis with scores of 1 (sehr gut) in the majority of subjects taken.


Not acceptedSecondary school leaving certificate



Not acceptedBahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE)


Not acceptedTawjahiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) 


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


AcceptedAbschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts or Certificat d'enseignement secondaire supérieur (CESS) or Diploma van secundair onderwijs. Where grades are available, we would expect at least 8/10 (if used), 17/20 (Flemish-speaking community ), 80% (German- and French-speaking communities) or Grande distinction (French-speaking community).


Not acceptedDiploma of Specialised Secondary Education (Certificate of Secondary Education)


AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


Not acceptedDiploma de Bachiller Científico-Humanístico (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

AcceptedMatura/Secondary School Leaving Certificate with an average overall score of 5, including 5 in any subject required by the course you are applying for


Not acceptedBotswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination


Not acceptedCertificado de Ensino Medio
Not acceptedUniversity entrance examination (Vestibular, ENEM, PAS)


AcceptedSee A-level offers.





From the 2024-entry admissions round onwards:

For courses requiring A*A*A:
• Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with an overall average score of 5.8
• Any subjects essential for the course you are applying for should be taken as a state matriculation exam if available
• You should achieve 6.0 in at least two subjects, including at least one state matriculation exam
• You should achieve 6.0 in any subjects for which an A* is required at A-level, and at least 5.8 in any subjects for which an A is required at A-level

For courses requiring A*AA:
• Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with an overall average score of 5.75
• Any subjects essential for the course you are applying for should be taken as a state matriculation exam if available
• You should achieve 6.0 in at least two subjects, including at least one state matriculation exam
• You should achieve 6.0 in any subjects for which an A* is required at A-level, and at least 5.8 in any subjects for which an A is required at A-level

For courses requiring AAA:
• Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie with an overall average score of 5.7
• Any subjects essential for the course you are applying for should be taken as a state matriculation exam if available
• You should achieve 6.0 in at least two subjects, including at least one state matriculation exam
• You should achieve at least 5.8 in any subjects for which an A is required at A-level

If the course you are applying for requires more than one subject and you are only able to take one as a state matriculation exam, please contact the relevant department or faculty for guidance.


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications



AcceptedCameroon GCE A-level with grades of AAA


We understand that many Canadian students may take the International Baccalaureate, or tests (SATs and APs) from the American education system alongside their Canadian qualifications. Any of these qualifications may be sufficient to make a competitive application to Oxford, but please note that candidates do need to state all their qualifications (test scores) when they complete their UCAS application. Offers will be made on the basis of one qualification type, and for applicants taking more than one qualification it will be at the college’s discretion to determine which to use for the final offer.

Offers by province/territory: see below.


Alberta High School Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30 or 31), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Mathematics 31.

British Columbia

British Columbia Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma)

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 academic courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 academic courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 academic courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus 12.


Manitoba High School Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (40G, 40S or 40A), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses (40G, 40S or 40A) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (40G, 40S or 40A), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Advanced Mathematics and Calculus (45S).

New Brunswick

New Brunswick High School Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 93% across five Grade 12 courses (120, 121 or 122), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (120, 121 or 122) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses (120, 121 or 122), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus 120.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador High School Graduation Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 3), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 3) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 3), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Mathematics 3208

Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories High School Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30 or 31), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Mathematics 31.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (Academic or Advanced), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses (Academic or Advanced), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Academic or Advanced), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus 12.


Nunavut Secondary School Graduation Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 (Level 30 or 31) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30 or 31), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Mathematics 31.


Ontario Secondary School Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across six Grade 12 courses (4U or 4M), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across six Grade 12 courses (4U or 4M), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across six Grade 12 courses (4U or4 M), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus and Vectors MCV4U.

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island High School Graduation Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 61 or 62), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 (Level 61 or 62) courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 61 or 62), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Advanced Mathematics and Calculus (MAT611B).


Quebec Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC)

  • A*A*A: Overall average of 92%, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91%, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90%, including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus I or Integrated Calculus.


Saskatchewan Transcript of Secondary Level Achievement

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30), including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses (Level 30), including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus 30.


Yukon Graduation Diploma

  • A*A*A: Average of 92% across five Grade 12 courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • A*AA: Average of 91% across five Grade 12 courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.
  • AAA: Average of 90% across five Grade 12 courses, including any subjects required by the course applied to.

If an A* is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 93%.

