A view of the Radcliffe Camera through a window
The Radcliffe Camera
(Image credit: Nik Mastroddi)

Ineligible applications

Applications to graduate courses will not be accepted from applicants in the following situations. Where such an applicant does submit an application, the application will be withdrawn and any application fee paid will be refunded.

Misleading applications or omitted information

As part of the application form declaration, applicants are asked to confirm that the information in their application, including both the form and supporting documents, is true, accurate, current and complete. Where, having investigated and having considered the applicant’s reasons for the issues identified, the University concludes that an applicant has breached these terms, the relevant decision maker can decide that: (a) all of the applicant’s applications for the current cycle should be withdrawn, and/or (b) that the applicant should be prohibited from submitting further applications for a set period.

Where the University reasonably suspects that information in an application is untrue, it may use external agencies for verification as noted in our Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy. Please also refer to the University’s policy on plagiarism.

Code of Discipline breaches

Offer holders and students of the University are required to comply with the Code of Discipline set out in Statute XI. Alleged breaches of the Code of Discipline are investigated by the Proctors and determined by the Student Disciplinary Panel. If a student or offer holder withdraws from the University pending the outcome of a disciplinary procedure, current applications for graduate study may be withdrawn and they may be required to notify the Proctors’ Office or Student Disciplinary Panel before applying in future. Further, if a finding is made that a student or offer holder has breached the Code of Discipline, possible sanctions that may be imposed include any current applications for graduate study being withdrawn and a temporary or permanent ban from applying to Oxford.

Suspended students for non-payment of fees

To avoid departments assessing applications from candidates who would be unable to take up a place, students currently suspended from a course at Oxford for non-payment of fees are not permitted to make new applications until they have either resolved these financial issues or have withdrawn from their current enrolment and paid any outstanding sums owing to their college and/or the University. Similarly, former students who have debts owing to the University and/or College are not permitted to make new applications until those debts have been settled.

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