Two doorways with plants growing up the walls
Beaumont Buildings
(Image credit: Liam Peck / Graduate Photography Competition)

Visiting and Recognised Student form guidance


These instructions are provided to help you complete the data entry form for visiting students or the application form for recognised students and to explain the purpose of the questions.

The information below is intended only for those applying for Visiting Student status or Recognised Student status. If you are applying to be postgraduate student, please refer to the Application Guide.

It is important that you read these instructions before completing the form. Please type your answers in the fields provided.

The information collected will form the basis of your student record in the University’s student system and will be held for the purposes of student administration in accordance with the University’s Postgraduate Applicant Privacy Policy or the University’s Undergraduate Applicant Privacy Policy as appropriate and subject to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

We are obliged by law to make annual returns to the Higher Education Statistics Agency for each student and the information will be used for that purpose also. HESA regulations state that they will only use the data for statistical purposes and will not identify any individual to any third party.