If an A is required, candidates should achieve a minimum 90%.

If a course requires Mathematics, candidates should be taking Calculus 12.


AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I

Cayman Islands

AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


Not acceptedLicencia de Educación Media


Not acceptedSenior High School Diploma
Not accepted'GaoKao' Chinese University Entrance Examination


Not acceptedBachillerato
Not acceptedDiploma de Bachillér 


Not acceptedBaccalauréat

Costa Rica

Not acceptedBachillerato





For courses requiring A*AA and above:
Matura with the Maturalna Svjedodzba (matriculation certificate), with an average overall score of 5, including 5 in at least four subjects, including any subject required by the course you are applying for.

For courses requiring AAA:
Matura with the Maturalna Svjedodzba (matriculation certificate), with an average overall score of 5, including 5 in at least three subjects, including any subject required by the course you are applying for.

All courses should be taken at Advanced Level.


AcceptedApolytirion with an average of 19 out of 20 points and A*A* to AA at A-level, depending on the course

Czech Republic

AcceptedMaturitni Zkouška / Maturita with scores of 1 (výborný) in the majority of subjects taken



AcceptedDanish Studentereksamen (STX, HHX or HTX) or HF with an overall average score of 11 (using the new 7 step grade scale). Scores of 12 may be required in relevant Level A subjects.

Dominican Republic

Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not acceptedTawjihiyah (General and Religious or Vocational)



Not acceptedBachillerato


Not acceptedThanaweya A'ama (General Secondary School Certificate)


AcceptedGümnaasiumi Iõputunnistus, including the Riigieksam with an overall average score of 90%, with scores of 5 in 5 relevant individual subjects


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Faroe Islands

AcceptedStudentsprógv with an overall average score of 11 (using the new 7 step grade scale). Scores of 12 may be required in relevant Level A subjects.


Not acceptedFiji School Leaving Certificate





Successful completion of the Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/ Studentexamensbetyg with at least four subjects.

No individual subject score should be below eximia cum laude approbatur (excellent) and at least two subjects are at laudatur (outstanding), including any subjects required by the course you are applying for. 

Students are required to achieve the grades required to attain their qualification in a single sitting, unless there is a compelling reason why this is not possible.





For courses requiring A*A*A:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 16.5. Students taking the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) should achieve an overall score of at least 15. Any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with at least 15 if a Grade A is required, and at least 16 if Grade A* is required.

For courses requiring A*AA:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 16. Students taking the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) should achieve an overall score of at least 14. Any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with at least 15 if a Grade A is required, and at least 16 if Grade A* is required.

For courses requiring AAA:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 15. Students taking the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) should achieve an overall score of at least 14. Any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with a score of at least 15.




Not acceptedWest African Senior School Certificate Examination


Not acceptedSashualo Skolis Atestati





Abitur, with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A:

  • Abitur with an overall grade of 1.1.
  • Any subjects which are essential at A-level should be studied at higher level (e.g. Hauptfach, Leistungsfach, Leistungskurs, erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau (eA)), if available.
  • For A* equivalent, a grade of 14 is required; for grade A equivalent, 13 is required. 

 For courses requiring A*AA:

  • Abitur with an overall grade of 1.2.
  • Any subjects which are essential at A-level should be studied at higher level (e.g. Hauptfach, Leistungsfach, Leistungskurs, erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau (eA)), if available.
  • For A* equivalent, a grade of 14 is required; for grade A equivalent, 13 is required.                                                               

For courses requiring AAA:

  • Abitur with an overall grade of 1.3.
  • Any subjects which are essential at A-level should be studied at higher level (e.g. Hauptfach, Leistungsfach, Leistungskurs, erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau (eA)), if available, and achieved with at least a mark of 13.  


Not acceptedWest African Senior School Certificate Examination
Not acceptedGhana HND





For courses requiring A*A*A:

  • Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio with an overall grade of 19 or above, plus Panhellenic exams with at least three subjects at 19 or above; these must include any subjects required by the course you are applying to.


  • Two A-Levels with grades at A*A*
  • Applicants for science courses should have taken the science stream for their Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio and Panhellenic examinations, and any required subjects should also have been taken at A-Level. 

 For courses requiring A*AA:

  • Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio with an overall grade of 19 or above, plus Panhellenic exams with at least three subjects at 18 or above; these must include any subjects required by the course you are applying to.


  • Two A-Levels with grades at A*A
  • Applicants for science courses should have taken the science stream for their Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio and Panhellenic examinations, and any required subjects should also have been taken at A-Level.                                                        

For courses requiring AAA:

  • Apolytirion Geniko Lykeio with an overall grade of 18 or above, plus Panhellenic exams with at least three subjects at 18 or above; these must include any subjects required by the course you are applying to.


  • Two A-Levels with grades at AA, which must include any subjects required by the course you are applying to. 


Not acceptedBachillerato



Not acceptedBachillerato

Hong Kong   




HKDSE, with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A:
Chemistry and Engineering:
• Grade 5 in Core Maths and Core English
• Grades 5*5*5 in three electives from Category A (or grade A in any electives taken from Category C), with grade 5* in subjects required for the course you are applying for.
• Students taking a Maths extension paper may count it as one of their electives.

Maths/Maths and Statistics/Maths and Philosophy:
• Grade 5 in Core Maths and Core English
• Grade 5* in one Maths extension paper and grades 5*5 in two other electives from category A (or grade A in any electives taken from Category C)

For courses requiring A*AA:
• Grade 5 in Core Maths and Core English
• Grades 5*55 in three electives from Category A (or grade A in any electives taken from Category C), including any subjects required for the course you are applying to.
• Students taking a Maths extension paper may count it as one of their electives.
• Students should check the relevant course page for specific subject and grade requirements: if A* is required, students will need to achieve 5* in that subject.

For courses requiring AAA:
• Grade 4 in Core Maths and grade 5 in Core English
• Grades 5 or A in three electives from Category A or C, including any subjects required for the course you are applying to.
• Students taking a Maths extension paper may count it as one of their electives.

AcceptedAssociate degrees from Hong Kong, with a result of 3.8 or better






You need to take five subjects and achieve a score of five in at least four subjects. Where there is a required subject for the degree course you would be expected to take the Higher (emelt szintu) examination in this subject.




AcceptedStúdentspróf (from Gymnasium) with an average of 8.5 overall, and 9 in any subject or subjects required by your chosen course. 





Year XII qualification, studied with either the CBSE (All-India SSC) or CISCE (ISC) boards, with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A:

For the CBSE board, we are aware that students will not know their grades at the point when they are applying.

• For CBSE board: Grades A1 A1 A1 A1 A2, with grade A1 in any subjects relevant to the course applied for.
• For CISCE board: Overall grade of at least 90%, with 95% or above in four subjects (including any relevant to the course applied for) and 85% or above in the fifth subject. 

For courses requiring A*AA:

For the CBSE board, we are aware that students will not know their grades at the point when they are applying. 

• For CBSE board: Grades A1 A1 A1 A2 A2, with grade A1 in any subjects relevant to the course applied for. 
• For CISCE board: Overall grade of 90% or more, with grades of at least 95% or above in three subjects (including any relevant to the course applied for) and 85% or above in the other two subjects.

For courses requiring AAA:

For the CBSE board, we are aware that students will not know their grades at the point when they are applying. 

• For CBSE board: Grades A1 A1 A2 A2 A2, with grade A1 in any subjects relevant to the course applied for.
• For CISCE board: Overall grade of 90% or more, with grades of at least 95% or above in two subjects (including any relevant to the course applied for) and 85% or above in the other three subjects. 

Not acceptedState board examinations
NIOS Year XII qualification
NEET and JEE entrance exams


Not acceptedIjazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas / Madrasah Aliyah (MSA/MA)


Not acceptedHigh School Diploma


Not acceptedIraqi Certificate of Preparatory Education / Sixth Form Baccalauréat





Irish Leaving Certificate:

  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of AAA: H2H2H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*AA: H1H1H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
  • For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*A*A: H1H1H1H1H2H2 at Higher level.


AcceptedBagrut with 90%, with at least three subjects at level 5


AcceptedDiploma Di Esame Di Stato with an overall score of 95% and may also require particular grades in specific subjects



AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I


Not acceptedKotogakko Sotsugyo Shomeisho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)


Not acceptedTawjihi (General Secondary Education Certificate)



Not acceptedAttestat/Svidetel' stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)


Not acceptedKenya Certificate of Secondary Education


AcceptedMaturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5.


Not acceptedShahadat-al-thanawia-al-a'ama (General Secondary School Certificate)


Not acceptedCertificate of Completed Secondary Education



Not acceptedAtestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību


Not acceptedBaccalauréat General


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not acceptedLibyan Secondary Education Certificate


AcceptedMatura, with scores of 6 in the majority of subjects


AcceptedBrandos Atestatas with an overall average of 9, with scores of 9 in the majority of 6 subjects taken, at least 3 of which must be assessed by state-level examinations from a Gymnasium or Secondary School.


AcceptedA pass in the Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires with an overall score of 50 out of 60.



Not acceptedMalawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) 





Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (Malaysian Higher School Certificate) with AAA

Not acceptedSijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM/Certificate of Education) 
Not acceptedUnified Examination Certificate (UEC)


AcceptedFor A-levels administered by Edexcel, see A-level offers.
Not acceptedHigher Secondary School Certificate


AcceptedAdvanced Matriculation with A grades in the A-level subjects taken


AcceptedFor A-levels/HSC administered by Cambridge Assessment International Examinations, see A-Level offers.


Not acceptedBachillerato General


Not acceptedDiplomă de Bacalaureat





For courses requiring A*A*A:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 16.5. Students taking the Option Internationale du Baccalauréat should achieve an overall score of at least 15. In both cases, any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with at least 15 if a Grade A is required, and at least 16 if Grade A* is required.

For courses requiring A*AA:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 16. Students taking the Option Internationale du Baccalauréat should achieve an overall score of at least 14. In both cases, any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with at least 15 if a Grade A is required, and at least 16 if Grade A* is required.

For courses requiring AAA:
Diplôme du Baccalauréat General with an overall score of at least 15. Students taking the Option Internationale du Baccalauréat should achieve an overall score of at least 14. In both cases, any subjects required by the course you are applying for should be chosen as specialised subjects, achieved with at least 15 if a Grade A is required.


AcceptedMaturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5.


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not acceptedMoroccan Baccalauréat


Not acceptedCertificado de Habilitações Literarias (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications



Not acceptedNamibia Senior Secondary Certificate


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications

The Netherlands




For courses requiring A*A*A:

Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with an overall grade of 8.0 or more with a grade 9 in at least one subject, and a grade 8 or above in all of the specialised subjects (both compulsory and optional) for your subject stream.

  • Applicants for all courses should ensure that they have taken any individual subjects required or recommended by their course.
  • Applicants for the following science courses should have taken the Science and Technology stream: Chemistry, Engineering Science, Mathematics and Joint Schools.

For courses requiring A*AA:

Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with an overall grade of 8 or more with a grade 8 or above in all of the specialised subjects (both compulsory and optional) for your subject stream.

  • Applicants for all courses should ensure that they have taken any individual subjects required or recommended by their course.
  • Applicants for the following science courses should have taken the Science and Technology stream: Computer Science, Materials Science, Physics.
  • Applicants for Biology should take the Science and Health stream.
  • For all other science courses, candidates should take either the Science and Technology or Science and Health stream.

For courses requiring AAA:

Diploma Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with an overall grade of 8 or more including grade 8 in any subjects required by the course you are applying to.

New Zealand

AcceptedUniversity Entrance Certificate with National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) at Level 3 endorsed with Excellence. 
Considered on a case by case basisNew Zealand Certificate of Steiner Education (NZCSE). You are encouraged to include a link to your qualification in your application and outline how it has prepared you for study at Oxford.


Not acceptedWest African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
Not acceptedSenior School Certificate Education (SSCE)

North Macedonia

AcceptedMaturski ispit / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (Secondary School Leaving Diploma) with an overall score of 5





Vitnemål fra den Videregående opplæring with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A at A-Level:

Average of 5.2 for Common Core subjects (excluding PE), including 6.0 in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Common Core subjects)
6.0 in two Specialised Programme subjects
Students should ensure they have taken the Natural Sciences and Mathematics specialised programme.

For courses requiring A*AA at A-Level:

Average of 5.2 for Common Core subjects (excluding PE), including 6.0 in at least one subject. This should be Mathematics (Common Core) if that subject is required for the course you are applying for
5.0 and 6.0 in two Specialised Programme subjects
Students applying for courses in the MPLS division should ensure they have taken the Natural Sciences and Mathematics specialised programme.

For courses requiring AAA:

Average of 5.0 for Common Core subjects (excluding PE)
5.0 in two Specialised Programme subjects
It is recommended that students take the Languages, Social Sciences and Economics specialised programme.




Not acceptedThanawiya Amma (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)



Not acceptedHigher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSC)


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications

Papua New Guinea

Not acceptedHigher School Certificate from Papua New Guinea


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Not acceptedCertificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


AcceptedPolish Matura with an overall average of 80% and:
i) For courses requiring AAA at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level with scores in the eighth stanine or higher;
ii) For courses requiring A*AA at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level, with scores in the ninth stanine in one subject, and in the eighth stanine or above in the other two subjects;
iii) For courses requiring A*A*A at A-level, three relevant subjects at extended level, with scores in the ninth stanine in two subjects, and in the eight stanine or higher in the third.


AcceptedDiploma de Ensino Secundário/Certificado with a score of 18 out of 20



Not acceptedThanawaya Aa'ma Qatari (Qatar General Secondary Education Certificate)



AcceptedDiploma De Bacalaureat with an overall grade of 9 and:
i) For courses requiring AAA at A-level, two relevant subjects (specified by the course) at grade 9;
ii) For courses requiring A*AA at A-level, one relevant subject (specified by the course) at grade 9.5;
iii) For courses requiring A*A*A at A-level, two relevant subjects (specified by the course) at grade 9.5 and a further subject at grade 9.

Russian Federation

Not acceptedAttestat o Srednam Obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)


Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications


Saudi Arabia

Not acceptedTawjihiyah (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC)


Not acceptedBaccalauréat Technique


AcceptedMatura/Secondary School Leaving Diploma, with a score of 5 in the majority of subjects

Sierra Leone

Not acceptedSchool leaving qualifications



Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Levels

For all courses: 

  • Three Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Levels at H2, with grades AAA, including any subjects required by the course you are applying for. From the 2027-entry admissions cycle, applicants will no longer be able to use Knowledge and Inquiry to meet the conditions of their offer.

Where applicants have undertaken H3 courses, these will not be a condition of any offer and cannot be used to fulfil offer conditions. However, the University recognises that H3 courses will provide candidates with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for study at Oxford. Candidates are encouraged to draw upon relevant H3 experience when writing their personal statement.


National University of Singapore (NUS) High School Diploma in Maths and Science

For courses with an offer of A*A*A:

  • Graduation GPA of 4.5. 4.7 required where courses require A* in particular subjects, 4.1 if grade A required.

For courses with an offer of A*AA:

  • Graduation GPA of 4.3. 4.7 required where courses require A* in particular subjects, 4.1 if grade A required.

For courses with an offer of AAA:

  • Graduation GPA of 4.1, including 4.1 in any subject required by the course you are applying for.
Accepted (case-by-case)
Singapore Polytechnic Diploma

The Singapore Polytechnic Diploma may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Students planning to apply to Oxford with this qualification are advised to contact the relevant department or faculty for further information. 


AcceptedSlovakian Maturitńa Skúška/Maturita with v'yborn'y (excellent) in the majority of subjects.


AcceptedMatura with scores of 5 in the majority of subjects.

South Africa

Not acceptedSouth African Senior Certificate (with Matriculation endorsement) and IEB curriculum

South Korea

Not acceptedIlbankye Kodung Hakkyo (General High School Diploma)





Título de Bachiller, with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A:

  • Overall attainment of 9.0, including 10,10,9 in at least three subjects, including any subjects required for the course you are applying for.
  • Applicants for science courses should have taken the sciences stream, and ensure that they have taken any individual subjects required by their course.

For courses requiring A*AA:

  • Overall attainment of 9.0, including 10,9,9 in at least three subjects, including any subjects required for the course you are applying for.
  • Applicants for science courses should have taken the sciences stream, and ensure that they have taken any individual subjects required by their course.

For courses requiring AAA:

  • Overall attainment of 9.0, including 9.0 in at least two subjects, including any subjects required for the course you are applying for.

Sri Lanka

AcceptedSri Lanka Advanced Level with AAA


Not acceptedSudan School Certificate (SSC)





Gymnasieexamen / Högskoleförberedande examen (Higher education preparatory diploma), with the following grades:

For courses requiring A*A*A at A-Level:

2500 points with overall average score of 19.25 or above on either the Natural Science or Technology Programme, with grade A (20.00) in the following:

  • Gymnasiegemensamma ämnen: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Programgemensamma ämnen: Mathematics 4, plus at least two of the following:
    • Chemistry 2 (compulsory if applying for Chemistry)
    • Physics 2 (compulsory if applying for Engineering),
    • Biology 2

Additional points awarded to students taking Mathematics and/or Modern Languages will not count towards meeting your offer.

For courses requiring A*AA at A-Level:

2500 points with overall average score of 19.00 or above on a Programme related to your choice of course at Oxford, with Grade A (20.00) in the following:

  • Gymnasiegemensamma ämnen: Mathematics
  • Programgemensamma ämnen: Mathematics 4, plus at least two of the following if applying for a science course:
    • Biology 2 (compulsory if applying for Biology)
    • Chemistry 2 (compulsory if applying for Biochemistry and Medicine)
    • Physics 2 (compulsory if applying for Materials Science)
  • If applying for Earth Sciences, you should achieve Grade A in either Chemistry 2 or Physics 3
  • If applying for Economics and Management you should achieve Grade A in Mathematics 4 plus two other courses at the highest level available in your study programme

Additional points awarded to students taking Mathematics and/or Modern Languages will not count towards meeting your offer.

For courses requiring AAA:

2500 points with overall score of 18.00 or above on a Programme related to your choice of course at Oxford, with Grade A (20.00) in the following:

  • Three or more gymnasiegemensamma ämnen (related to the course you are applying to, and in the highest available level)
  • Two programgemensamma ämnen either from the study programme you are taking or as an optional subject, at the highest level available, including any subjects required by the course you are applying to. 

Additional points awarded to students taking Mathematics and/or Modern Languages will not count towards meeting your offer.

Applicants are reminded to include all grades in your application, including both original and retake grades if applicable. While the University will consider applications with retake grades, any such application is likely to be less competitive than those without retakes. If there were extenuating circumstances in relation to any retakes these should be explained in your UCAS statement. 

Not acceptedQualifications awarded by the Folk High Schools (Folkhögskolor)





One of the following federally-recognised Matura certificates:

  • Schweizerische Eidgenössenschaft
  • Confédération Suisse
  • Confederazione Svizzera (Swiss Confederation)
  • Eidgenössisch anerkanntes kantonales Maturitätszeugnis
  • Certificat de maturité cantonal reconnu par la Confederation
  • Attestato di maturità cantonale riconosciuto dalla Confederazione 

With the following grades, depending on the course applied for:

For courses requiring A*A*A:

  • Overall average of 5.3, with grade 5.25 in both specialised and complementary subjects, which should be subjects required by, or related to, the course you are applying for (please check the requirements tab on your course page).

For courses requiring A*AA:

  • Overall average of 5.2, with grade 5 or above in both specialised and complementary subjects, which should be subjects required by, or related to, the course you are applying for (please see the requirements tab on your course page).                                                                  

For courses requiring AAA:

  • Overall average of 5.1, with grade 5 in both specialised and complementary subjects, which should be subjects required by, or related to, the course you are applying for (please check the requirements tab on your course page).                                                       
Not accepted

Fachmaturität/Maturité spécalisée/Attesto di maturità specializzata, with or without the Passerelle


Not acceptedAl Shahada Al Thanawiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)



Not acceptedSenior High School Leaving Certificate 
Not acceptedSenior High School Diploma


Review pendingAdvanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)


Not acceptedMathayom Suksa 6 (M6)

Trinidad and Tobago

AcceptedCaribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) with three subjects at the two-unit level, all at grade I 


AcceptedBaccalauréat with 16 out of 20.


Not acceptedAll school leaving certificates including  Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma) and Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Diploma)



Not acceptedTawjihiyya (General Secondary Education Certificate/GSEC)


AcceptedUganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with AAA


Not acceptedSvidotstvo pro zdobuttya povnoyi zahalnoyi serednoyi osvity (since 2019) 
Not acceptedAtestat pro povnu zagal'nu serednyu osvitu (before 2019)


Not acceptedTitulo de Bachillerato Diversificado





For courses requiring A*A*A:

Either Four APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to)


Three APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to) plus a score of 33 or above in the ACT or 1480 or above (out of 1600) in the SAT. We do not require the optional essay for either the ACT or the SAT.

Please note that Calculus AB and Calculus BC cannot be counted as two separate subjects for the purposes of meeting your offer, whether taken as separate tests or by receiving the AB sub-score when taking Calculus BC. 

If you are applying for a course that requires Mathematics you should take Calculus BC if you are able to do so. However, courses will accept Calculus AB if you are unable to take Calculus BC.

The following combinations of Physics courses can be counted as two separate qualifications for the purposes of meeting your offer:

  •  Physics C: Mechanics, and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 1 and Physics 2
  •  Physics 1 and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 2 and Physics C: Mechanics

If you are taking both Physics C courses, or both Physics 1 and Physics 2, you will not be able to count any additional Physics courses towards your offer requirements. In addition, only the specified combinations of Physics 1/2 and Physics C are permitted.

For courses requiring A*AA:

Either Four APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to)


Three APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to) plus a score of 32 or above in the ACT or 1470 or above (out of 1600) in the SAT. We do not require the optional essay for either the ACT or the SAT.

Please note that Calculus AB and Calculus BC cannot be counted as two separate subjects for the purposes of meeting your offer, whether taken as separate tests or by receiving the AB sub-score when taking Calculus BC. 

If you are applying for a course that requires Mathematics you should take Calculus BC if you are able to do so. However, courses will accept Calculus AB if you are unable to take Calculus BC.

The following combinations of Physics courses can be counted as two separate qualifications for the purposes of meeting your offer:

  •  Physics C: Mechanics, and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 1 and Physics 2
  •  Physics 1 and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 2 and Physics C: Mechanics

If you are taking both Physics C courses, or both Physics 1 and Physics 2, you will not be able to count any additional Physics courses towards your offer requirements. In addition, only the specified combinations of Physics 1/2 and Physics C are permitted.

For courses requiring AAA:

Either Four APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to)


Three APs at grade 5 (including any subjects required for the course you are applying to) plus a score of 31 or above in the ACT or 1460 or above (out of 1600) in the SAT. We do not require the optional essay for either the ACT or the SAT.

Please note that Calculus AB and Calculus BC cannot be counted as two separate subjects for the purposes of meeting your offer, whether taken as separate tests or by receiving the AB sub-score when taking Calculus BC. 

If you are applying for a course that requires Mathematics you should take Calculus BC if you are able to do so. However, courses will accept Calculus AB if you are unable to take Calculus BC.

The following combinations of Physics courses can be counted as two separate qualifications for the purposes of meeting your offer:

  •  Physics C: Mechanics, and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 1 and Physics 2
  •  Physics 1 and Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  •  Physics 2 and Physics C: Mechanics

If you are taking both Physics C courses, or both Physics 1 and Physics 2, you will not be able to count any additional Physics courses towards your offer requirements. In addition, only the specified combinations of Physics 1/2 and Physics C are permitted.


Please note that to meet the requirements of an offer to the University, your SAT Total Score for the SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing, and SAT Math sections must be from the same session; we will not consider scores from multiple sessions ('superscoring').  This also applies to scores for the ACT, so we will only consider the ‘Highest Full Battery’ score, and not the ACT Superscore.

Candidates are asked to enter all their scores for any tests taken when they complete their UCAS application, showing the relevant dates for each. This gives tutors a complete picture of a candidate's academic record, rather than just the ‘superscore’ of best results for the different sections of any test taken on multiple occasions.

Candidates are also asked to include any pending test scores on the UCAS application: that is, details of any test they intend to take up until the end of Senior Year. Again, this is to give tutors a complete picture of the candidates’ academic record, including studies which are still in progress.

AP Capstone Programme

Where applicants have undertaken the additional AP qualifications making up the AP Capstone Diploma (AP Seminar and AP Research) these will not be a condition of any offer. However, the University recognises that they may provide an applicant with the opportunity to develop research and academic skills relevant for higher education. Where relevant, candidates may draw upon relevant subject understanding and interest explored via the AP Capstone Diploma when writing their personal statement. 

Score cancellation/withdrawal

We are aware that students taking APs can apply to College Board to have their scores cancelled or withdrawn. However, it is a requirement of the UCAS application process for students to declare all results, including any that have been cancelled or withdrawn, so that tutors are able to consider students' full educational profile. Failure to declare all qualifications could result in Oxford withdrawing any offer made to you. 

Not accepted

Associate degrees
College Level Examination Programs (CLEPs)
GED (General Education Development)
Dual enrolment



Not acceptedAttestat o srednem obrazovanii (Certificate of Secondary Education)



Not acceptedTitulo de Bachiller


Not acceptedTot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc (Upper Secondary School Graduation Certificate) 



Not acceptedAl Thanawiya (General Secondary Education Certificate)



Not acceptedZambia School Certificate


Review pendingZimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level 
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